2nd night in a row i am nto healing anymore. I am not your personal leveling service you can abandon at will

if you join dungeon, finish it. repeat leavers should get temp bans

I think you think too highly about yourself, ppl leave because they dont want to finish the dungeon, not because they want to ā€œabuseā€ other people. Its a game, move on or find a single player game or stick with follower dungeons.

This is the interesting one. Because on that spiderdungeon, the tank often mounts up from the start and just runs to narnia. If i stay behind the tank, i get kicked off my mount and slowed, etc. I didnā€™t press any button. And this is happening everywhere. Just being there is giving me aggro.

Considering speedo-dungeons where the tank never stops, he never gets aggro anyway. The groups get targeted by any whatever casts and i am forced to heal, getting all the aggro.

Tanks should play with their group instead of thinking they are immortal. The rest of the group is dying left and right and they canā€™t help it.

I can not comment on the no healing, since i am the healer.

Well thats the problem aint it? The tank are almost immortal while the rest of the group is not, and yet they keep doing thatā€¦

And when they die they ask whats wrong :clown_face:

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I assume you mean the one where you run down some stairs at the start? So the one without the search for the 4 NPCs?

I mean that dungeon is packed with flying mobs left and right and tanks often run just past a lot of them at the exact right angle and when you follow them slightly differently, then you just pull face aggro. Might be one explanation to this.

100% agree.

Healing barely generates any aggro nowadays though. If the tank just literally zooms past everything without occasionally throwing out an AoE, heā€™s really just doing it wrong. :sweat_smile:


Well, he is mounted. Also after 1st boss. Mount up and run to narnia again. There are tons of mobs there that do all kinds of damage including volley-damage with debuffs. Only reaching the position of where the tank runs means someone is dead. Someone who also mounted and tried to follow.

Found the issue I guess. Unless itā€™s a DK, literally every tank in this game has enough mobility to get around rather quickly to gather a decent pull without a mount.

Well next week it will cease to exist since nobody will be running random HC at all.

Mistjo, please explain why go to all this details of what people should do and dont in a heroic dungeon ?

I meanā€¦ It a worthy conversation in more challenging content, but not in dungeons that can be soloed by a competent hunter.

We are all farming them (not playing them). So heroic dungeons should be treated as such : a farm.

And im pretty confident if this because otherwise i would not have seen literal YOLO speedruns in all 120 runs i did. I only encountered 1 party that wanted to go ā€œslowā€ onceā€¦

I am not uncomfortable when healing. I healed former guilds though raids. Ive pugged more dungeons than most people.

This is your sad, perverted and twisted, way of justifying disgusting behavior. You stike me as one who leaves and are even justifying its use here, by attempting to normalise it.

It is rare even in HC to see duengeon mechanics. So i agree. Stuff needs to be harder. This expansion was a sleepwalking to 80 exercise. Nothing was hard. Nothing was remotely scary. Nothing really was threatneing enough to even kill you on the way to 80. Not even the mobs that have 10 times as much health as you are dangerous as they melt like everything else once attacked.

I am just not good enough for it, i guess. And seeing people left and right dying is not my fun, as being a healer. Small controlled pulls like in M+ gives me overview and there i know what to do. I am bad in chaos where mobs are standing everywhere and casting on the group. Playing whack o mole. Only watching partyframes and instant trying to fix the problem. Never seeing anything of the dungeon/surroundings, so also dying in bad.

Sure you are. Im going to save this post because il see you timing +17s this seasonā€¦ And you will still have the guts to tell me ā€œim not good enoughā€ā€¦ :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And people dying left and right we know why that is :

Its more efficient to farm HC dungeons by yoloing and dying than by actually playing it correctly.

You save like 10 minutes on the runā€¦

Its what people do, because its the right thing to do when you farm content in wow.

Thatā€™s the fun part. I pop half my CDs and blast the group, then pop the others on the next pull. Yes sometimes people die, but thatā€™s a sacrifice Iā€™m willing to make.
Especially as MW this is a ton of fun since we constantly have some kind of CD to use.

Yeah i guess that is subjective.

I am pretty sure those +17ā€™s are done in a way less chaotic way than this. And with that also with way less deaths. Doing mechanics really helps.

Iā€™m a DH tank, what do you want me to do when the Rogue gets slowed because thatā€™s the mechanic of the mob/boss and he fails to do what heā€™s supposed to do? Should I go to his house and press the buttons for him?

People die because they suck and thereā€™s nothing that me, in my house, especially as a tank, can do to prevent them from committing sudoku.


Wanna fo some M0 with me next week ? I want to try out elemental.

I think by the rest of my posts it is quite clear what i mean?

I can see that. Maybe not with heroics but with low keys. When I was healing (and I heard other healers say this too) low level keys feel/are actually harder to heal than higher level keys because in higher level keys you have inherently more controlled pulls and your party members actually know when to use their CDs, when to use stops, how to and which spells to kick and how to avoid damage.

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I am currently facing quite heavy anxiety towards the new dungeons. I can not commit to any scheduled play. There will probably a moment when i find the courage to no pressure a M0, or some friends asks me to join.

I am playing my shaman by the way. I have only done a couple of follower dungeons on this char.