+30% warmode bonus for alliance now

No? The Sethrak and vulpera don’t hate each other.

The group of sethrak trying to conquer the lands do, but they hate everyone but themselves.

The vulpera and sethrak actually end up working together against the group of sethrak.

No buff to exp would fix it.

Alliance don’t need some level 30 in a empty zone to desire WM.

They need the flocks of level 120s who need a reason to switch it on. I don’t get how a exp boost would help get a 120 to turn it on. As they aren’t level 120.

Fun fact. Most people even a lot of alliance have WM on when levelling. They switch it off upon reaching 120x

You need end game content to be bolstered.

For example.

Rep bonus 50%.


Tuesday reset saw Mechagon swarmed with WM Alliance. Completely dominated.
I turned WM off for the first time ever just to get the Qs done.

I’m still not 100% clear on how cross-server works but I’m on Draenor so obviously the Alliance can get it together when they want to.

This is exactly why the bonus is stupid.

Form a group.

Yes it is.

Yes it is.

There are no realms in War Mode, only shards.

They RP in War Mode? Never seen that.

Those AD players are not on AD… they are on a War Mode shard which is primarily for WPvP.

The bonus’ purpose is to increase region participation, this suggestion would not achieve that. And besides, there’s already a bonus that gives you increased damage and healing based on WPvP participation.

The shard manager is already making these decisions in the background. Excess of a faction are sent to single faction overflow shards.

If you feel outnumbered in a zone:

  1. The shard manager may be in progress adding more of your faction to the shard.
  2. Player distribution in the zone is not in your favour.
  3. Opposing faction formed a group to hunt you.

The above are all countered by forming a group. If a player prefers solo play or doesn’t know how to form a group, that’s on them. It’s a multiplayer game.

No it is not.

How do I – as a player who wants a balanced Warmode – convince hundreds of thousands of my fellow Alliance players to turn their Warmode on when they don’t want to?

The answer is that I don’t. I cannot force the Alliance players to turn Warmode on if they don’t want to, just as I cannot force the Horde players to turn it off if they don’t want to.

That power and authority does not reside with the player, it resides with Blizzard.

You don’t need hundreds of thousands to balance the current WM shard you are in. Just group and you can compete. Players control that not Blizz.

If it would have been 0% from the start horde would never have snowballed in warmode
10% created the snowball for horde, because after hearing there weren’t a lot of alliance in it, everyone and their family on Horde side turned on warmode, even if they initially would’ve never touched it without the bonus. 30% for alliance was a fullblown avelanche, alliance players only going on warmode for their quest and then popping out, meaning even less alliance were in warmode naturally

At this point, 50%, 100%, 1000%, it won’t matter, people will just do their quest and turn it off again, because beyond conquest there’s only honour and honour doesn’t impact character progression whatsoever, the AP isn’t worth the effort, neither is the gold and is there anyone still left keeping track of war resources?

The reward for being in warmode should have been exclusively; you get to use your pvp talents, now Warmode will forever be about the rewards you can get from it rather then the open world pvp answer it was intended to be because no one is going to accept removal of rewards and well if you’d reverse it now you’d have to bring back pvp and pve servers and I really don’t see them doing that.

But that would need to be said for every single Alliance player in almost every single shard then. Because they’re almost all finding themselves outnumbered.

So they all need to go and get a group.

Maybe as an individual you can solve your own day-to-day experience to some degree by playing in a group (though honestly, even that comes up short against the raid-size Horde crowds in highly-populated areas).

But collectively speaking, in order for everyone to “get a group” you still need to get hundreds of thousands of Alliance players to turn on Warmode – players who so far have shown no interest in wanting to do so.

Yeah, that’s not happening. If it was, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Blizzard develops and designs and monitors the game. They are the ones who are in control of the shards, who goes into them, how many, when, and where. They make the rules, and the players operate within the limitations that Blizzard establish.

Yea, I saw many target dummy Zugzugs on open world, clueless related to PvP, easy kill counts. Thanks to them we are not afraid of 1v2 even 1v3.

You are wrong, it matters. I see a lot more Alliance Warmode on nowadays after %30. Actually they make me angry sometimes, during Assaults they make some quests take longer compared to old times since now I share objectives with more of them.

That’s up to the individual player, their choice.

You only need to know 4 other players in the game to form a full party, or use LfG. I often have at least 2 or 3 community members in a party, and it makes a big difference - to fun as well!

It’s up to the player.

They already created the framework of sharding, variably balanced shards that are never so unbalanced that a player can’t do something about it - by forming a group.

That was what it was like at the start yeah, 1v2, 1v3 situations, those you can win if you somewhat know what you’re doing and the other side are horribly bad, however with time that escalated to 1v4, 1v5, until 1v10+ was the norm and in a 1v10, skill will hardly matter

Isn’t that the only time the quest is active? because if so I’d just refer to my post from just now where I implied that, people don’t even bother if the rewards aren’t to their statisfaction and all they really care about is the quest.

I stand by my opinion, because I feel like what you said here is more in line with my view of the situation then not.

But that is likely because the game is more populated because it’s a new patch, so there’s lots of Horde and Alliance players around in general.
But in terms of faction balance, when you have a +30% bonus, then you’re actually more outnumbered than you were last week when it was a +25% bonus.
If you are seeing more Alliance players, then you are seeing even more Horde players as well.

But it’s not. You exist in a shared environment and play with and alongside everyone in your faction, and against all those on the opposite faction.

If there’s 20 Horde players ready to swoop down to tag a rare mob in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, then the individual Alliance player’s experience isn’t going to be helped by playing in a group of 5. You’re still grossly outnumbered by the sheer size of the Horde playerbase as a whole.

