2nd night in a row i am nto healing anymore. I am not your personal leveling service you can abandon at will

That is such a ridiculous joke and you should feel bad.

Thanks for the surprise laugh though.

Good decision. You’ve been crispy and frustrated for days now, based on your posts, and taking a break is the right thing to do.

Healing and tanking in pugs requires a certain mindset. If you don’t have it, and can’t get over this diva attitude where you feel you’re more important than other players in the group and believe everyone else owes you something for healing or tanking, you’ll always end up in the same situation.

You’re not doing people a favor by healing, you do yourself a favor because healing gets you faster queues and invites (and is the lowest effort requiring role in these HC dungeons - and I say that as a healer).

Make friends, join a guild, or one of the community discords (but only when you feel less crispy) for a better WoW experience.

I think this is a good idea but blizz would need to tweak the vote kick system, I think the people that abuse it would love to have all the items at end just so they could wait and try kick people before loot drops.

Why is it that only those that do maybe 5 dungeons in a week have issues with this ?

If you are already with this attitude in heroic dungeons, please stay in whatever game you play now. I dont want to see you in the M+ season.

Bye !

Just because i play at those hours does not mean can act like you know what. This behavior is bordering on abuse. Using somebody to get their ends met and then ditching them when things do not go their own way.

We had three expansions now, BfA, Sl and DF where this happened on opening “month” and not a damn thing blizzard did about it. They did not place the loot at the end, they did not even address the issue that people are facing when people join dungeons and then leave then stranded.

If blizzard wants to retain people and keep them playing then leaving them at the mercy of rude people is not the way to go.

I love dungeons. Always have. I love healing. Always have. DOes this mean that now it is ok for people to treat me like a door mat and wipe their feet?

The dungeon scene is already bad enough as it is with the go go go mentality.

How much worse can it get?

Oh my, your decision to stop playing the game is probably making everyone else leave too now. It just won’t be the same without you.

P.S. Who are you? And why should I care that you want to quit? Maybe you should get over yourself?

I understand it is anmoying when people leave, but you said you are a healer, dont you get refill kinda quick or queue pops? Everyone experience this. Dps, tank, heal it doesnt matter. If you feel uncomfortable healing, then you could try something else out

It is not.

And I repeat. If you reach this conclusion after a couple of Heroics sadly you should leave WoW.

But if you dont, take a deep breath and wait for the season to begin. Its not rocket science to understand that this pre-season period is weird.

And its also not rocket science that you play at weird hours. I told you on another post : Take a bus to the city center and tell me if you expect to see the same things available to you at 4am or at 4pm.

WoW is exactly the same.


Just exclude few dungeons from your list lol

While i may have not made my intentions and gripes super clear on the initial post, i did clarify them later.

Who am i? Just some dude who plays wow.

Why did i write this thread? Cos i am geting sick of the penalties i am forced to eat due to behavior by other players, that act in a selfish and unhuman manner. They can act like asshats since they are anonymous and there are no repercussions for their disgusting behavior.

Had you bothered to read this thread then you just might have written something elase.

Let me tell you a story.

Yesterday as I was leveling my DH from 70 to 80 (I was playing tank for insta q) I hard carried most of the dungeons, basically soloing everything regardless of what the group was doing. I didn’t say anything to anyone, despite them being completely useless, doing no damage, no healing, failing every mechanic, dying to stupid things like standing in AoEs, even some AFK, etc etc. Just the average PUG experience.

At some point during the night, we were at the last boss from Ara’kara (spiders dungeon) and some random Rogue died because he stood in AoE. He didn’t dodge the AoE, he didn’t use defensives, he didn’t use his Human racial to remove the stun, he just died.

His only comment thru the dungeon after dying was: “Tank how many chronic diseases do you have?”

I ignored and reported him and continued to solo the boss. Everyone else also died to the same crap, standing in AoEs and not pressing any buttons, neither the DPS or the healer. When boss was at 5% HP he (the Rogue) votekicked me. Everyone in the group was dead, boss at 5% and me at full health (I was basically immortal as tank).

