So you’re saying that when the game has new content, is popular, and people want to play it, the issues pertaining to Warmode and faction imbalance grows in size and scope?
Awesome design. What an accomplishment by Blizzard!
So you’re saying that when the game has new content, is popular, and people want to play it, the issues pertaining to Warmode and faction imbalance grows in size and scope?
Awesome design. What an accomplishment by Blizzard!
Who cares if players want to go on their Horde, and more Horde currently playing WM in region. The region is unbalanced, this does not matter for dual faction WM shards - it’s irrelevant. 50/50 region is an ideal, but unrealistic to expect players WM on 50/50 for the ‘right’ reasons.
But then it was beyond dumb of Blizzard to design and develop a game system that heavily relied on a 50/50 divide in order to provide a satisfying game experience, when that is completely unrealistic to hope for.
So any issues that arise because of that, that’s entirely on Blizzard and Blizzard alone.
The player isn’t at fault for not grouping up or jumping shards or whatever to try and alleviate the issues Blizzard have failed to account for in their own design.
And neither is it a solution for the player to group up if they want to play solo and Blizzard presents them with the option of playing solo. Then it’s again on Blizzard to design and develop the game system so it damn well accommodates the playstyle they themselves present to the players.
Anyway, dinner time!
50/50 in region doesn’t matter for dual faction shards. If there was 50/50 in region, WM dual shards would still be variable balanced due to factors like LfG, player distribution, entering leaving zones, shard manager increasing outnumbered being in progress, etc. That’s just WM.
The right players being in the game mode is what matters, and incentive adjustments could achieve that. 50/50 region would be good, if the right players.
Enjoy your meal!
The WM system proved one thing…horde pvpers are more than alliance pvpers.
Now one may say prior to the wm system there were alliance dominated pvp realms. That however, doesnt prove that the sum of horde and alliance pvper was balanced more or less.
The WM system provided the answer to which faction likes pvp more.
Or PvE bonus
More or less Vaeyn…more or less…
I don’t know if something changed or happened, but in the last couple of days I noticed more Horde than Alliance on rp realm WM.
“If horde outnumber”, meaning HORDE OUTNUMBER OUR GROUP BY A LONG SHOT. So that doesn’t help, at all.
Everything Alliance got makes sense EXCEPT Void Elf lol , everything Horde got makes sense .
Races that dont make sense for either faction are:
Ethereal have connection with Void Elf and Alleria.
So the most nonsense allied race is the most popular one, Void Elf. Which means it is better if it doesn’t make sense since races that made sense are mostly failures compared to Void Elf.
Things can’t always go our way
I’d assume regular horde players let themselves get invited to RP realms to not get ganked by 40 person gank squads of alliance players, but still want their 10% bonus because apparently bribeing people into activating PvP is the only way to go.
It’s quite bad on the shards I’ve visited. Both multiboxers and alliance groups are camping heavily.
Even with the 30% bonus and every alliance player and their mother activating warmode, they still feel the need to pick unfair fights and run from (or not even attempt) fair ones. I’ve yet to meet a singular alliance player even attempting to fight me without backup.
Then again, I’m sure it’s similar on the other side, I believe most people rarely choose to fight with no advantage or even a disadvantage.
if only blizzard could remove WM and bring back how the servers were before
War is hell
Totally missing the point.
Void Elf is my favorite playable race ever, but the Alliance having the Void , when its core is the Light does not make sense.
Tyrande scorned the High Elves for using magic, and now she is okay with VOID elves ( I want to hear her thoughts).
Did you see the Void Elves in the Island Expeditions? They really are crazy .
Some Naga could easily join either side, to be honest. We know that some of them are loyal to Neptulon instead of Azshara.
Factions are Hybrid now, there is no black and white or dark and light faction.
Our Lightforged Draeneis are Zealots similar to Scarlet Crusade, Dark Irons mock Night Elves by saying “At least our mountain cannot be ignited” they have dark humour and they are old Ragnaros servants. Void Elves are clearly in the precipice of madness, when we go to Cathedral a priest says us someting like “I am not sure if your entrance here is appropriate” he looks afraid while saying this…
I mean Alliance is not the old Alliance, we have abomination gnomes as well. They sacrifice body parts intentionally for power. We are potentially evil now. I don’t think Sethrak or Naga are suitable but Ethereals makes sense because of theit relationship with Void Elf.
As you may know I have always been a Satyr allied race fan though… I just hope we don’t get Night Fae Satyr instead…
Really? Sometimes we are outnumbered in a zone, sometimes not. Roll with the punches.