You would have a point if each shard was limited to 5 players of each faction. But that’s not the reality. The reality is that each shard of Vale of the Eternal Blossoms holds hundreds of players, so going there in a group of 5 isn’t going to matter when almost everyone else there are Horde.

It’s up to Blizzard to design their features with the actual player population and faction balance in mind.
I mean, it was pretty naive of Blizzard to design Warmode in the first place, thinking that it would somehow balance itself out despite there not being a shred of faction balance in the game to begin with.
When it then turns out that the Warmode feature is indeed a complete mess in terms of faction balance, then it is not the players’ responsibility or obligation to fix the problem that Blizzard have introduced themselves – that’s for Blizzard to deal with.

And clearly that framework is inadequate to cultivate a gaming experience that delivers on the fantasy of world PvP and which the players are generally satisfied with.

Giving Blizzard applause for making a feature worthy of massive criticism just because you feel that the players can sort out all the issues themselves is pretty…stupid.

If a carpenter makes a chair for me and it’s missing two legs, then it’s not a great chair just because I have the ability to fix it myself. It’s crap, and it should be criticized as such, and surely it’s on the carpenter to fix it, not on me.

Likewise here. Warmode clearly has numerous design issues. Those are issues that Blizzard needs to fix, not the players.

It’s up to the individual player to group. If they don’t, that’s not WM’s fault. But see end of my post for a suggestion.

That is just a player distribution in the zone and/or LfG issue. Players have choices in how they deal with it. A 5 party is enough for most of the time, but sometimes you need more. A rare for example is usually easy to get more to that location. Players have the tools available, if they don’t use or respond to them… that is on them.

It’s a multiplayer game, it’s designed for players to be social if they want to do better. It’s awesome that solo play is possible within a multiplayer game mode, but that’s the choice of those players. And they get the consequences, the chance of slightly slower questing, etc., however they are compensated with the WM bonus.

Bad analogy. War Mode is deliberately designed as it is. It’s perfectly playable and fit for purpose - WPvP with PvE on the side.

However… I did have an idea to help the PvEers. A slight extra PvE bonus for party grouping - not enough to encourage more PvEers into WM, just to group. I always suggest grouping but I know they won’t, they need a reward incentive. This could encourage grouping, but also present more challenge to WPvPers. There’ll still be some solo players for them that like killin those.

No. We fundamentally disagree here.

If Blizzard designs systems or tools that players don’t respond to or use, then it’s on Blizzard to reevaluate the quality and merit of their own design. That goes for anything in the game, be it Warmode or Voice Chat, or Azerite Armor.

Players shouldn’t settle and be okay with something they feel is causing them issues. And clearly the criticism that Warmode gets is testament to the fact that the system design is inadequate and doesn’t satisfy the player community as a whole.

I mean, the analogy would be that you get served a bowl of soup with a knife rather than a spoon. The tool is there, it’s on you to use it, as you would say…
But it’s damn well also on you not to use the inadequate tool and complain about the situation and expect those responsible to fix it.

We are just looking at WM from two different perspectives.

I primarily WM on for its intended purpose WPvP - and for WPvP, it works really well.

If playing primarily for PvE, not WM’s primary reason for existing, those players are naturally gonna have a skewed viewpoint on WM.

PvEers do have their place in WM, but it’s a PvP game mode first.

The variable shard balance is fine, the tools are fine, it’s a % of players lack of engagement with the game mode and each other that is the issue. If players refuse to properly engage, and it’s a big enough issue - the only ‘fix’ is to introduce even more incentives, or remove the PvE incentives completely. Each with consequences.

But, I like my idea for party small extra bonus. It would encourage grouping of PvEers, and provide more challenge to WPvPers.

But it doesn’t.

Let’s use two extremes to illustrate it.

Between these, which is the most ideal for the player community from a PvP point of view:



The former, obviously, because it provides the most reasonable, ideal, and balanced PvP experience for everyone. So that’s what Blizzard’s design should strive toward achieving.

Even if you as an individual enjoy the experience of being the underdog, of facing hard opposition, and being generally outnumbered, then that is besides the point when it is clearly a marginal opinion to hold.

Again, you’re basically trying to tell players to be happy about something they are unhappy about. That does not work, because you’re not addressing their concern, you’re just telling them that it is not a concern.
That does not compute.

Those are not fine when they don’t account for the player engagement in the first place.
That’s like designing a parking space to hold 100 cars in an area where only 5 cars pass through each day.
Blizzard’s failure with Warmode is their neglect to design the feature around the actual player population and faction balance that exists in the game. What may appear fine on paper isn’t worth diddly doo if it translates into a game experience that players are generally unhappy with. Then they haven’t done their job as developers very well.

It’s never the players fault if they don’t play the way Blizzard wants them to. It’s Blizzard’s fault if they don’t develop the game according to how the players actually do play.
They are supposed to fit their game design to us. We’re not supposed to fit our playstyles to their design.

The region WM balance only matters as a pool for populating shards. Ideally it would be 50/50, but the shards themselves are generally 50/50 (give or take) or in progress towards that - extreme volume of excess players go to single faction overflow shards. Better region balance reduces the single faction overflow shards, but for dual faction shards it’s not relevant.

When you feel outnumbered in a zone:

  1. The shard manager may be in progress adding more of your faction to the shard.
  2. Player distribution in the zone is not in your favour.
  3. Opposing faction formed a group to hunt you.

If they are unhappy… why is their War Mode on?

But it isn’t. That’s why we have +30% bonus as Alliance.

We have +30% because it’s the start of a new patch, always happens.