1h que 7 min game

Ofcourse as you always find a reason to stir drama it doesn’t matter what I write.
Back to my flowers, enjoy your coffee.

I mean I am okey with Que time it doesnt bother me at all! but getting 40 ally premade that tilting me alot tbh…

Best thing to do during q is lvl alliance alt on second char lmfao with these queues shouldnt take more than 2 weeks to hit 60

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or ally can stop go premade in av :slight_smile:

1.12 AV = lieutenant honor increase = worth to just kill these and rush boss for maximum honor = PVE version of AV. This would not have been the case if we had pre-nerfed AV :slight_smile:

Blizzard f*cked up. We all knew it was coming.

Bring back nost.

Nice. I enjoy PvPers suffering, regardless of whether they’re alliance of horde.

Pro tip: do not participate in vanilla’s retarded pvp system. It’s not worth your time.


I dont care about your q times and matches, the only thing i care about is to complete the matches as fast as possible. If you dont like it reroll or quit.

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Just another clueless horde whining post nothing to see here

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member when people were warning others that past classic launch game would be a ghosttown and very unfun to play

i member.

J.Allan Brack warned you too

you chose not to listen

thats your own problem .

Its not a ghosttown… queues have nothing to do with how many people are playing

So naive …

He was not warning me, he tried read my mind and he failed. Classic is more enjoyable than retail atm.

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Spam your wotf button while waiting.

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Horde tears

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I dont know what server are you playing on, but i dont see gosthtowns… and i m on pve server where horde is less populated… maybe you re on wrong forums

Hey look, a lvl 120 avatar that has no clue what he’s talking about. This is something I’ve NEVER seen before on these forums. /s

Lasting this long on retail must’ve done some serious brain damage for you to come to such an idiotic conclusion.

You don’t have to, we all know Horde has an unfair advantage in AV. It’s just part of the obvious Horde bias that Blizzard had back then.

If you weren’t so insecure you could’ve rolled an Alliance Warlock and enjoyed the instant queues like the rest of us. It’s not like you weren’t warned, unless you were living under a rock before the release of classic. But the fact that you rolled Undead Warlock is telling enough. I would respect Orc Warlock, that race/class combination has some clear advantages and Orc is undeniably the best race to roll a Warlock with. It also fits in nicely with the lore.

Now Undead Warlocks? They’ll tell you they chose the race for the casting animation, to RP, because they like how it looks. They didn’t. Undead Warlocks rolled Undead for one reason. WoTF. They couldn’t imagine playing Warlock without it, much less as the opposite faction that has to deal with WoTF in 75% of PvP encounters.

In the end, this makes them worse Warlocks. They may win fights against Alliance locks every now and then, but watch them panic when they get silenced by a felhunter, suddenly unable to cast their fear. They fall apart and spam the Voidwalker sacrifice button when they see some damage coming in, but that Voidwalker has already been banished by the superior Lock! At this point, they mostly give up. They might do a desperate Death Coil, but that one just get’s absorbed by the better Lock’s Shadow Ward.

Of course there are good Undead Lock players out there, but never the best. At some point people realize it isn’t worth gimping themselves in 90% of encounters just to have an absolutely unfair advantage in the remaining 10%. Once players realize this, they reroll Orc Warlock and enjoy the permanent stun resist more than some racial on a cooldown.

No I don’t want to say where the Undead Warlock touched me!


I’m so tired of these ignorant posts.

Firstly. Hordes don’t compete with Alliance players for ranks. Even if Horde players get 1/10th of the honor Alliance players get, the ranking remains the same.
Secondly. You wouldn’t last a day as an alliance player if you’re crying about something as basic as this. It takes actual hours to corpse waddle to whatever instance you want to go to because A) Horde is over populated and B) due to the overpopulation high-ranking Hordes must world-pvp (alliance players no longer have to).

You had a blast during wpvp I’m sure. These are the consequences. Reroll alliance or stop crying.

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Go level little gnome

No problem, just start working together on horde faction on your server and you won’t have to paly 20 hours a day :slight_smile:

#pvp hapen in a pvp world

horde tears uff
#remenber P2 30 vs 1