20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Same lag happened to a lot of people during Wednesday/Thursday/Friday as well, just that not everyone got it. So why would they only do it for Saturday? Because it was the biggest lag and most people that died at the same time? Of course if they do it between 10-11 Saturday they have to do it for the people that died before and after 11 from the same lag or gryphons that lagged out / teleported people out in the ocean.

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Trying to put this into a simple comparison to make sense of it:

Let’s say you buy a car. You accept that you may die if you crash. However, if the driver’s wheel and the brakes stop responding due to a production error, rules of society dictate that the manufacturer takes full responsibility and try and compensate for the damage that was dealt. Even worse, if they continue letting people drive the car they sold when they know there is an issue, then they are out of business.

So yea, this is on Activision Blizzard, it is their error and their responsibility to try and resolve.


I sympathize with everyone who lost their characters in such a ridiculous way.
I myself have already lost six characters during this time, but these were my mistakes, stupid actions and inability to think well, and my punishment was fair.

It’s a shame to simply lose a character because of a mistake by the developers. Very sad.

Well, you need some sort of challenge in HC. With no PVP and Petri flasks it isn’t likely you’re going to die to anything other than hyper spawns, disconnects or griefing.

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Yes you are right.
We need some sort of challenge in HC so let’s add randomly crashing the server 20 minutes every X weeks. Let’s see Blizzard justify this weekend’s failure like that.


So accurate :rofl:

Just DIED aswell lvl 40 warrior DC on FP and DEAD from fall damage… 5 levels from a LIP potion that could have saved me… I have 35DAYS played on my 60 unofficial HC hunter and never died… never had issues with server… This OFFICIAL experience is HORRIBLE lol… what a joke


They don’t need to justify it, you signed a waiver when you made a character.

Why didn’t you just play on Nekrosh? Your character would still be alive.

What kind of rationalization is that? When Nekrosh has a similar issue, which definitely will happen at some point. Maybe smaller in scale, but it will happen. Will you then say you should’ve played on Stitches? We pay for a service where you can choose a realm to play. You can expect from any realm to have a better stability than it is now.

I chose Stitches because both of the realms were marked as full and liked the name more. I created a character that still has not died and thus I will of course play on Stitches till he is dead. Don’t blame the player for something they have no influence over.


Imagine a car company that has a client who gets crippled for life because of brakes failure

“Why didn’t you choose our car model with better brakes system? you would still be able to walk”

Once again, let’s see Blizzard justify this weekend’s failure like that :slight_smile:


I just died because of server lag, the game DCed me in front of 2 mobs. I was lvl 41, I think I’m done, too much lag.


I also just died cos of server lag. Was the same as a few days ago but this time DC’ed. Only level 18 but since it’s my 5th try I think I’m done with wow completely.

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GM Wrote: Hardcore servers lag [20/09] - #388 by Tyrskorn-2108
Understandably, many of you have suggestions for possible mitigations such as in-game messaging or character rollbacks which you’re more than welcome to share, but please keep such discussions to other existing threads here , so that we can keep this one focused on the current state of the servers .

Alright, so where’s feedback from tech team, where’s an apology for infrastructure incompetence, wheres’s feedback about rollback of dead characters?


There was feedback about character rollback. Feedback was it will not be done (US forums).

There was feedback regarding incident in saturday, not one day/two days before saturday but specifically saturday?
If so, could you link it?


There was an official response regarding resurrection of characters in general. Not only for saturday specifically.
The saturday even wasnt different than any other lag events / crashes, other than more than usual died.


The saturday event was very different from other lag events / crashes.
Normal lag => connectivity issue between client and server, shoot happens
Server crash => server stops processing all events and when the server restarts the (player) state immediately before the crash is restored (NPCs are respawned regardless of prior state). This means if the server crashed while you were at 10% health, you’ll be at 10% health again when logging in after server restart.

The saturday event however was a breakdown of the incoming message queue for the server, meaning networking between client and load balancer/packet router was working fine, and the world server was also processing all events normally, the world server just didn’t get any packets forwarded from the load balancer/packet router, so all player inputs vanished into the ether and went unacknowledged, as the server just kept processing creature AI, breath meters, etc.

That is not something that happens normally or something that can be expected by players.


What about those who died friday for crashes and lags? It wasnt severe enough?
For me crashes, lags and dc’s is daily routine - on Stitches in particular.

You can be 100% sure if blizzard starts ressing people from saturday you will have a queue of people asking for the same thing from other days. And that’s just not possible.


It’s the mechanism that’s relevant here.
Blizzard can’t do anything about your ISP or any number of networks between you and their own network dropping packets or doing whatever weird things with your packets that cause them to arrive late or not at all. So regular network lag is not something Blizzard can be blamed for, and while it sucks a lot to die to this, there isn’t much that can be done to prevent it from their side, without opening all sorts of avenues for abuse.

Blizzard can’t do much about their server hard crashing either. Sometimes hardware just fails, has memory errors or your server software hits a bug and deadlocks, such is the nature of IT. Hard crashes are generally safe tho, as they (mostly) restore the correct state when restarting, assuming the database is coherent. There are some edge cases such as flight paths, that could be handled better, but overall not preventable.

What Blizzard can do however is properly planning infrastructure changes, so that they don’t immensely underprovision their load balancer/packet router. This was a configuration error, one that is prevented by properly following best practices…


u cant say that im afraid

If someone died from a DC, its frustrating, it dont matter how or when it occured, if blizzards servers lost stability and cost ur characters life, then its annoying.

Heres the fact, Everyone who died in the crash was aware of problems, They KNEW it was lagging i was online it was SPamming abort transfers left right and center the screen was freezing REPEATIVELY.

U had cues which told u “This may kill u if u keep playing” the person who DCs out of no where and thrown from a gryphon into searing gorge and gets 1 hit, got DC’d out of no where, with no inkling to a server issue. so i’d argue theirs is FAR WORSE u had the choice to Get out

the moment the lag hit, i made a alt i didnt play my main nor did anyone in my family. none of us realistically died, however we cant preplan for this during random occurances which arent expected or have prior warning

i aint gonna justify whats happened here, because its wrong, its appauling nad the fact we’ve had no defintiive answer so far is terrible, however To say ones worse then the other is simply incorrect because they both warrant their “Severity” in terms of happening.