4 x Mythic+ runs and still no loot

Drops are plentiful in M+. You just need to keep farming them.

I know… But my point still stands…

It may not be “efficient” for the normal people, but those are not the ones that will take advantage… The premade groups will run as I said; 1 tank, 3 casters and a healer with caster loot spec… After 2 runs, unless tank doesn’t get loot both times, 1 of the casters will have a guaranteed 5% chance… They can probably fly through fast…

But if you waste your Ruby Life Pools +15 then you have to farm that one again, which takes longer probably, because more +15 until you get it again…

No… Because then the same groups would just save that one key until whoever needs it doesn’t get loot for a few runs… You mention +4 runs… thats a +20% increased chance… Then they get to climb score + save the BiS loot key until the guy has increased chance. poof problem is back again

And the issue is, its a slippery slope… because then people will get the same cloak 2 times in a row and will go “Omg there needs to be a system, that increases the chance of you not getting the same item piece multiple times!! tired of getting cloaks!!”

Suddenly this continues and people are max BiS geared within the first week

To be honest such premade groups do not suffer any M+ loot issues. They exccessively spam M+ and get geared very quickly within a few weeks.

I am not a fan of RNG loots and prefer a more GW2 sort of gearing where you can target certain item slots and specific items.

I would be okay with RNG loots if WoW was similar to GW2, meaning, if you get an item it stays relevant for a long time. But in WoW, 1 patch completely destroys all the loot you farmed so I struggle to understand why the focus is so much around loot and not around challanges, fun etc.

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Isn’t that more of a “you” focus? They made the dungeon changes exactly to combat this… Delves are coming exactly for this…

If you want to push extremely high, well then you also need the gear. Apart from that, you can chill out and do lower level stuff, with just basic gear?

So I struggle to see the problem?

Well, that’s the point, duh… Getting more loot more reliabliy. Also, they could simply adjust the trading rules for M+ to also fix this.

Crafting exists for that. There would be complaints but there isn’t a need for such a system.

You are exaggerating. Never going to happen. Blizzard doesn’t want that. On a sidenote tho, this would heavily encourage alting tho…

I wish you would explain that people arguing against me in my other thread…

But they’re right though. The original argument was that “getting a 2h drop is useless”. The counter argument was that it’s not, because it can ultimately save you crests and flightstones, which can be very useful due to how much the legendary costs to fully upgrade. Which it can. You just started randomly arguing about “the legendary being better than other weapons”, which nobody disputed or said it isn’t.

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if plentiful = 90% crap items that are as far away from BiS possible, then I agree.

Timegating is strong in this one.

Trinkets and weapons are gated to 6 weeks.
Tier is gated to 3-4 weeks if you don’t raid which kills your ilvl progression as you cannot take off your 4 set in the mean time for most specs.

I have chest legs and shoulds on hero track in my bags and cannot even use it. Cannot even get 2 set without crippling myself.
Dungeon trinkets are so bad this season, might as well wait the 4 weeks to get the bullion trinkets.

regardless if loot is plentiful or not, this design is pretty terrible.
You get stuff that you cannot use … amazing.

on top we are gated by crests as well of course. It is wise to not spend crests till next vault, because luck will be getting exactly the slot that you chose to upgrade with all your crests making you basically lose a week of progression.

yes season is super long and in the end it won’t matter, but that is no excuse for a terrible design to begin with.

I’ve been able to use rings, neck, cloak, some trinkets, none of it is bis no. But they are upgrades.

I don’t understand what you mean by a you focus.

I am not following the new expansion related news so I don’t know much about the delves.

On topic: I want to push high yes and gear for me is a means to an end.

