450, 500, 550 and 600 Mount Achievements?

Will be get another set of Mount Achievements in Shadowlands for 450, 500, 550 and 600 mount Achievements? The previous reward for the 100 mount achievement the Spectral Phoenix would have looked nice in those spectral colors like the other spectral mounts and i think it would be a good 500 mount achievement reward.
For the 450 mount achievement i think the old version of the blue hippogryph would be nice.
For the 550 mount achievement i think the Goblin Hot Rod would be amazing
and last the achievement for 600 mounts obtained would be total cool to look forward to the Stormcrow mount :heart_eyes:
It’s just some suggestions :smiley:
Also the Green Stormdrake looks :cool:


we already have 450 giving blue golem. no?

That’s the 350 mount achievement reward.

i see, i thought we had 450 as well, seems 400 is max atm

I can’t for the life of me remember where I saw it but I had read they weren’t adding anymore.

There’s no new achievement on the beta for more than 400 mounts right now, which is extremely disappointing

Which is more disappointing?

  1. having no achievement at all?
  2. discovering that the reward is yet another recolor for an already existing mount created 3 expansions ago? (meanwhile: have you see that cool new unique model in the cash shop?)

I’m honestly fine with the reskins because I think they’re usually pretty well done and still look nice


Ion mentioned that in an interview.

Would ruin some people’s fun to play or something because it is such a massive number to collect then.


That’s a shame. There are lots of areas of the game not everyone gets the achievements for or bothers to do the content.

I’ve not seen/heard the interview, do you happen to remember who it was with?



I did find this, but what I saw was a while back now.

Collector’s Achievements*
Always a plan to add more. However, they know that if they add new mounts and stuff some people feel forced to do it.

  • On the other hand, they also don’t want to make it feel out of reach for other players.

Have no achievement and reward, absolutely
I mean, the green phoenix for the 250 mount is pretty cool, and the rarity makes it worthwile even if is a reskin.

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Would be very sad to have no new achievments, also given the huge amount of new mounts in bfa. I can definitely live with a recolor, as long its a good one. for example a blue or green fel hound would be very nice.
Also I don’t understand the point of “out of reach”. New players will always have smaller 50 steps meta achievments to aim for, they are not facing a “collect 500 mounts or you will get nothing, bro” - achievement.


I think no player have over 400 mounts currently, so its a bit early to set those achievs.

I am sure, there are a lot of dedicated mount collectors with that number and even beyond 500.
I am currently at 465 mounts (unique, number from ingame stats page)

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It would be nice to have higher achievements for mounts. I’m missing the current top one as the mount isn’t to my taste and with no higher achievements I have no incentive to collect more mounts when I only use a few of them. I am not completionist enough to need to get mounts just because they exist, I need a reason!

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Is there at least the pet collection achievement? 1200 or something?

Not yet current max one is 1k pets.


They do :rofl:

I’m by no means as hardcore a collector as some of the serious mount farmers.

I only started playing in Legion and have over 500 (480 odd usable per character which is that these achievements are based on)