450, 500, 550 and 600 Mount Achievements?

Same for toy collectors, just not mount collectors, the last toy achiev is for 400 toys, I’m on 444 and again by no means a serious collector of toys.

Oh dear oh dear… I’ll go hide my mounts AND my boyfriends mounts collections. They’d blow your socks off if 400 would be the limit you think exists. x)

Yeah I am at 533 toys atm. Would love some more stuff rewarded.
Also - Hope they remove the silly long CDs on some toys, combined with silly short effects.

I’m still waiting for the Phoenix on this video to be added as a mount: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOj7u0X4P7g

Either as an achievement reward or even as a Store mount, I don’t mind. It looks just amazing and it would be cool as a new mount and a fitting one for a mount achievement as well.

If someone can take screenshot of it and share it as a photo for better visibility, feel free to do it. I think I don’t have permission to post images yet.

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The rep itself is the grind, the mount with a nominal fee should be the reward.

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With the raw gold income squish coming with prepatch I foresee I will be without most of the expensive vendor mounts for some time.

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Could you tell me more about that please?

I made this post and some said the gold won’t be squished.

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The gold we make from items will be less in SL than we get now. The biggest money maker at the start of expansions is usually the new expansion mats that people need to craft. Old content farm will yield less gold than it did, hopefully deterring bot farming of various dungeons/raids like we see now.

I doubt the token price will be reset in the process because it’s never been reset from expansion to expansion.


Obviously not everything is final yet and people are still testing:-

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Well I checked on my level 50 on the PTR and the items that drop from rares and the quests give the same gold as they do on live - so am not sure. This was the Warlords area.

I will check that out, thank you.

Oh I see what you mean now… I will link this if you don’t mind.

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It’s not the only youtube video reporting about it, you can find all sorts out there.

We will just have to wait and see what squish we get on prepatch.


This seems really silly, some of the older raids will need more people… doesn’t that mean losing out even more on the gold and items as well as the vendor price reduction in worth?

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Sadly, that won’t stop the multibox farmers (I know that’s a different matter), but it’s the actual problem game has it which needs to change. However, that seems unlikely for now.

I don’t know why they made this change regarding the older raids, this will only hurt the casual people who would run the old raids for some extra gold. It will have no effect on multiboxers and botters.

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Multiboxers are a different issue and I agree they will carry on strip mining/herbing etc gathering resources to sell and flood markets with.

Lots of botters however do run those dungeons. A friend regularly reports the ones going into the old TBC dungeons and has had a thank you mail or two.


More mount achievements would be nice, however as a reward, maybe for 500, i’d like to see a piece of mount equipment. Maybe one that reduces cast time for mounting for example, or just something unique for the mount collectors.

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While I’m not quite at 400 yet (someone share motivation to run the same raids on 10+ max toons pls) I’d love to see one of the unused models for a 450 or 500 collected mounts reward.


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I totally agree, they should REMOVE the CDs on all Toys. They are annoying, pointless, and unnecessary.


I agree you spend countless gated hours grinding the rep and then its like “oh we are best friends now but still going to charge you 1 million dollars for a mount mahhahaahhah”


The idea of mounts being gold sinks is truly outdated, especially when all current BFA vendor mounts (frogs excluded) are literally a recolor of already existing models.

Even the legion vendor ones are reskins.

I wouldnt mind paying a ‘‘high’’ price if the mounts where truly unique and had no recolors around.
But a palewhite direhorn from Zandalari based off a model i already own since Mists of pandaria i just cant justify the cost for these mounts.


Pretty pompous attitude for someone with the collection you have!