My only complain with russians right now is that the game doesn’t automatically change Cyrillic alphabet to English alphabet. Calling targets in BGs is a nuisance.
I mean, I’m… “shmeh” when it comes to Russian groups - some we win, some we lose. My heart does sink a little inside but I try to keep positive and usually say something like “Russians can be crap too!”
These people who lower the moral of the group before the gate even opens really p*** me off.
Seen a guy do it in a 35 min AV game couple of weeks ago. Just sat the whole time doing nothing but complaining and telling folk to just stop trying. 35 mins, instead of afking immediately and re-queuing.
WAY more annoying than a Russian pre-made.
Edit - damn that necro
well just did ann earlier wintergrasp didnt look to see who opposition was as leave before the gates open if its AV OR Wintergrasp.
wasnt sure much of the lag issue was real- well we met at temple and we could hardly move or cast, we died quickely -they had done overall about 4x the damage than we had,the lag had not affected them atall and throughout the bg seemed to move remarkably faster than us.
otherwise my earlier posts are more positive, but epics
I’m not saying the problem doesn’t exist but I’ve never encountered this lag against Russians. Occasionally get it in IoC, where my wife also gets it but more frequently. This has never been more noticeable against Russians however. The fact they tend to stick together better and force chokepoints in many of the EBGs they play may have something to do with it.
Normally many get lag at ws be it eu, germans or russians, wintergrasp was all over the map.
lots of my bgs, are fought with many from a small collective of people- I have 2 peeps on my friends list, as we met in many epic bgs, lately it seems at least 1 in 2 bgs we end up together, and many familiar names time and time again, so dont know if it could be just a server issue.
Im on azuremyst, according to a search is part of the battle group retaliation based in chicago, which i believe was where it was based when first joined wow.
However was sure it was transfered to a eu server.
But can say there definately seems to be a discrepency overall when facing russians maybe because the speed data is transfered between servers .
In terms of honor leveling, mercenary give good amount of honor and better for win. But you need to like opposite faction and loosing a bit
Tbh I’m Polish - I don’t know cirilic alphabet but I have nothing against Russians. They are usually really good players. They have this Slav temper like me and they play really yolo usually but overall they are good players. Much better than Western whiners that lose because they are chaotic.
Russians at least press all their buttons. I wish I could read cirilic as Russians are really nice and friendly people. I can speak a bit Russian but not type.
I usually greet them with “Privet chuvak”. I hope they understand.
Dont worry my Polish bro i totally agree with you,i am Serbian and i have the same Slav temper we are Slavs and we cant change that.And you dont have a problem with them because you are Slav person yourself and can understand our mentality the people that play chaoticly and argue all the time get tilted and cant concentrate and lose,yes we are friendly people but we speak sincere and are passionate people we aswell get alot of hate cause we can work together and other Western part of EU has US mentality and cant work together i have seen it so many times before when i played OW on US region its Chaotic i had blood pressure problems dealing with those people.They chase personal glory instead of working towards the same goal likei am better then you kind of attitude.Hi to you aswel for that privet Chuvak.
Usually i try to coordinate everyone in battlegrounds and get everyone to work as a team so that we win. I find in some games people just wanna do their own thing and run aimlessly about and then complain about losing, where as if theyd listen and play as a team they wouldnt lose.
It is either that or they are extremely stupid and dont read the chat and dont check the map constantly during the game which is a mega important thing to do especially in IoC
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