1500(900) mmr healers İN 2K MMR. DELETE YOUR MMR SYSTEM PLS!

Like I said the last time: If I proved to you that I have the worthless “Legend” title would you agree it’s your fault for not being able to climb, or would you just find another reason to dismiss what I say? I am guessing the latter.

If it means nothing why have you tryharded 500 games for it, clown? All sweaty in some basement, eyes bulging like a frog staring at the screen :eye::frog::eye:, but it means nothing, just pve :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Tryharded 500 games for it? Not like it just “popped” 200 games ago? Not like playing ss for fun? Not living in basement, its called house (unlike you, i don’t live in my mom’s apartment). Most games are pure pve games, have to be hard to understand it, cause you always play like pve bot, no matter bracket.

:thinking::thinking::thinking: nothing of what you say makes logical sense. So you say you play pve in shuffle and then say I play like a pve bot, which would mean the right way to play?

play fury and free of roots on your own,
arms is to problematic now in solo

I was 2250 and a 0cr druid healer was in my team and he instantly said “haha first time doing shuffle AND my spell bar just reset…”

whats up with all these 1,2k melee and their inflated egos due to SS? 1,5k healers in a 2k melee lobby is equal skill level

HAHAHAHAHAHA baby go away. DPS is 10 times more than healers and not vice versa. 1500 healers that don’t dispel root are equal to 2k dps that kill them in 30 seconds at the start of the fight??? Go to lich king and have fun baby. Looks like you are the same 1400 healer who ended up in 2000.

short update, he moved down to 1.8

this is, why rss with same rewards as 2v2/3v3 was a mistake.

its because they are fotm rerollers, they saw “oh arms buff, ret nerfe, i have to reroll now, for free rating”!


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