20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Quit making things up. I was online at the time, there was no warning in the maintenance window, no warning in the MotD and definitely no warnings in any of the world chats.
From my PoV everything was running absolutely smoothly, until the “purge event”. There was no warning, neither incidental, nor deliberate from any official source, unless you’re someone who constantly checks the WoW Forums, which nobody with a life does.


i didnt say warning of maintaince

I’ said the Servers were running TERRIBLY and it was VIsible to RUN TERRIBLY Before the DCs transfer aborted, is a Error, which occurs when ur characters lagging in some terms of zoning.

im saying

WHen u were lagging, Actions became Delayed, and People started screeching SERVER LAG repeatively, People likely should have HS’d and logged out, instead of waiting for the OBVIOUS Break to occur. Atleast in all zones i was in people in /1 and /2 were screeching about the sudden lags and having lag spikes. lol

blizzard said nothing, their server quality said everything. lol

well i can say now Many many players werent running smoothly, i most defintly wasnt lol. my Connection went Downhill Harshly.

and ofcourse offical sources didnt? ur aware they cant see a hour into the future prior to know if their systems going to buckle under the load? We all know stitches is HEAVILY Overpopulated, its gonna go whacky because it cant stabilise the masses lol. but blizzard can tell u exactly when its gonna buckle.

And that’s what we call “anecdotal evidence”.

Lol, no. its Just a simply reliesation of a Snowball going down hill picks up Weight. If Masses are complaining of lag spikes, the Servers beyond FUll Capacity And stability is noticably dropping. the likelyhood is “brace for a DC”.

i’d say its more 2 decades of dealing with Blizzard Initative to know whats going to occur if ur seeing Quality plummet.

as i said. not Justifiable, but saying somehow its warranted a fix more then a Player who DC’d and Died at another point is Simply untrue. if they Restore the characters Lost during this DC, the characters lost at EVERY DC should be revised. Its wrong to circumstance the situation if Both caused the identical result.

I leave one week for Blizzard to rez my hero.
If they don’t I will uninstall overwatch and wow (playing since day one for both).
And I will never give one euro to these b*stard (very polite seeing their mineral reaction) anymore.
I even bought the official OW Mercy statue, to tell you i’m super upset about this. Their editor video mention: We want to deliver a great experience with WOW hardcore. It was the case last weeks but not anymore since last Saturday 2023/09/23.


If you are smart Ana Resendez you should quickly leave this company before they break your reputation. I’m pretty sure you want to do something and they don’t let you.
"I’m a big proponent of making informed decisions by analyzing data to picture the complete scenario and prioritize accordingly. " Let’s see.

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72h still no apologies of any kind from Blizzard.

Just sayin.


Hundreds of replies, several posts, thousands of players dead. Possibly a lot of unsubs.

Not even a sorry


You played on a server, before you created your character it advised you that if you die to a disconnect, that counts.

Let’s fix your analogy. Me & you both went to a car salesman, he offers you a car. He tells you upfront the brakes are faulty, but he’ll give it to in addition to your existing car at no extra cost, so long as you sign the agreement stating that the dealership is not held liable for any injuries that occur from driving said car.

I say, no thanks - if you fix the car let me know, but I’m going to go drive this car that works. You say, hell yeah let me drive that car as my daily commute.

Said car then crashes and you’re crippled for life, and now cry that the salesman is responsible, despite driving the car with full knowledge that this could happen at anytime.

ok where did that happen?


At no point Blizzard said “Ok guys you can pick Nekrosh, server crash free, but we warn you that Stitches might have random crashes and wipe out hundreds of people. your choice guys.”
Ok Stitches had high pop but you expect Blizzard to have the means to provide servers to handle such population.


Nekrosh sucks too, my friend just died to lag minutes ago and he won’t go agane.

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Your first clue would be the disclaimer on character creation.

Change the disc bro.

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How much Blizz pay you? Just curious :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


My bad, I must’ve missed the part where it said “We will occasionally misconfigure the server infrastructure such that a quarter of all online players on a given realm will lose their character”
How embarrassing of me.


To be frank, the disclaimer mentions “server outage” which covers what you mentioned.

But just coming and saying “blah blah you should ve read T&C” is just being completely dumb.
I work as customer success team lead in a SaaS Software, and of course we have similar things in our general terms or sales, but of course when we have a downtime that causes trouble for customers, of course we do our best to find compensation. and even if not, at least, we apologise.
But no, it seems that silence is the way to deal with things for Blizzard.


3 days left before Blizzard does not exist to me anymore.


Server outage is kinda not the same as having online but lagging servers that cause you to die for days. Server outage wouldn’t have killed anyone, at worst case scenario you dc instantly.

No, but server lag is also covered by the mentioned reasons.