+30% warmode bonus for alliance now

Thank you for adding the bland mechagnomes for the alliance, we totally did not want Sethrak.

In the next patch, could you add ethereals to the horde and give us troggs so the bonus can go up a bit more?


The races you do or do not get have nothing to do with the Alliance willingness to turn War Mode on.

I don’t blame them, most zones are full of Horde, the Alliance I see are mostly clustered together venturing out, making the most of their 30%. Brave souls who are hideously outnumbered unless they get one of those magical shards where they dominate.


Mechagnomes aren’t that bad… I know a few who like them.

I mean, they don’t get the love that vulpera do, but they’re not a disaster.

Warmode bonus is just silly anyway. Trying to tempt PvE-only players to turn WM rarely results in them having a good time. Would be slightly better if the bonus was, say, +50% damage done to everything. Including quest mobs. That’d make your WQs fly by AND make you a little more secure about being the minority faction.


True. They are like… Just below Gnomes.


someone will still come out with ‘Horde Bias’ =P

But seriously. Its purely the fact that the Aliiance do not want to turn on WM. Even with a 30% bonus people still wont turn it on. Cant use the excuse of ‘well its dominated by horde’ because that swings in roundabouts depending on which shard you’re placed in.

Imo remove any bonus bar a PVP only bonus (exra honor etc) and blizzard NEED to implement something to try and balance out the shards. I honestly dont know the answer

I am not sure why Blizzard thought alliance wants more gnomes considering how little gnomes are played in general, while every man and their dog was happy about vulpera. I think I agree with the poster, who said that at this stage Blizzard just does not care about this franchise any more. They milk last of it if they and as long as they can, but that’s pretty much it.


I would have faction changed for them, if they could be Druid. Too bad.

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Well yous do need pvp stabilisers so yeah. Nice one gratz to you guys lol.

Meant to reply to topic not orkfantany. soz

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They did it for the memes like ‘Daiperbaby’

Please read Punyelfs post above again, so you get a grasp on the situation. We’re in a new patch, therefore more players are active and will regress back to switching it off which is the only natural reaction.

Now I have to use WM on my druid again, sick.

I’m starting to dislike blizzard for how incapable they are.

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Which again is ‘the alliance do not want to turn WM on’.

You cant blame the other faction for coming after you if they out number you especially in a pvp environment. BOTH factions do it. BOTH alliance and horde raid group up, camp flight paths and make the opposing factions life a misery (dare i mention the alliance raids on newhome in 8.2 every single time the quest is up so it can be done).

The alliance only really have themselves to blame for not mustering more people to turn it on to fight back. YES blizzard do need to put some checks and balances so shards are not as ridiculously skewed like they can be but the fact is alliance fail to turn it on and its been proven over this whole expansion that a bonus like this is not enough for them to do it.


snek clay is horde clay


If it takes 2-3x as long due to being constantly ganked, it’s not useful.

If there’s any WM bonus at all, it should be a PvP bonus such as higher health, resistance to stuns, more damage done, etc. Something that actually makes players think “Ok, so if 5 enemies come at me… I might still win.”

Or… cap the number of players that can turn WM on. Not enough enemies? “Sorry, you can’t use WM right now. You’re in a queue to turn it on.” It’s harsh, but I bet there’d be a wave of faction swaps.


The thing is. It wouldn’t be to bad. If the horde player wouldn’t suck soooooo much.

It’s just frustrating to do a rare alone. A horde attacks you. You kill him. A new horde joins and try’s to kill you. So you kill them too. Then both revive and you barely kill them again , while the rare is not losing any health. Just I have a third one join into the fight.

It’s just endlessly frustrating that horde wins just by swarming. Atleast destroy us alliance player quick so we don’t have some hope left. Don’t drag it out by dying again and again.

If horde would get 100% increased revive time, warmode would be balanced. As it would stop the swarming


But to be fair, the Horde Have the majority of concurrent WM players. It takes a specific task like Battle for Mechagon for them to mobilise. With us, we just have far more regular WM users.

Wanna know how you test it? Turn off WM and watch how your world fills up :rofl:

Indeed. And on Argent Dawn it is the complete opposite because it does not shard with other realms. People are people, alliance and horde. Same behavior. And even on AD alliance gets bonus. So that is even more a reason for enabling pvp as alliance.


Obviously both sides do it - but one of them outnumbers them greatly which is why we have this reaction. And yes, there are several factors and groups you can blame the situation. In the end, the game lives and falls with the faction balance.

If you can’t stand it being guilty for being in the superior faction, then what exactly are you chastising the other faction for? They have a right in being upset, as Puny has pointed it out, and if you can’t or won’t understand the situation, then there is nothing discussion-worthy here. Go and play the other side for once and then we’re can continue this discussion.

It does with other RP-servers, otherwise I wouldn’t have met some of you in the 25 kills farm quest already (DarkmoonFaire/DefiasBrotherhood).

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Raise your hands if you want Sethrak as an allied race!~
No hands?
What do you mean, Sethrak dont fit the alliance at all?
Oh okay!

Only when you group up with players from other realms.