2 people here looking for an active social community to enjoy some m+ and heroic raiding.
One of us is a healer (druid/holy priest/shaman - would play mage if dps)
The other is a dps/tank (flexible)
We both really want to return to the game with a genuinely active social community that raids heroic once or twice a week. New guilds are fine if the Guild Master is taking it seriously.
I’ve noticed that a LOT of guilds are fairly inactive, is this due to a content drought or are there still active guilds out there?
We are both returning players and would have to level and gear up but the most important thing for us is to find a community with awesome people to enjoy the content with at our own pace.
We raid Sat/Sun 18:00 - 21:00 and Wednesday (19:00 onwards) for non-progression content which is optional. Feel free to ping me in game (all my characters are Calar-something) or on Discord (Calar#1401).
Outside of raiding we are moderately active most of the time and most evenings there are people online to run M+ with. We actively help people to gear if needed. The long term social elements are the most important part for us.
Hello there, i am GM of Narwhals and we are 1/10 mythic 10/10 heroic guild with active m+ groups, we have optional heroic raiding day when we take alts and some lower geared ppl to help them gear up. If you find this interesting you can add me on Bnet Blackjustice#21560. Cheers!