450, 500, 550 and 600 Mount Achievements?

nice collection :slight_smile: but donā€™t tell me, you are not a hardcore collector with all dublon / medal/ assault / warfront mounts + the reputation unicorn :slight_smile:

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I have some serious mount collecting friends who do all mount farming on an army of characters. I just donā€™t have the will power for that. Iā€™ve done it occasionally and the only time I take every alt through is probably for the big love rocket as itā€™s a time limited event.

Reallyā€¦ ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

Just hit 492 eligible mounts with my main. Thats 8 short of 500 and yes.
They all count towards.

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I didnā€™t see this thread before. Iā€™m still working on 400 (hit 350 recently) but would be very sad if there was nothing to aim for after that.


Im sitting on 511 unique mounts here(not even any tcg lol) and i still have some to farm
Whereā€™s next achiev blizz?

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Sitting on 597 mounts and I was hoping for at least a 500 mount achievement :frowning:


Its one of the reasons i have alts :wink:
Apart from tanking M+ on like 4 or 5 different tanks i also got all other classes at 120, for A: being a completionist and B: more mount farming opportunities.

462 mounts and counting, with a lot of glory achievments missing sadly (i wish they would make some soloable already)

This, oh so much this. I have several that just need 1 achievement.

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Mount count is kind of confusing these days.

Simple armory puts me at 485

Data for Azeroth puts me at 489

The armory puts me at 571

In game mount tab shows me as 571

In game statistics tab puts me at 527

It doesnā€™t help that the in-game counter (shown when viewing the achievement) seems to be totally bugged. I got a new mount (not faction specific, it was the Glacial Tidestorm) and logged all of my characters in case they had a large number of unique mounts, but still nothing was added to the count. Then I got another mount from island expeditions and my count jumped up by two. So it just decided not to count a mount until later? Er, great!

Having just got the 350 mount, Iā€™d love to have more to aim for beyond the 400 one in future. I do agree that it can seem very overwhelming for new players, but provided that mounts arenā€™t constantly removed from the game then everyone has an opportunity to get them.

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statistic one is correct as it counts mount for achiev,rest is wrong

or u were just on character without extra class mount(paladin,warlock,dk)
and once u logged on one of them it updated number ;p

No, it was very weird because I deliberately logged every character to try and get it to update. I checked the achievement tracker on Wowhead for all characters and none of the numbers matched up! My priest (whoā€™s a tailor with the flying carpet mounts) has my highest number of mounts but logging her did nothing. The next mount dropped on a different character with a lower mount count yet added two. :woman_shrugging:

I found a lot of other people reporting that the tracking seems to be bugged, so maybe it is or maybe thereā€™s some weird hidden and unknown counting going on? I donā€™t pretend to understand the mind of Blizzard :grin:

I use the ingame statistics one.
Since thats the amount that counts for the 400 mount achievement. Because it has to be 400 mounts to be able to use on 1 character.

The mount journal / armory and azeroth info do show the total amounts you have at your disposal, doesnt matter you cant use the alliance versions and not a horde char.

And class specific mounts will always add +1 to your statistics tab, depending on class / char you are viewing the stat tab with.

Thank you for the link .

I find this a real shame as mount collectors always get a rough bargain

Low drop rates
Crazy vendor prices (5mill and 2 mill mounts )
Insane mats for prof made ones
Weekly lock outs
Timed events Love rocket being 2nd rarest ingame with 1 in 3333 drop chance .
High rated PVP and PVE (do not mind those to much as you have a goal to reach)

They seem to hate collectors a lot .

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Always log in a paladin after getting a new mount on another class to help notch up the numbers .

500 for SL, sureā€¦ 600 is just being crazy.

This annoys me more than anything - I even think the BFA rep mounts are too expensive which is why I still donā€™t have them.

I can afford it but wonā€™t on principle.


The 6 that came in with 8.2 i think ? 76k each nah not going to happen i still need 2 more frogs there was no need to make them 333.333 gold each they really do hate collectors it feels like .

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I used to care more about doing all these achievements and filling the quest / exploration achievements etc. then they decided to add most of the quest achievements tied behind random chance world quests that you only get one chance at rather than some sort of actual fun thing to find and I lost interest.

Sometimes this is actually a good thing, especially when it comes to spec/faction-flavors.