I am new to the game and I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH OP.
I am so done with pvp and I barely got to even try it. Blizzard REALLY SCREWED UP HERE.
This is my main and im new to the game, started in late november/december.
I was in a BG with you yesterday, Arathi Basin. You literally started off the match screaming about Russian premades before we even got out of the gates, you then spent half the game standing in the starting area until enough people had the sense to report you AFK.
You are worse than what you’re complaining about, because you ruin the game for 14 other people by AFKing instead of just leaving and giving the rest of the players a chance. We end up with fewer players than the opposing team and your epic bull being spewed in the BG chat, when you could literally just click leave BG and save yourself and everyone else the frustration.
Your toxic crap ruins the game for other players, not some Russian premade.
Hardly. I remember your name very clearly since I reported it several times.
You’re “new” to the game and directly jump on the Hate Russians bandwagon, meanwhile your toxicity takes over and ruins games for EU players more than any Russians could. Players like you should stay far away from group content and stick to pet battles.
Personally I think people like you who defend these pre mades doing cheese farms at the expense of others more toxic and destructive for pvp in the game than those that do it. Then attack anyone who speaks out against it or has a different opinion to your own…nice.
I don’t defend premades, I’ve been on this forum for years agreeing that anything more than a 5 man premade sucks for regular groups. I’ve also not attacked anyone with a differing opinion to mine.
What I can’t stand though are people like you who come here crying about things you know nothing about, such as that toxic BG rant about a “premade” that wasn’t even a premade, and then spend the whole time AFKing, making sure that your team loses because you want to punish others for your lack of ability to actually play the game you join instead of just leaving yourself. Players like you are what make the BG environment toxic and you ruin the game for the 14 other players that queued for ages to have some fun in their leveling process.
I have never afk from a match, left yes, afk no, if it showed me in game on your end thats on you or the game. I refuse to be farmed by pre mades looking for cheesy wins so I will take the penalty, I got no issue with that.
Also when the entire enemy team is all russian named and you are telling me that is not pre made farming solo / randoms for cheese easy wins and that matchmaker just “happened” to group 15 random russians together, sorry you are talking complete BS.
Like I said you started the insults and accusations, you attacked me for voicing my opinion and you sound incredibly similar to someone else saying the exact same things in game in the exact same way and the same personal attacking that you are doing to anyone who spoke out against these issues, posting on a different account by any chance?
Yeah and WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE TOXIC. Dude check yourself in the mirror. Players like you are the problem and hindering change that would benefit everyone and pvp as a whole, you can’t accept that and want to attack anyone who can, go right ahead.
This alone shows that you literally have no clue what you are even talking about and makes your caps lock rant even more ridiculous.
Russians only get matched with Russians in their own teams. They, however, face teams from other languages groups. Russians cannot be randomly matched with English realm players on the same team. Are some of them premades? Yes. Are all of them premades? Hardly.
Look at my replies, I haven’t said anything about anyone else’s complaints about premades, only yours because of what I personally saw you do and scream about in a BG. Nice deflecting, though. You know exactly what you did, you know exactly the type of toxicity you bring to the game, and then you bring it to the forum in caps lock when you have zero comprehension about how the BG system even works. Congrats, I’m out.
Pretty obvious in the matches they are pre made by how they play, ranks, guilds, servers etc and obvious they are all on voice coms. Nice try though, keep attacking and throwing accusations and insults at anyone who voices an opinion different to yours. Next time try posting on your real account…you know the one where you verbally attack anyone who thinks differently to you…
Still does not change anything.
Pre mades still abuse it because Blizzard lets them, pre mades should not be allowed to farm solo / random players for cheese easy wins. End of.
Remove pre mades from solo que / randoms, give them their own que. Problem solved.
Russians/Pre mades just want Cheese Easy Mode instead of having the ballz to fight a real challenge with other pre mades, so they farm randoms, solo’s and lowbie’s in group for cheese easy wins. Seen it happen and them doing it in many other pvp only games and similar games to wow. I have also seen it where games have already realised the issues and actually ONLY ALLOW pre mades against pre mades, the most you can have in solo que / randoms is a DUO and that’s it…because “balance” and stops pre mades exploiting matchmaker que’s for cheese easy wins. You know for the good of PVP?
And Blizzard LETS THEM DO IT. Nice try pretending you are not defending this…and not attacking anyone who speaks out about it. You are not fooling anyone. Try harder.
In fact if you say you agree about pre mades, why are you even here again? Just to attack me? lol Nice.
Btw if I play on gilneas and silvershard mines against german horde , I insta leave those from now on. Somehow germans win those 2 with upto 90% win rate. I experienced it on my german frostwolf horde too.
Always some newb in group yells premade or twinks when he got killed or even before bg start. Ofc those newbs do not even think about raidframes or special bg addons. There are good and bad russian players. Some are premades, many more not. That’s all.
i dont get it, people want to select what region they want to q, i mean you basically want to exclude people who you have a hard time to play against, right? well this is cute.