What is actually wrong with this horrible loot system. 4 Mythic+ runs and no loot. How is one supposed to gear up when I don’t get drops. Joke of a system.
Yep, it sucks. 3 for me yesterday. RNG IS RNG
simply dont cry and play … u will get loot soon … but u want rush , simply from 1 run is 60% , 2 runs 36% , 3 runs 21,6% and 12,96% from 4 runs i no loot … so dont give up and play
I ain’t crying… Of course I’d get loot eventually. 5 Mythic+ runs and 1 bit. Which is besides the point. It can be annoying when doing several runs and not getting anything, but seeing others keep getting drops.
luck will turn side soo relax
I’ve done five keys so far today and got loot in one, it wasn’t even something I could use
Yesterday I did around 12 keys and got loot in a few, two of which were weapons which obviously I don’t need this season
Fortunately, you have several months to grind gear before TWW is released and you can replace it all over again with green quest items
the system sucks but u can literally game around it - get friends and guildies - do armor stacks and whenever things drop u can trade between each other if someone gets something bad.
But you aren’t able to trade something that’s better for the person it dropped for, right? As it won’t allow it.
my brother in Christ - if you keep running several M+ one of u will eventually get a duplicate or same track “useless stats” item they can trade to the friend/guildie. That’s what efficient people do
I don’t think it sucks, it’s PL so when stuff drops it’s for your class and spec.
It’s just not going to give you guaranteed loot. Nor should it.
you do - if you were crafty enough to figure out things - if you get a higher ilvl weapon, compared to your leggo - after u bullion your leggo - you will have “free-of-crest” upgrades for your leggo up to the level of your trash 2h you got
My legendary outperforms any regular weapon.
And yes I will be upgrading it with bullion next week.
Gotta love our legendary. <3 Although getting a weapon at all would be pointless as we’d always use this one.
Our legendary will outshine every other weapon. So we don’t need weapon drops, as these are not replaceable from a DPS perspective.
lol it’s that time of the season
I dont think you know what you’re talking about…
You guys have no clue, right? You never read anything ever?
Let me reiterate.
For a bullion you buy an item that adds track upgrade to legendaries.
[Awaken the power within Fyr’alath the Dreamrender, increasing its item level to 502 and allowing it to be upgraded further.]
And you have to use crests to upgrade the weapon.
If you get like 520 weapon that’s not legendary. Or whatever like that. 510, 515ish, this will be your “max ilvl”. That higher ilvl weapon would literally just sit in your bags until that point.
Which means that upgrading your bullioned legendary from 502 to that higher item level will not require crests. And only half the flightstones. Or in simpler words - getting a non-legendary weapon with highr ilvl than your s3 legendary will save you on crests that you’d have to spend otherwise. If you don’t get this very simple idea then what are you even doing? Your schools owe you apologies I guess.
But of course people who spend 24/7 on forums only will never get the idea.
Tbh, Idk why I even explain this to you - your ego won’t let you understand this, agree with me or comprehend what I wrote.
Lol. The legendary is still better, and even a slightly higher ilvl weapon, the legendary will still be better.
Sounds like school may be the best place for you.
You literally don’t understand at all what I wrote, right? I even verbatim mentioned you never use the higher ilvl weapon. It’s all about saving on upgrades for legendary. Stop embarassing yourself, lmao. And get back to school lol.
It’s amazing - I explained step by step why a higher ilvl weapon might be useful for efficiency for legendary user and you are still “hurr durr legendary better”
Bro the only embarrassing person here is you. You clearly don’t get it.
You make 0 sense.
Let me recap… We’re talking about weapons that outperform, not talking about crests…