Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Don’t get me wrong, all the changes for Dungeons and their scaling are great! A good de-bloat of numbers and key levels and such…

But nothing sucks more than being able to play a mythic key on 8-9 casually 2 days ago and the next time you log in 2 days later all your gear is now inferior to blue gear from heroic dungeons, all your flight stones are gone so you have to start from 0 again and you basically have to work up yourself from a somewhat “endgame-ready” spot all the way back up to even just be able to play the Mythic 2+ key you have in your pockets… And all of that with Whelpling Crests being cap-gated again.

Usually new season resets don’t feel that harsh, but due to the changes… It feels to me like I have been pushed down the stairs (level wise) and nothing is lending a hand to get back up after that hurting fall. Or in other words, like a completely new expansion launched without all its content and just the leveling system.

Heroic dungeons feel nice (yet still too easy since mechanics can still be ignored or outdamaged). About M0 I can’t say anything yet. I can’t play it atm anymore because I have to level my gear again.

Not a great experience and I am already considering not to even bother with this season. I guess I go play other games instead till 10.2.7 comes for the Draenei heritage and then wait for TWW beta/launch…

Update for Summary:

  • All my gear is now inferior to blue gear from Timewalk and Heroic Dungeons.
  • I did a M0 and got nothing at all. Loot of that dungeon is now locked out for the remaining week.
  • I can’t even play a +2 key atm due to lack of gear.

Blizzard, please explain me what your trail of thoughts was because I really don’t see how the changes with those loot lockout restrictions, alongside the Whelpling Crest cap should help people getting into M+ at all.

The 2-3h I was logged into WoW today I didn’t make any progress at all. In fact, I even LOST gold in worth of 2000/3000 just for repairs without any gain. 1 of 8 dungeons is now locked out for the remaining week. And due to the cap limits and key difficulty changes I can’t progress at all.

What was the thought process here? Creating a higher brickwall entry barrier for players to get into M+ than the last seasons? Well, you certainly succeeded from my perspective.

Update with suggestions:

  • M0 should not have a weekly lockout (edit: maybe change it to a daily lockout instead)
  • Remove cap from Whelpling crests and turn it into a true leveling currency
  • Add an access threshold that prevents access to certain keys in Mythic+ if you aren’t ready/within item level tolerance for the activity to be able to complete it.
    • Example: +2 is recommended 488 ilvl, everyone below ca. 472 ilvl can’t play +2 and higher yet.
    • Once you reach the “minimum threshold” (i. e. 472 ilvl) you can play +2 keys.
    • Procedure repeats for every key interval.
    • The idea is that players can’t even make the mistake of going in undergeared into activities.
  • Bring back the Portal room from DF S3 for Mythic dungeons and just exchange EACH SEASON the portals to lead to the current dungeon rotation.
    • People want to play the Dungeons, not waste time “interacting with the game world” by being forced to travel to each dungeon manually til they get the portals from +10 key completions.
    • There shouldn’t be a requirement to unlock the portals even. Imagine if you had to unlock the feature of using flight points first on top of finding the flight points itself… That’s how it feels.

If you dont wanna play, then dont play. Why must we get these posts every time a new season begins. If you wanna play a game where you get to keep your hard earned gear forever and nothing ever changes, maybe wow is not your game. Gear progression is and always has been a part of this game.


That’s not the issue here. I play since BfA S2 and know how things are going. I am just saying the changes this season don’t feel as good as they could have been in transition.


I feel the same. It just feel to grindy now.


I dont know, i cleared normal amirdrasil last week, and i cleared normal vault of the incarnates this week, seems like a smooth transision to me. There wouldnt be much progression in jumping right into +10’s on the first day of the new season, would there?


I don’t think the scaling changes for Dungeons were applied to Raids as well.

I would at least expect to be able to play my +2 key. But no one joined when I listed it… AS A HEALER.

You mean theres a downside to obsessively hiding everything about your character so people can’t make a judgement and walk away?

I’ve had no problems at all with keys. Most people haven’t.


Hasn’t been an issue the last 2 seasons, so that theory of yours doesn’t work.


It’ll likely be a one time thing unless they allow the difficulties to bloat again to a point where they have to squish it again.

I would argue just be happy that a usual season reset doesn’t feel that harsh to you and just soldier through it because I do suffer from that and content that awards player power now feels like a waste of time compared to for example transmog farming to me

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Still didn’t log, can someone tell, which ilvl needed to go m0, +2 or normal raid, 477 is enough or better to get some higher items?

Yeah, I can imagine for you it feels a lot worse.

I’m 472 on my healer and really don’t feel like grinding M0 and timewalking just to be able to do a +2 on old dungeons.

If you have to be 490 just to be able to do a +2 it’s a bit of a joke imo.

Might just skip and come back for WW


It sucks. I was enjoying an alt and was doing up to +15 keys being 440. But now I can only do random heroics or timewalking to gear up first before I can attempt keys again.

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Agree ilvl jump should be way lower. I would even say, only 5ilvl. so old heroic becomes normal, mythic → heroic etc etc.
Key levels should not reset. Who cares, if it will be +40 by the end of the expac. But, i know, that it is kinda an unpopular opinion.

This. Sounds like OP is expecting to clear max difficulty this week because they could last week.

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It wouldn’t be so bad if it was entirely new dungeons and that would be something to work towards, but it’s just DF season 1 repeated with the ilevel cranked up.

I was told by a friend that they tried a +5 and they were all 485 ilevel and it was hard lol.

Seems like they just want to add extra grind as an excuse for running the same thing over again in place of new content

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That’s the point, the levels were squished. Lol

Nothing good RP won’t soften the blow of, which I do have access too.
And as long as the RP is good I don’t mind forking over the money.

Yeah, in the last season a 12 wasn’t much harder than a +2. But you can squash things so the gradient difficulty increase between levels is higher, so there aren’t big gap ranges between milestone difficulty increases. You can do that without cranking the initial barrier to entry.

I was doing up to 19s last season, which should be good enough ilevel wise to get me into a 2. I’m not asking to jump into a 5 or even 10 (knowing about the squish).

If you were someone who only did up to 10s last season, you have an even more annoying grind just to get into a 2. And to do this, you’re literally grinding the same dungeons at m0 which has a weekly lockout, so you might not even get loot anyway.

I suppose you can buy the higher gear off the AH at crazy high prices, so hello wow token.

No, I don’t. Please stop making such assumptions.