And I don’t understand while you would suggest to me doing lower level stuff. I simply pointed out that focus should be on providing challanging content and fun content. I did not say I prefer doing easy content where I can have fun.

i mean just make it so each player is guaranteed something, especially in m0. cant get to any timed keys because ive done my full lot of dungeons and got nothing. vault is good and all but if im gettin 1 item per week tf is the point of playing

Ok, so not completely useless, but still useless. :tipping_hand_man:

Well he randomly spoke about a weapon drop, so :tipping_hand_man:

“Season has just started, you shouldn’t expect to fully gear in a short period”. I never once said I expected to be fully geared. I mean it’ll take a while before I am. (2 cloak drops, probably be cloaks in the vault tomorrow as well).
I work a lot, I’m not able to spend a lot of time playing this game. I expect at least a better loot system. 8 Mythic dungeons, and 1 piece of loot from them. Other one was a duplicate (another cloak…). I’m not going to make my friend play a plate wearer to up my chances, as it shouldn’t be like that.

i think it took 4 people to slightly convince you that you were clowning all along.

Not really. It took 4 people to not actually understand the issue, but instead rambled on about saving crests instead. :tipping_hand_man:

I think everyone fully understood the issue. You were the one who started arguing against a point that nobody made. The conversation literally went like this:

“2h weapon drops are useless, I don’t need them”
“Well they are not, because they can save you upgrade materials, which is useful.”
“Legendary is better than any other weapon.”

So… You’re saying what I say… That this will just give an advantage to premades, guilds and be a sick business for boosters :+1:

No… Because they require ressources, flightstones etc… So just like you complain with the lack of loot only 1 week in, imagine what that new system would… Essentially people would complain until they could just pick the loot the wanted, and even then people would start to complain that there no longer is a “grind” and everything is done in 1 week :slight_smile:

It has never been easier alting, and it will get even easier with TWW… We are 1 week into the new season… Like calm down…

I’m in that thread too. And even there people are saying the exact same thing. M0 is great for casuals as it allows them to do content with no timer. You have an entire season to push?

Like it honestly seems to me like you really do want to push but you want to play as a casual, so it conflicts… You don’t want to wait and slowly progress, you want to log on, and start playing M+ at your maximum capacity.

And its essentially very simple. Either you play casually and slowly progress and enjoy it for what it is, you put in time and grind out the gear to push faster or you realize that the game / the mode just isn’t for you?

They literally made HC and M0 harder to give people that did not care for loot a challenge… The fact that you focus so much on loot has nothing to do with the game mode? Its YOU that focus on it? So I fail to see how you can say “Struggle to understand why the focus is so much around loot”

The challenges are there… For those who don’t care for loot, and the ones who does.
I get it, if you like OP want to just log on be max geared and play highest key levels from day 1, this may not be the game for you… I would get super bored if I could play to max cap from day 1 and didn’t have to slowly test my power in keys as I gear up.
Do I want to do that from day 1? No. Why would I? The season just started…

Then how can you say:
“so I struggle to understand why the focus is so much around loot” ?

Well, to get the gear so you can do higher level stuff or to enjoy lower level stuff if you don’t like the grind? Pick your option

My guy, “the issue” was claiming a weapon drop would be useless…
You just started babbling on like this:

You are then being told:

So again… No one says the weapon is better than your legendary… Only that it saves you crests… YOU again, completely in your “My LeGeNdArY iS bEtTeR” mode go:

You are then once again told:

You then go:

Alchemiczka literally just replied to the whole argument that a weapon drop was useless with facts, and you turned it into a performance discussion and refused to realize that he wasn’t… xD Like just admit you were too hasty on the keyboard instead of pretending we are now 3 people that tells you and you are still right xD

This entire post makes no sense.

Lets look at what I am saying.

I am saying that the game should have focus on creating challanging and fun content. But, the fact that gear is time gated and RNG shows that developers’ focus is not creating a challanging and fun content. Its creating content and then trying to put limitations around it via time gates, limited loots etc. to make sure we don’t “blitz(?)” through it. Which means their focus is to make sure we don’t go through the “content” and stop playing the game.

In my mind, there should be no limitations to gear. Let us aquire whatever we can, and let us push as high as we can.

Or, create challanging content where gear is not in the equation. Like, give us a “fixed” power and increase the challange/difficulty itself as we advance further. Like PvP (to an extend).

Not really. The point was clearly made… 2 hand weapon dropping is still useless. I don’t care about saving crests. :tipping_hand_man:

It is useless? Ohh it saves you crests. So what? I’m still not going to use that weapon, so it’s useless… What are you people not getting. Not the brightest bunch are you.