20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Maybe from the blue posts where they specifically tell they don’t know how to fix the instability yet?

Blizzard warned you it was full and nekrosh was available with no queue…

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I didn’t even die—somehow managed to survive with 50% HP even though I was in a cave and in combat—but the amount of deaths popping up in the Deathlog when the spike occurred was really disheartening to see. So many players lost their characters to this. I even saw a few 60s (and a 59, which imo hurts even more).

If ever there was a case to be made for a rollback, this would be it. I can’t even log back in, the server is still offline.

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Well they cant fix the problems but im the problem here ! XDXDXDXDXDDXDXDXD

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lost my lvl 23 on wednesday due to server instability and now I (most likely) lost another character. Thanks blizz!


Rollback needs to happen. The server collapsed, killing many, many people. Not sure if everyone saying things like “Blizzard warned about instability…” etc. are trolling or what, but this isn’t good enough.


Yeah, this would be crazy to not rollback so many deaths due to a huge failure on their end.

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Mage 55 Rip, Cancel subscription DONE.


Would it be silly to expect a reply from Blizzard on a saturday? Just wondering if they are actually going to do anything or if we can just cancel the subscription. No way i am going through all this again after this.

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I’m hearing some people’s characters are being revived at the graveyard upon logging in. Could Blizzard be rolling back some of the deaths?

pretty sure there will be no ress. if they ress a few people they would have to ress everyone that died during that time.

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everytime ive quit wow its been* edited by moderation* either balancing, content or now servers its always been some ridiculous blizzard thing that never gets addresed

Rip 35lvl mage cancelling subscription if they dont rollaback


There is definitely something happening, a Level 55 in our guild died according to an official guild message but after he logged back in he was at the gy alive with 1hp.


Was vendoring at alliance AV entrance before moving up to the ogres.

Wasn’t even in combat, no mobs around me.

Log in 20 mins later to a dead char.

If no rollback or ress, I’m outta here


Rip war 34, cancelling subscription too if nothing happen…


I have heard this from some people too. Hasn’t happened to anyone i know though so cant confirm


Two people from my guild died in the laag spike including me and they got resurrected. Im still dead. Please Blizzard do it fair for all that died during that laag spike. Stiches EU


Maybe so many characters died at once that Blizzard’s servers couldn’t flag all of them as being dead, lol.

Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure I’ve had that happen to me in Retail before. Where I had died and when I logged back in I was at the GY with 1 HP.

Who knows what’s going on…

Roll it all back! This is unfair! Mass deaths are your fault!