450, 500, 550 and 600 Mount Achievements?

phoenix posted, hope this helps.

they dont seem to care about this anymore wich is really dissapointing

I already have 511,and they add a lot of mounts nowaday so i think it should be ez to reach by sl end

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Iā€™m sorry? :slight_smile:
Mounts; 539
Pets; 1500 (1096 unique)
Toys; 533

I donā€™t think thatā€™s ā€œpompousā€ (Self-importance), itā€™s just a fact that I have more than that.
Not saying neither me nor my BF are better or more important than anyone, just stating that people exist with a lot more collected.
I might have missunderstood you but calling me pompous felt like an insult to me due to my joke about the 400-mark.

Iā€™m just saying, we need much higher achievements - especially with SL coming.

There are difficult achievements for raiders, key holders, pvp for current exxpancions, it would be great to have hard-to-reach achievements for collectors. For collecting mounts similar to the achievement Do not wake sleeping dragons. You could also come up with many achievements with collecting pets, toys, but there is nothing interesting, unfortunately.
I really hope that there will be achievements for 450, 500, etc. mounts

Iā€™d love a 450, 500 mount achiev for SL please I dont care if its a reskin or whatever, it just motivates me to keep collecting more.:slight_smile: :kissing_heart:

Woh woh woh. Donā€™t you dare insult my fel fire hawk that I waited to get ever since I saw the datamined picture back in cata.

What if we ā€œkill 2 birds with 1 stoneā€ here and make the reward be a recolor of the Warlordā€™s Deathwheel that so many people have been asking to become available again?

Blizzard should fix mount tab.

Why there are some mounts that are only visible to alliance or horde?

I think since itā€™s all account-wide we should be able to see ALL mounts in the mounts tab.

Itā€™s really weird that each of your characters shows different mount count.

Similar issue applies to toy tab.

Well, we might not get more mount achievements for now.

But when i inspected the mount tab i noticed all mounts related to reputation levels are actually only 30k gold. (Before discount)

So hopefully that means we are done with vendor mounts being insanely priced.

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I donā€™t remember if it was this discussion or another but someone linked Ion H saying that they didnā€™t like having more mount achievements because it makes the playerbase feel forced to farm them.

We had a long wait last time for the last mount achievement to be added. Who knows we may get one in the future, but we may also have to accept itā€™s something they are no longer interested in doing.

The statistics page no longer shows you how many mounts you have on your character.

Yeah, i remember reading similar.

Still sad about that.
But its good to see the mounts from factions arent overpriced anymore and only 30k gold for the first set of them.

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Any achievement implies the investment of time and resources. Someone closes the actual myths, someone becomes a gladiator. If there is an achievement of a gladiator, this does not mean that everyone wants to get it. Itā€™s the same with mounts, pets and toys - there is a layer of players who are interested in this aspect of the game. It is a bad idea to deprive them of their assets

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Mecanic mounts are moust safe mounts becourse a creature mount can be exosted run out of stamina and colaps and u fall to ur death :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™d love to see less but more valuable mounts in the game. What I mean by that is mounts that are given to people for achieving something in the game instead of rng fiesta.

so wow is 16 year old game we still have no hot rod or yet pack mount so disapointing ā€¦

I would rather they kept giving us mount achievements. I donā€™t see why mount collectors canā€™t have their own thing.

Right there with you.
I dont see why they feel they cant ā€˜ā€˜add moreā€™ā€™ because of the urgency it might create with other players.

I do feel personally this applies to everything in the game that is collectable.
Because you could feel the same about it all.

Ow: 60 armor sets to transmog in the appearance tab, i NEED to get them.
For pets we go up to 600 unique pets, yet i just cba to get more than the 520 unique ones i have.
Etc etc.

I dont see how the mount part is exclusive towards anything else listed as collectable and having an impact on peopleā€™s feeling to ā€˜ā€˜completeā€™ā€™ it or fill the bar.


Us mount collectors need this achiev to continue farming and collectong imoā€¦ start a petition?