I need some advice and tips on gaining better gear

Im a 434 Warlock atm. It has been really slow on getting better gear, goal would be 450il and than 470.

So basically starting a mythic +0 dungeon is really slow and than to getting the first key and after that having the luck of getting a key not to the same dungeon.
I cant do raids because nobody joins, i cant join raids because nobody accepts 434il demologylock,
So its like, what to do to get more gear so you could be more useful and acceptable.

This could be my fault but wow in later expansions isnt too clear on getting better armor or weapons, yes there are drops or quests but most of them are low il.
heck, my weapon is 415il.

Is there something that i missed in the start of shadowlands?
i did get the [Ashjra’kamas, Shroud of Resolve] cape but is there more.

Easiest but the slowest way is through conquest cap and getting that 440 gear from pvp for the first cycle and then 460 the second cycle.

But it is slow since arenas participation is in decline due to having hard time to find constant teammates that play with you unless you have a friend that play with you.

So your only option is to farm random bgs, epic bgs and arena skirmish. Do the brawl when up and invasions too. There are many way to get conquest points.

The current problem is not the ilvl but finding the right azerite trait, the right stats and the right corruption, so things are kinda messy if you are willing to do the whole min/maxing thing because there is a huge difference between a player that has 470 ilvl and a player that has 470 ilvl with the right trait, corruption and stats.

i thought that getting decent enough gear would be simple but corruptions, trains, stats and multiple game modes.
This just leaves me wondering, how did the design team end up into this?

Wow is a social game at heart. Join communities. I’m in one where its not that hard to get a run together for a mythic so people can start the gearing journey.

Hell, we helped a friend out last night in a 16 and he had 56k (yes, 56k) health. I’m not saying thats the norm or even sensible but if you’re just clicking the group finder and hoping, then you’re doing it wronf.


well, there isnt a fast way to gear up per sé. it will still take you 1-3 weeks depending on how much time you spend in game.

how i usually do it is:

  • gear from wq caches
  • and once i got enough equip for m+0/2 i spam those

if you want gear you have to play the game. there is no one click button to receive higher gear to catch up.

just keep creating your own groups for m+ until you have a higher score and item level to get into higher keys. if you have trouble with that, like many said before, join a community or a guild, its easier this way for a dps.

if you want i got some free time right now i d be up for some dungeons.

Easy gearing means you play less, which is detrimental to their game design.
If you’re not paying lots of money and playing everyday they’re not happy.

Aww thats nice :heart:

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i think time is not the problem mostly.
wow is subscription based game, what that means is that, the longer you play, the more you need to pay. so if i need to spend time and sweat in dungeons while paying 12€ per month just to do that, that is just slavery with extra steps.
I dont even have good way to farm gold yet to pay for free subscriptions.

If somebody said “Hey in assassin greed, if you want good gear, you need to work for it”
in wow its like “if you want to have good gear, spend 12€ a month, find nice enough guild and active one at that for gear grinding, find the perfect set of armor and weaponry of level 470il and than you may enjoy the game as it was meant to be”
also pay for expansions.

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I recommend finding a community or guild to do stuff with. Add the people you enjoy playing with to your friendslist.

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i think that is great idea because the only friend i play with is playing horde 9 out 10 of the time.
I solo most of the time and locked between grinding either mounts or rng gear.
The only enjoyment i am looking for is mostly getting ganked by horde members 24/7 and getting shadowlocked and stunned whenever it comes to pvp.

If i have the luck on finding a good guild, i will do that.
I am already in a nice guild but its semi-active, basically events are whenever.

That’s a great idea! Check out the guild recruitment page over on https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/recruitment/54 . It can’t be stressed enough that being nice, patient, and polite in the mythic groups will generate connections that can flourish into friendships.

While it does take a little effort to stay connected with these new people till a rapport is built and you start to do things together regularly, increasing your social circle is an excellent way to find like-minded folks to run with. You might even have real life friends who play that you didn’t even know about! Try announcing on your social media that you’re looking for buddies to roll with :smiley: Maybe you’ll even find some folks you know who don’t play WoW (or game in general) who’re looking scratch that social itch. Be pro-active. It’s good to reach out!


Upgrade your cloak to lvl 15 and do some masked runs, also there is always loot at the end of a M+ key runs no matter how many times you have done that dungeon.

Recently we had a topic that took a very different approach to a similar question, there is plenty of information available within this thread (with a touch of dramatics too!)

Also I third finding a community or guild and reaching out to befriend friendly like minded players, this will make things far smoother and technically friends in numbers are stronger than ilvl!

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Communities and guilds is where it’s at. It is rather sad - for all their attempts to make guilds irrelevant, Blizz has designed the game in such a way where being in a GOOD guild is literally the solution to all problems. But where in Classic you’re just finished without a guild, in Retail the need for a guild is much less obvious… but it is there and it is great. Be in a guild that organizes mythic runs, that has an active chat and community.

I haven’t TOUCHED dungeons/raids and I got my both mains to 450+ in a month after 8.3 release.

the design is very simple - it rewards people who play whole patch not just come in end expect to be geared in a week.

best proof are my +/-456 alts which have never even touched pvp , raiding or mythic +

its not blizzards fault people dont want to join guilds.

its guilds fault people avoid guilds

to many loot hungry corrupted officers over the years screwed over people in guild - thats why so many people activly avoid guilds

I don’t think so. There’s plenty of good guilds, but the game, especially with the dungeon finder, gives people this idea that they’ll be fine without a guild. You CAN technically get dungeons and raids without a guild, so why bother with being in one? Then this also makes guilds lazier, with their own founders treating it as a chat, not organizing activities or anything like that.

But all of that is a lie. If people want a smooth experience in WoW, they need to throw all of that out the window and realize you absolutely NEED a good, active guild, with organized dungeon runs, and set raid times.

I was thinking like “imma just open up the raid finder and find a quick raid in the raid/dungeon finder and beat znoth for quest” but people come and go from que rapidly and even if you find a match, nobody listens and everybody just keep dying and tanks leave.