Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

and why would you play rhapsody in pvp? hahaha

So its all fine then. Asking blizzard to start buffing instead of nerfing is asking them to work way, way more than necessary if this all impacts the highest of highest keys.
I’m glad blizzard is looking at the interest of the whole playerbase and not the 0,1% like they did with conduit energy in SL.

We had clear metas past seasons too. Like shadowlands s3 with bdk + holy priest + SV + Destro + WW/Rogue. People always complain day in, day out if their favorite spec is not brought to keys or if its not the godtier spec and blizzard nerfs specs.
Difference is that warlock nerf postponed for season 4 start. They also wanted to nerf the spec midseason.

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shadowlands any season without boomkin? Did you play keys?

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season 3 boomkin?

I’ve updated the OP to correct a typo.

  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Blessing of Summer now causes attacks to deal 20% 25% additional damage as Holy (was 30%).

thats much more then 5%.
and they dont stop until you dont see holy paladins in the top list.
so they will ruin this spec 200% for sure. like they did with prot and ret with their braindead and absurd changes.

of course they can. and i have seen almost all classes in much higher keys.
but will they be invited? because certain dds are looking for a group for hours…

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Aug is the problem at the moment. because certain classes just don’t scale. or would you take ret instead of mage in such a comp?

but it is doing nothing.

reversing a situation doesnt give everyone “Equal Opportunity to join groups”. it just changes the Speccs which are and arent accepted, until the correct changes are made u cant balance a situation with this many factors.

It literally does just that.

The only one’s getting “really punished” for this is the 0,1% because now, apparently, keys won’t reach as high this season.
People see what the meta currently is and then in lower keys, they want that too. Now when they’re nerfed, majority of the playerbase will be able to get invited, like normal, before the nerfs. Its not the first season in m+s history this has happened and then it has gone “back to normal”.

We already know the new meta.

Guard druid / disc priest / enhance shaman / ret paladin / boomy :joy: if anything its less classes because druid x2 what do u mean most?

Heres a hint, its always every season 3 classes get immediate invites while the other 10 have to have a inflated rio / make their own groups.

The reason the “god comp” is so swayed out is because it boosted RIO with how easy it made completing m+, so more then usual instsntly rerolled.

Yes the god comp was worse then usual because of this, espically because of utility. But this doesnt fix a problem. Before or after, the likelyhood is im still going to have to make my own group to get into keys.

And no more theb the 0.1%, to beleive this didnt boost average m+ players upwards would be denial. This comp made +20s feel like +16s hence why alot of people are saying KSH this season is a joke.

This will effect everyone, who depended on this comp to break the difficulty of the game mode.

Whatever u made it to, if u used this comp to get there, the likelyhood is u wont be able to push any further. This goes deeper.

Just becsuse someone decided to take on wanting to complete +25s across the board and isnt a leaderboard run, doesnt change that at their skill level this will make it unlikely for em

I don’t think you understand - the top 0.1% isn’t complaining, the players aiming for top 0.1% are complaining.

Bliz effectively ended the season for any competent & competetitive player that didn’t or couldn’t abuse the augment release. Not everyone can do 24 hours of gaming. Surprise: casual play doesn’t mean bad players.

Most of the current top 0.1% got there abusing the overpowered classes early and often, and the players that don’t have the same amount of time as them no longer have any chance.


any ww monk changes? maybe normal scaling? blizz?

Ret paladin?
And not augmentation evoker?

Augs don’t lose that much and if prescience multistrike is bad they can opt into Cooldown Reduction for their party members quite easily while also helping everyone live.

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Augmentation is a big issue for sure, but I think there are other classes that scale well with aug. Boomy is probably the second best option to mage or maybe shaman, but I don’t think the meta will really change without blizzard addressing other specs and dungeons in general.

No, but the classes that mesh with aug are falling. Aug isnt good with every combo

And Arms Warrior…?

Y good point aug distributes his own mainstat to others means only the int buff alone is a double dip , the externals +md and mindsooth and mark of the wild extra and bear is currently the tankiest on high target numbers

The synergy +priest utilities of that comb (mostly because u can mindsooth mops with truesight)

Aug evoker makes also heal and tank insanely strong , in the future we will need more support roles and a 6 man grp to balance this out

No, thats why we play shadow alts for m+ to enjoy the game at least :frowning:
Maybe once they find out what they want to do with WWs lol.