Embers of Fyr'alath Empowered - 21 February

Many aspects of Dragonflight have reflected a shift in philosophy towards designs that allow us to enjoy reaching a point where we feel “done” with a character’s power progression. Legendaries returned as an exception to this. Legendaries are intended to be a special reward that some players would aspire to obtain over the course of a season, demonstrating a display of excellence in the most challenging content.

As Season 3 has unfolded, we’ve increasingly heard feedback from frustrated players who have been clearing Amirdrassil weekly on Heroic difficulty with no Fyr’alath in sight, and we want to give those players a surer path to achieving their goal.

Earlier today, with a hotfix that is now live, we significantly increased the effect of all Embers of Fyr’alath for players who receive them. This increase is retroactive and applies to all players whether or not you’ve consumed any Embers you may have.

As always, thank you for your feedback!


This is indeed good news for the majority of sane minded individuals.

However, no matter what increases you put in place, there will still be those individuals, who will continue to complain because Joe Nobody got it today, where they never had it drop for them.

So I’m expect some refreshing of old threads, where people are still unhappy with their RNG for this axe.

Peak delusion right here, please do elaborate how fresh 70 characters getting it on their first LFR kill demonstrates a display of excellence in the most challenging content. Meanwhile people who clear every difficulty get it weeks to months later…

This legendary system (and evoker one) is the worst implementation you could’ve possibly went with, literally just make it a finite questline that takes x amount of kills for quest items accelerated by higher difficulties or don’t do legendaries at all.


Dumbmelee is spitting facts!


One would think that an item of “legendary” quality would be awarded to players that invest countless hours of hard work and do the most difficult content, but in reality it’s awarded to average Joe at his first LFR kill who died in the first 20s and went afk watching Netflix the rest of the fight.
I guess being “lucky” is also a skill.


It’s just like they did in Wrath back in the day. The casual gamers were complaining that the hardcore raiders were getting all the best gear and that Casual Joe didn’t have the time or patience to do the same raids.

So Blizzard created the Welfare Epic system.

Legendries unfortunately have been part of that welfare system for a very long time now.

It unfortunate but now the majority of players are those who want instant gratification, rather than putting in effort to get the best gear for their character.

It’s why I always look for MMOs, which does require some effort from the player, but most being released are either promoting whale like behaviour or are just too lazy and you end up doing everything the game has to offer within a week of downloading the game.

It’s a shame Wildstar had to shutdown :cry:


Will this legendary become worthless at start of next season same way as evoker legendary ? And since we are half way through season 3, cant really find a reason to bother farming this legendary… not to mention spending significant amount of gold to craft it

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How is getting a very lucky RNG drop “a display of excellence”?
It is just luck whether you get it or not.

Never do this kind of system again.


The wonders of ambiguous RNG. We still have no idea what the actual values are. So for all we know it’s a 0.0001 to 0.0002 increase.


Hey there.
I would like to share my personal experience (which is shared by a lot of ppl aswell)

My guild and I are still trying to clean mythic raid. And while we do not raid I usually try to m+ as much as possible.
I have been doing this boss on every single reset on both normal then heroic difficulty.
As of today I also got 21 lesser embers.
And today after blizz hotfix, I still didnt get the axe.

The thing is because of this weapon I still do not own, I am filtered out on every m+ group I try to join (I am on the range of 26 / 27).

Now I will just play lfg simulator for another week.
The game become a lot worse for people who do not get the legendary. This is a fact.

You should not allow legendary / rng drop anymore on any difficulty.
Instead you should make it drop on mythic fyrakk only so it feels rewarding and not punishing for people who didn’t have the chance to loot it.


A small patch for one of the worst systems ever… 28 lessers, weekly kills of Fyrakk hc since day one and 3 mythic kills (with full clears on both to get as maximum lessers as possible). STILL NOTHING. Meanwhile everyone who goes to LFR and alts of people who already have it on their main gets a legendary… AND SURPRISE even with these changes in hc I didn’t get it…

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Remember we here at Blizzard do not care about your feelings, we only care that you keep giving us money!

thumbs up

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I got mine last week and my two characters are evoker and paladin, so i’ve been throgh this twice and let me say, if there is something to be learned from both dragonflight legendaries is that some RNG is okay, but there is a point where you are generating more frustration than excitement and that point is reached way before the 3 month into the season mark.

So if you ever do something like this again, you need to pump BLP numbers a lot. Forget about embers, fragments or whatever… just have the usual BLP tied to the final boss, with something like 5% chance increase per difficulty and be clear about it so everyone knows beforehand how long it will take in a worst case scenario.

And while we are at it… if legendaries require time and gold they should not become irrelevant as soon as the season is over, they should be items that last for the rest of the expansion, even if there is some work required to upgrade them with each season.

Almost like it’s design was there is keep you on the treadmill.

I thought my luck was bad but I feel for you more with the 9/9m.

I had 23 lessers and full HC kills today and still nothing. Only main plate to be actively going for it all season in my guild and im now the last to receive it when it drops.

My ret friend now has 13 heroic fyrakk kills, still no leggo this morning. I know multiple people for who this leggo is only a burden instead of something cool and are rerolling to chars without a leggo. They played on their main with almost 10% less dps just because of this nonsense. What a fail.

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As a hunter I can confidently say: ‘Whatever’. :person_shrugging:

Don’t worry next legendary for Hunters will just be mailed to you directly when you log into the game. Because Blizzard is demonstrating a display of excellence in the most challenging content!

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learn to not want the things you want, and the things you don´t want will come into your life.

It’s not that we want it… It’s that this is the cause of a huge barrier for people for m+ and raid and most of the times its the people around us that REQUIRE that we have it.