+30% warmode bonus for alliance now

Welfare mode shouldn’t exist

How the freak would I be able to play this game where alliance totally outnumbers us everywhere, and I also want to do invasions for sometimes capping conquest for the C&S essence. I turn it on for invasion, go try doing some quests of it, turn it off again.

why not 100%?

lock down war mode not the bonus, heck i would get rid of it, it only attracts wrong crowd that does not wanna pvp

You know without warmode you do not get conquest points in invasions?

There is a reason we have the 30%, its because the horde greatly outnumbers us.

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That’s the mentality of Alliance for you; rather than doing something about it by grouping up and sending the Horde packing, they just complain and blame Blizzard instead.


This x 1000. Literally everywhere I go I see a group of horde, every rare I find on the mini map I go to it and see a group of horde fighting. Horde outpopulate Alliance by a long shot so I’m glad Alliance have 30%

And what can be done about it exactly? If Horde outnumber us and there’s next to no Alliance in sight, what can you do, nothing.

Then come and play Alliance if you want something to change. The inferior playerbase can’t do it on their own.

Unlike individuals like you, who just join the winning team and then lecture from their dev-favored pedestal?

I agree that complaining is pointless, because Blizzard does not care as long as unhappy players keep paying and the issue is therefore self-made, but still, if they were like you, they’d already have faction-changed to Horde, because that is the effortless, easy way.

On topic: The bonus could be 500% and I’d not turn on WM when not doing the PvP quest. The place is always crowded by Horde players, 90% of the rares are tagged and grey, and it takes way too much extra time to get the already tedious dailies done. I don’t have a problem with this, though, I just keep WM turned off and do my thing.

WM is just another flopped system designed in the Hazzikostas era of the game. One day that era will come to an end.


I say thanks to foxes for this buff. Also, many kids went to play for the horde and alliance is now fighting better in BGs and I’ve lost 3 Ashran in a row for the horde which is something new (never lost it as horde before). :smiley:

People like you would cry even with 100% bonus…


You make it sound as if the problem consists of a 5 vs. 2 situation, and the Alliance players can solve their own problem by getting help from 3 of their guild mates.

But fact of the matter is that it’s a mostly region-wide problem (RP servers being a bit of an exception).

So what you’re dealing with as an Alliance player is a Warmode filled with hundreds of thousands of Horde players, where the Alliance numbers perhaps amount to half as many.

So in almost all circumstances you’ll find yourself outnumbered as an Alliance player, unless you only play whilst in a full raid.

And that’s not a problem any Alliance players can solve on their own. My friends list is decently populated…but I don’t have 100.000 friends I can ask for help to even out the faction imbalance in Warmode.

Only Blizzard have the power to move as many players as is needed to balance Warmode. That’s not something the players can do.

Every time i read these threads it just blows my mind. What servers are you playing on??? Do we even speak about the same game???
As a horde, every time i go to nazjatar, im dead before the loading screen ends. There is always alliance raid in newhome. In mechagon it is impossible to do dailies due to alliance dominating entire zone. There are 3- 5 alliance on every world quest. Invasions have more alliance players running around than minions of nzoth, it takes ages to finish anything. Every quest that has an elite to kill, there is alliance gang sitting by the campfire crying how horde is dominating them. You can actually see terrified little goblins crawling out from the bushes as soon as alliance is gone just to kill the elite and then disappear again.
When i log into my alliance characters, its the same, barely any horde. Since launch of bfa i havent been killed by horde in open world to the point that i regularly forget if i have warmode on or off.
I know there are heavy horde presence in other shards. I know only because when i join someones group for Call to Arms quests all alliance magically disappears and are intead replaced by swarms of horde.
The issue is not that there are more alliance or more horde, the issue is that blizzard has no idea how to balance factions in open world.

I’dd roll a Trogg in a heartbeat.

pvp servers and normal server would just be warmode, people say they like choice, well if youre in pvp server you made yours.

Maybe because you play in silvermoon LOL?! the most alliance server in all realms

AD had a very controversial topic last week which spiked +1.5k postings within two (!) days. Normal players invaded the server and it really shows that people are fed up with the faction balance which in turns affects the RPers as well by not respecting their “thing”.

It’s an awful domino-effect.

My horde characters are on kazzak, the most horde server.

I’m on an RP server, Horde are outrageously outnumbered by Alliance here, but you don’t see me complaining! I rally the troops and take the fight to the Alliance despite being outnumbered and overwhelmed, not cower with war mode off like Alliance seem to when posed with a challenge :kissing_heart:

I’d love to play Dwarf, but Blizzard unfortunately force me to choose between playing with my friends who prefer Horde races or play on my own as my favourite race. In an MMO, I’ll always choose my friends.