2nd night in a row i am nto healing anymore. I am not your personal leveling service you can abandon at will

10 letters are needed to post thsi crap

EDIT>>>>I am actually goign to stop playing wow and play somethign else now. Well done people

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Hi, whats going on? Also you will get ppl ask your gold soon if you make post to tell you quit :dracthyr_a1:

I am talking about people who join public dungeons and then leave. I need gear too but when tank and two dps leave i am not going to be able to finish the dungeon. Considering the time of day, or nigh rather, replacements are not going to come.

So i am left with no gear, no means to finish the dungeon and have a 13 min cooldown as well. Happy times. Not.

So i am not healing PUG’s anymore and those who need gear will have one less healer. Happy times waiting.

I am paying DCS.

So i stopped playing for the rest of the night.


Oh well its good to rest once in a while too, like all adventurers for the night too. Hope next one will be better :dracthyr_a1:


not a single soul in the game has to actually obey your desires of how they should be playing the game either deal with it or go do follower dungeons or something :clown_face:
also your post explains about literally 0 of what your issue even is

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I dont have to heal pugs that leave me stranded either. Neither do any of the other healers. You being a DPS will have to rely on your guildies.

At what point does this game then become a total single player game?

We are headed that way if you have not noticed. Pretty soon i wont even have to rely on rude, selfish peple in PUGS to get gear. Not my fault i would choose a follower dungeon over the mess that we have now for the 3rd expansion in a row.

The solution is as simple as placing the loot at the end but my guess is that blizzard is not bothered about healers leaving the pugging scene. Conditioning the user to start accepting follower dungeons?

I did make my comment clear 2 comments down from top had you bothered to actually read the thread before piping off your opinion.

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And then exactly those kind of people cry and whine about the healer shortage not realizing they contributed to it.

The title explains literally 100% of what the issue is…


Why do you and so many others think that “I pay for my game so I can do want I want”. I will reveal somethign to you: NO YOU CAN’T
There are rules…I know this awful word “rules” that’s so annoying, meaning you have to behave and actually socialise with other players…because this is SURPRISE…an mmo…massively multiplayer online game.
So ja…a… who only can think of themselves and grief others in their way they are playing are the reasons why so many players have bad expeirences in group content and eventaully abandon it…or the game.

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I can’t believe I am saying this (been playing healer main since TBC, this is the first expansion as dps-only main), but the reverse is also true. Tanks leaving after 1st boss, because some item didn’t drop and healers following immediately after with 60% probability leaves us 3 dps stranded, too. And when that happens, there is a 50/50 chance for at least 1 dps to leave, as well, at which point I am f***d.

Last night I counted and every 3rd run, tank left after first boss for some reason. I even mentioned it to one pug party after that happened and the others said I was lucky, they had it worse all night.
And that doesn’t include bad tanks (like how can you be bad at tanking with current mechanics is beyond me…) ruining a run with chain pulling and not bothering to hold aggro and healer leaving after a death or two… Life as a dps is a nightmare…

At least as a healer, your queues are much much shorter.
I might have to level a healer as an alt, just so I can chill when I get frustrated as a dps…

Thats why my wife an i switched from double dps to tank and healer^^

And we never came back. The 10 Minute que alone is just boring as hell. Tank and Heal simply has a better life.

Our average waiting time for any dungeon is 0.01 Seconds :wink:

So your right. More tanks and healers are always needed. So a switch wouldnt be that bad for you ,-)

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Cheerio then

He plays at 3AM and is mad because the group finder can’t find replacements within the undisclosed timeframe he waited. He also claimed he gets deserter debuff when he leaves after the tank left.

Ah yes, the Ara-Kara experience.

As someone who needs mail hands from one of the bosses there that is not the first boss, je suis totally screwed.

Ke koepa gold :pleading_face: Kealeboa ntate <3

Give me gold :pleading_face: please sir <3

Same goes for me as tank, except aimed at the healer.

Loot should be dropped after last boss like in m+. And conditions should be to kill all bosses.
Yes, for normal dungeons as well.

LFD is a joke. Always has been. People are rude, don’t care, and sprint ahead. Everybody gets frustrated.

#change-my-mind (actually don’t bother, you can’t)

You will probably have a better time once mythic comes around again, but if this is it for you, goodbye.

Just don’t blame me with that EDIT. I didn’t do it - it’s the game that encourages this behavior by design.

Just wait till next reset, and spam M0 worldtours.

If you play between 2 AM and 5 AM, I seriously doubt any multiplayer game will offer a better experience.
Yes, people leave dungeons a lot but your issue is mainly caused by the time when you play.

I have a friend who used to complain a lot about crap queues in LoL, he used to play during similar hours as you.

The population is simply the lowest during this time. It sucks, but you can’t change that.

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This is not an Airport. You do not need to announce your departure.

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