15th Anniversary - Korrak's Revenge - "Join as a group failed"

How is this still not fixed?


I don’t suppose there is any update on this?

still doesnt work for me as horde

Doesn’t work for me either (horde) since yesterday. What a joke.

crap aint working for me neither - 1 year later


Cant be seriously real :smiley: Same issue last year, and they are still “investigating” this? :smiley:


One day still cant join. How Blizz dont time fix it? Ago blue posted said go fix it.

Horde queue does not work. But alliance character works on my chars.

Is reason horde was much players than alliance?

Doesn’t work for me either, horde/alliance even in other realms.

All xpacs. Active sub. Doesn’t work on any character.

Multi dollar company

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Can we get a new ETA? Still not working on any alt for me…

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Why is this still not fixed? , i mean such a big compagny and you guys still cant fix a bugg from a year ago? this must be a joke right?

They DID fix it. But for some reason this year the bug returned. They need to work out why it returned, and how to fix it.

They don’t have a big button marked “Fix all bugs”.

All of my characters have this issue too. :frowning:

Can join on Alliance, can’t join on Horde here.

Still broken

More crap from devs, my ticket about this problem was marked as resolved and it is not resolved as everyone can see… Now there’s no ETA, tomorrow it will be fixed (but not really, just in the blue post).

This is the Blizzard quality we are used to!


Broken again > FIX FFS

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