like really how can blizzard ignoring the fact that Havoc Dh is insane in both Aoe and St dmg plz dont fall for Bs some of the dh making that they do bad ST its just their just bad they always Top St mostly unless its a Assa rouge
Vdh is just silly having the most dmg in all tanks with perma 55% parry uptime for like 100% of the time and having the most control with double sigil of silence and chain like its a joke
and im happy that Dh dont have any other spec like healer or anything else since we could see the rise of Purple God comp which you would Only invite class with Purple Color
like i do know that blizzard dont really care about M+ really and it balance only around raid but at some point its really funny that you have specs like prot paladin which have insane dmg and all the utility in the world and Vdh like that or Hdh and not touching them for a whole month for i dont know what reason exactly?!
the balance this season is just horrible.
how comes some classes press 2 buttons and do 1mio dps while others are aoe capped and cannot do 300k lol
You neglect to mention that it was slower than 3 x Fall +29 that were timed with DH/mage/aug combo.
Here you go OP, take these capital letters and spread them liberally through your post…
Glad i could help.
You could at least do a combo deal with punctuation. Buy a capital letter and get a full stop for half price or something.
On topic, rabble rabble how outrageous.
Punctuation is locked behind a monthly Sub. ÂŁ4.99 a month or ÂŁ49.99 for 1 year with a free mount!!!
The Fact That It Is Doable is just saying how broken both Dh spec is rn.
like what are you trying to Defend i dont really understand , it is something that you should be blind to not see how broken Vdh and Havoc are for the moment.
Not trying to defend anything, just pointing out facts that you didn’t bother to mention in your “DH OP WHAA WHAA WHAA” post.
Fall 29 is a meme dungeon anyways. You can wipe 10 times and still time it.
Im sure you could do that same 29 with 3 rogues. Or 3 warlocks.
Try to do a RISE 29 with 3 havoc. Lets see how that turns out.
They cater the most unskilled players this season as Hunter is the most played class.
Sure brother a player with 3.1 rio call 29 Fall a meme dungeon ahahah bro that was the Joke of the year thanks alot
Eh, don’t mock his rio, you’re in the “tries hard but doesn’t cut it” bracket too. And before you point out “hurr durr world 7 dk” - yeah all the really good players are on DH.
Its not about rio its about People calling 29Fall a meme key bro
Dont you find it a bit silly?
Show me your rio and we can talk…
Also, you apparently havent done keys my man. Or are directly trolling me.
Because you know exactly what im referring to. Fall at any key level is way easier than any dungeon at that same key level. Just to mention: Top fall in the world is 30. Top Rise in the world is 28. There are 2 key differences there for a reason.
So some dudes with the skill to pull off a Fall 30 got bored and decided to go with a gimmick comp to a Fall 29. YES. It is a meme dungeon. For them, for me, even for you.
Fall is way way easier then RISE
Like i was doing 22 yesterday and people died 20+ times and we still did ++
i was like what the actuall hell is happening?
then i did go into 21 RISE and i almost didn’t finished it
I mean have you looked at the trash counter move?
You barely have to kill anything at all in fall
So especially in fortified week, that dungeon just falls ( ) over
Wasn’t there a no healer ret paladin stack in one of the previous seasons? This is nothing.
fall is harder, just the timer is super long. Which makes fall easier to time if you dont get brickwalled but I don’t know where the timer is a problem right now anyways? Rise has the toughest timer for sure.
the fact that you are dying 20 times actually means it is hard, or how many times do you die in atal dazar?
Pretty sure we topped 100 deaths in AD +23 last week. All on the final boss.
but would you say AD is hard? :l