This guy and the other 3 preferred to kick me, wait for a tank at 4AM and redo the boss rather than let me finish and get the XP. And to add insult to injury I also got a 6 minute penalty because indie company says “why not”.

I’ve been playing consistently for about 8 years, and this has been the norm in PUGs since the beginning. You can’t trust random people to do their stuff. You can’t trust random people to be fair. You can’t trust random people at all.

What I’m trying to say is that, if you don’t have the mental strength to deal with this kind of crap, you MUST find a guild and friends.

Only the strong ones can survive the path of the PUG and you may not be one of the chosen.

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This is actually a perfect example why I think leveling and basically everything that leads up to endgame content should be harder.

People dying in simple AoE and then blaming the healer or even worse, the tank (idk what a tank should do about that and I’m maining tank lmao) for your death is just wild.

This issue, imo, stems from WoW being too easy and the fact that players actually never have to press more than 2 buttons until they hit level cap and enterm mythic dungeons/m+/raids.

You do know you can press 1 Button and get new tank and dps in like 30 sec ?

Because it kinda seems like you dont know :slight_smile:

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When season starts the amount of people leaving m0 / low m+ keys will be astronimical with how they tuned those dungeons in beta and how steep the jump from hc dungeons to m0 will be and thatvtou get boty fortified and tyranical in m+ now eqch week :wink:

I so cannot wait - forums will be pure joy to read :slight_smile:

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Why didn’t you let the group refill? There is a find more players option and the group just fills up with the next available queuing players.

You see this option in the group finder, there is often a prompt too if you are lead.

You can even teleport out and do other things while you wait for the group to refill if it’s taking an unusually long time. But it’s rare it takes too long because refill is highest prio.

Im looking forward to reading the forums as well

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Usually it is because too many stuff got pulled so there’s too much to dodge and being able to follow the fulltime charging tank at the same time. Also the tank often does not know what happens to the other players like getting stunned/slowed/silenced, and then die in an aoe ‘but you didnt press any button!’.

I understand this but there is a lot you can do about this as a DPS player. Like dodging and pre-emptively using cooldowns, using AoE stops, kicks, etc.

In my experience most of the deaths are avoidable and self inflicted even though you might argue that “too much was pulled”.

In any case, if the tank indeed pulls too much for the group to handle, then that pull should be the last pull of that size in that dungeon. A tank should ofc be smart enough to recognize the limits of the party.

Anyways, the comment I replied to was about a boss fight, not about trash. So I don’t think it’s a matter of “pulled too much” unless he pulled everthing from boss to boss INTO the boss.

I learned to never touch any button before the pull is setup by the tank. I already have aggro trouble by only being there trying to follow.

On the boss fight; i have seen plenty of trash pulled together with a boss. I also think there isn’t that much that currently 1 shot you from bosses. You get quite some damage here or there, but dying by 1 resource
 haven’t really seen it.

There’s a lot to unpack here.

  1. You’re correct, you shouldn’t start blasting DPS while the pull is still gathering. Once everything is set up and grouped up you’re good to go.
  2. There are a lot of abilities that don’t generate aggro at all. You can safely press those. Non-damaging/healing abilities usually don’t generate any aggro at all.
  3. Your mere presence, as long as you’re not right on top of the tank, should never get you aggroed without pressing any buttons.
  4. If a tank loses aggro while pulling, due to you using a single heal, like a hot or something, then he’s just simply doing it wrong.
    Yes, it’s hard to hold aggro while grouping up multiple packs when DPS are already blasting their CDs but a tank shouldn’t lose aggro by you occasionally using single abilities to help out.

Yeah there isn’t really anything in heroics that just 1 shot you, true. Except for certain mechanics like the big AoE from the first boss in Dawnbreaker.

But then again I have seen healers literally not healing in dungeons. Like
 at all
 I was in boss fights with 3/5 people sitting at around 20% HP while the resto shaman was blasting lightning bolts.
So maybe the mentioned group just wiped because of something like this. Can’t tell without knowing the full story. :smiley: