2.2k DH looking for healers to push higher

Idk I’ve met nf dhs with venthyr priests and they just did the hunt + mindgames and it’s game over. Maybe mindgames is just OP, idk.
Also it’s counter to rdruids in some way because if he can’t dispel it (stunned) he takes damage from his own hots (not 100% sure but seemed so) and dies very fast. Same for shamans (totems etc).

I mean I never played Venthyr DH like most other people in the thread. The main ad advantage of R Druid or Shaman is mana efficiency. Venthyr Priests are weakest mana wise but as you mentioned Mind Games hurts R Druid and R Shaman a lot as it counters 2 defensive mechanics. For R Shaman it is Nature’s Guardian and for Resto Druid it is auto Frenzied Regen. If your games are short anyway then yes it may work.

From what ive seen of you play, you over use mobility asif it gets you style points.

Sometimes you auto run into enemies, using fel rush to chase mounted people - getting kited sway from your healer.

You didnt at thr time have a good UI that gave you info so you prob still dont. No clue when DRs are down so you get rekt in a kidney when your healer is CCd and so on.

Lastly, most healers have been added on btag by people. I myself get constant whispers for games when my pc is on. Dont even need to be online.
So you are conpeting vs other dps that DO play meta. And any healer will pick optimal over meme.

No it’s because of the autoproc heal around 40%. For druids it’s frenzy conduit, for shamans it’s a talent that they forget to swap out Vs priest or don’t respect it enough

This is not Pve.
You can do 6k dps but if enemy players rotate def’s properly and setup the kill, you die anyways. Regardless 6k or 60k dps.

Your approach is completely wrong when it comes to arena, you’re mostly blaming others instead yourself.
While there are some annoying things in game such as WW spin to win, it should not be wall for you to hit 2.1.
I’ve played on my sp this ssn as venthyr and I got no probs hitting 2.3 mark without breaking a sweat (mind you, shadow priest ain’t best in 2s overall, since it requires so much setup to kill,dots hit for 0).

So it’s mostly problem in you, wrong covnenant,wrong approach, not knowing how the arena works. Trying to blame healers when in reality, any healer can work up to 2.6/2.7 with dh, from there I suspect it’s abot the syergy with the comp.

Also, many people in here are giving good advice and they are far far more xped then you (i.e Zen is 3.1 afaik, Bicmex is 3.3) so you should really listen when people tell you stuff beacuse they obviously know it first hand.

nice you did the 2k :smiley: congratz

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What if I told you fel rush is part of dps rotation?

Isn’t it boring though?

Can’t rotate them 24/7. Also, we can do that too, and i.e. stun the hunt (while they can’t stop constant dps for 1:30 with one ability).

Huh? Where?

Nah it’s fine.
Btw, NF DH dies from sinful brand, look - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Ym-AhCoEg)

It’s not ww, it’s that some classes are unkillable if they have duelist gear, i.e. bm, arms, dh, ferals. They just won’t die ever (unless mindgames at good time, of course).
Rival 2 gear should help with that.

I don’t blame healers, it’s just that most classes/specs don’t work so well for me.

May i ask why Ur venthyr

No. How did wintrading go btw?

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Hu what Do u mean

Fraudboy is Rakar right ? I knew it looked too much like him


Iam fraudboii

Who are you and how did you get your hands on Pierre’s 3. alt shaman?

I mean you do realize the pvp scene is tiny and r1 players generally know each other, right? :see_no_evil:
It’s giga obvious that you bought the char… lol

Weird, I played sp at start of season, had no issues killing people at all.
As I’ve said, you think you’re mr know it all, and that’s why you’ll nevner be able to push higher rating unless your class gets busted similiar to ww where plentny of people got to 2.4 but having no clue how the game works.

And again, you think only "x works with dh). If that is true, why drainer and tren got to 2.9 on dh pretty much with every healer combination and convenant? You think they make excuses how the game works?

Face it, you don’t realize what is happening in arena, most of times you can’t even predict a go.
Anyways, gl pushing to 2.1, that’s all I have to say.


Duelist-geared people?
Also it’s pointless to compare different classes, i.e. rogues have even less problems killing something. DHs depend on gear a lot, and 7ilvl difference is a big problem.

Lol, just wait till 7ilvl difference becomes 3ilvls.

No I mean “x works best with my build/playstyle”. Others work too to some degree, but to push through overgeared people (many are multiglads on alts too) I’ll need every advantage I can get.

LOL. Do I make “excuses”? I literally just mentioned I’ll prefer specific healers to play with.

You mean like playing the best covenant for your spec?

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Yes I do that too.

So much This

Is He a troll?

Unless he has a severe personality disorder, then yes.