20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Guessing trying to be a troll on WoW forums of all places is an attempt to make yourself feel better about your life. I’d suggest other means.


Yeah this is too much. I have a limited time to play and I was really looking forward to getting cat form on druid then all of a sudden server lag and Im dead and blizz is like “tough luck”


ur just salty bc u died to goldtooth

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ur having a limited time to play? like everybody else? XD dont start an mmorpg when u dont have time for it… what a dumb idea xD

1047 Server time. hopefully blizz will roll back. i died inside sentinal tower…

Its insane

Blizz con soon guys dont forget to buy premium tickets please, HC hype hc hype

hi. i just tried to set up my addons and start a new character for a while.
in this moment i had issues connecting and also having a black screen in character selection.
also my just created character is gone and when i want to create it with the same name it just says error.
am i just unlucky today?

The servers are a mess right now. It’s not you

if anyone use ublock and just want to ignore this troll here’s the filter:

Yep my character also died, if there is no reroll I am done.


You guys just don’t get it. They lost the technology.

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they’ll do a rollback keep calm guys

Part of these hundreds of dead characters,
Been playing wow since 2005 and can’t think of a bigger failure from Blizzard than launching hc on shaky servers with no backup.
During the past weeks I’ve seen many deaths due to strange bugs and thought “well this is it, most likely this is how my character will die to” so it’s not a big surprise
Finding out from guild members who tell you when attempting to log back after an alt f4 + trying to log back in that you’re dead, just even takes away the excitement part about playing hc.
It’s a massive blow for blizzard, not just characters
Blizzard, I hope you learn from it and create backups in the future for the people who stay motivated to play your game.


I wish blizzard had Disslike button

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played hc since launch, not died once due to being careful, 18 war 20 war and now 58 shaman just died to this 10 min lag…


what makes you think that? they haven’t done a reroll for the other times there was server lag.

Its still offline ffs. WTF is happening?

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Also dead due to lagspike. Was running through thousand needles and something i couldent see was hitting me over and over. I just ran. Tried to exit game, didnt work. All of a sudden i was instantly dead.
I really hope they’ll make a roll back… this was a really disappointing death…


are u ok? do you think we are paying for a game to play on alts or w/e ur saying there? you are completly clueless

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