5-second freezes since 8.1.5

Anyone else still getting these freezes? They started in 8.1.5 for me as well and whilst they don’t seem as common now I still get a 3-5 second freeze roughly once a day or so, usually whilst raiding

I still do, got one yesterday. Today was fine so far. As for solution… i dont think we can do anything about it. Hope devs are aware of this issue and trying to fix it.

It got better for me when i installed the latest nvidia driver, it didn’t happened for a few days (before that, it happened every 30 min or so), and today it happened again. 5-10 sec freeze, 4 nvlddmkm error in 5 seconds. I hope the next driver will fix it completely, because i’m not willing to change back to dx11, it caused terrible performance during the start of this expansion before we got the dx12 option.

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Just wondering, which one of you is using a GTX 1060?

Still a problem 3-8-2019

Still an issue today. I hope this gets fixed as soon as possible Blizzard as this is only seeming to happen when I’m in the newest BfA zones. Trying to get Rare’s on Mechagon Island is a real pain in the butt with these spikes going on and I have a feeling that it’s to do with resolution scaling as ElvUI (which I’ve tried without and still the issue persists) gives me error’s about the scaling being resized.

Consider yourself lucky.
I just renewed with a 6 month sub, I can’t even launch the game. the last hotfix screwed up somehow. I tried every single option provided by the support forum.
Of course I haven’t tried uninstalling and installing again since that would take ages because I have trash internet speed.

I have similar 5-10 secs freezes and its just about WoW other games work normally without any problems. It started about a week ago after that patch and I actually started to play again about a month ago and in the beginning everything worked perfectly. Dunno what went wrong then all drivers are up-to-date too.

My specs: 2700X at 4.0 GHz (Wrath Prism cooler), 2080 TI 11Gb, 16gb 3200 Mhz… So I don’t think its about my PC unless its related to some Nvidia issue in-game.

The game usually freezes for like 5-10 secs also the sound freezes. Quite annoying. That happens like for couple times per day and then the game works normally again. Sometimes often 1-sec lag spike that seems not to be a lag spike. From there I can assume the freezes to come usually. Sometimes I have to boot WoW after those freezes and that has helped. Yet sometimes even Windows too and double monitors go black for a second.

I think the issue is related somehow to the heating problems (bad code?) within the game and Nvidia. Didn’t see any abnormal from settings. The case is pretty hot after those freezes. Not what it was in the beginning. Sometimes GFX card starts making noise too during / before / after freezes, which it normally doesn’t. Not sure why just WoW triggers those freezes.

EDIT: Apparently seems to be DX12 issue. It sounds like a common bug, or easy to fix. But is not :confused:

Same issue here since 8.1.5
Driver Versions 730.69 and 731.60 tested
Going back to DX11 (non legacy) complete removes the issues but has major performance downsides.

Tests done so far:

  • Testing with Driver 730.69 and 731.60 ; Version Changes with DDU in Safemode
  • Reinstalling WoW
  • Reinstalling Windows, installing nothing else than Drivers and WoW

Yesterday i told Geforce Experience to “optimize” WoW Settings and didn’t have an issue under DX12. Can someone test that too and just use what Geforce experience states as “optimal”?

Yoooo… ill start this reply with: @ [Nenyasqi] and
“Scandinavian / Norwegian players with alooot of 5 sec lag and / or 319 dc…”

After many month of MTR`s , mail’s back and forward to blizz and ISP… Blizz have gotten a “hit” with this annoying fail…
No its not Blizz’ servers making many of you going highwire and saying things you shouldn’t have said…:slight_smile:
This has hopefully something to do with the international backbone exchange system. (CDN) this is the answer i got from 1 of the engineering tech guys at Blizz
(hopefully not a Gnome with a grin smile …“as of all gnomish engineering… it may or may not work as intended” :wink: -) ) :
The captured data is indeed very interesting, as it implies a substantial amount of loss on the hand-over between your national internet company and the larger “backbone” infrastructure used for international data exchange. The losses are very unusual in the sense that they seem to be contained to one single network node and do not “snowball” further through the connection, but unfortunately WinMTR is not granular enough to determine the actual root cause here - this will need to be handled by your internet company.
P.S.: “as57976, net” is an external firewall on the outer network perimeter of the data centre we use in Europe. It deliberately throttles/delays ICMP ECHO data packets (such as used for the WinMTR test) as an anti-flooding/DDoS measure, but this does not affect game traffic - the “spike” in delay you saw there would have been a side-effect of that, especially if malformed packets arrived due to the losses earlier on in the route.

