Good afternoon,
We are two guys (in our 30s) who have raided since vanilla and cleared just about all the content there is (PvE wise :P)
We are currently looking for a new home for next raid tier, as we want a fresh start with some lovely new gents/ladies.
We raided mythic this tier, but are looking for a hc guild, as we would like to put our focus else were this coming season - be it m+ (only done 20-21s this season) or other games.
We are a Ret pala (but can play most melee) and me that play just about anything, but prefer tank>healing>Rdps>melee dps
Server doesnt matter too much, but have most of our chars on Tarren Mill
Hey there, our guild is a heroic raiding guild and we are looking at expanding our team with the new season coming up. We also enjoy doing m+ keys mainly between 15 - 20’s at the moment.
Apart from the progress (and getting AotC) we like to have fun and enjoy the game along the way, as it is meant to be fun after all!
Would like to speak to you more about what we are able to offer to see if it would be a good fit for you guys. If you are interest in discussing further then I am discord: kobra157 or bnet kobra22599
We are a newly formed guild this season so have spent much of our time trying to grow and pushing M+ keys. With season 3 in the not too distant future we are beginning to put together a dedicated weekly raid team with AOTC in mind. If you’d like to talk to the team feel free to add me on discord and we can see if we’re right for you.
Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord
Punished is seeking new members for the upcoming tier (right now it’s all about leveling, breaks and “recharging” ). Our aim is AotC as well as some early mythic bosses down the line. BTW we are on Dentarg, which connected to Tarren Mill.
We do m+ on the evernings when we are not raiding and as well as over the weekend. Not really much set groups, just who ever is available and willing.
We could use a ret., haven’t had one in ages, although we are tad bit melee heavy, but have usually managed somehow. As well as DPS (OS tank) or healer/DPS (or DPS/healer). The last bit of DPS/healer and which will be MS or OS can be debated since most of our healers are rather versatile or have alts.
As for who we are - mature, on occasion take progression seriously, friendly, older players. We raid Thursday and Monday from 21 to 00 ST, with the philosophy of raid on which ever day you can as real life is more important.
If we are something you might be interested in, add me on discord and we can have a chat mari.s (guild has discord, but most of the time is is just used for raiding/m+ coms).