So in all honesty, im still on the hunt for the infamous 319 / lag spike from hell.
But the solution: run MTR on the 159/158/157 servers ONLY 1 at a 1time, log in to any toon on wow, keep on ur daylie life on azeroth, and when the freeze comes along, keep MTR ready and if…-- DC 319 happends then stop MTR 10 seconds AFTER the DC. - EXPORT the MTR as a txt file.
Do the same thing again, this time with the other servers. rince and repeat.

Now to the IMPORTANT thing: stop bashing blizz , like a stubbord 5 year old tauren trying to get her dolly back from a evil gnome kid.
Instead, send a mail to your ISP and show them this info, and send along the MTR’s!! Be aware that most ISP’s are gonna come up with: This is outta our support area, - it isn’t!!
Best reagards a stubborn player so old, The Elders call me a veteran.
“Im as stubborn as a tauren trying to beat a gnome engineer until he’s inventions actually ARE working as intended… /MOO”

my favor hope is that blizz make tauren’s become demonhunters…then i would go engineering

example of my MTR f*** up:

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                             Eidsiva.lan -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |    0 |    0 |    5 |    0 |

|                -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |    0 |    1 |   40 |    1 |

|                -    1 | 1078 | 1077 |    0 |    0 |    6 |    1 |

|                     129.181.eidsiva.net -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |    1 |    2 |   41 |    1 |

|                         eb-e-gw.bkkb.no -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |    3 |    3 |   43 |    4 |

|                         ba-e-gw.bkkb.no -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |    3 |    3 |    9 |    6 |

|            8-2-6.bear1.Oslo2.Level3.net -   14 |  710 |  616 |    0 |    3 |    9 |    3 |

|   ae-2-3209.edge3.Frankfurt1.Level3.net -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |   25 |   25 |   52 |   25 |

| BLIZZARD-EN.edge3.Frankfurt1.Level3.net -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |   25 |   30 |  282 |   26 |

|              ae1-br01-eqfr5.as57976.net -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |   25 |   28 |  127 |   26 |

|         et-0-0-2-br01-eqam1.as57976.net -    1 | 1022 | 1015 |    0 |   92 | 4398 |   26 |

|        et-0-0-31-pe01-eqam1.as57976.net -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |   26 |   29 |  126 |   26 |

|                  -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |   25 |   26 |   40 |   26 |

|                 -    0 | 1082 | 1082 |   26 |   26 |   37 |   26 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider```
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those freezes for me was addon - “Rarity”
with any DX choosed.
after turn off the addon - no freeze


Apparently similar reason, but a software I had installed from Steam called Wallpaper Engine. It had animated wallpapers, which obviously load again. Might have caused the weird 1 sec “lag spike.”

Then again the 5 sec freeze disappeared after uninstalling the software. As I played in Windowed mode, the GPU worked with the background and that software as well. As usually, when you go to Full Screen mode, the software stops working. So no freezes and lag spikes, when in Full Screen. So, obviously no problems with other games, which usually are in Full Screen.

So my pro tip would be deleting that software / disabling it while playing WoW. Or any other similar software that have been badly coded.

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I had a similar issue and for me it was caused by windows desktop wallpaper in sliding mode. Disabling that did the trick. As usual this happened because WoW is not running in Full-screen mode.

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OMG, thanks so much. This was driving me nuts. Disabled “Rarity” and no more freezes.

Updated Nvidia graphics driver to 436.02. Still getting freezes, not daily, less often, but it’s not completely fixed. Now the main problem is the screen flickering.

Nvidia and Blizz need to work together to fix this Dx12 problem.

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I’m having this issue as well, only started recently but can’t figure out why. I’ve updated my drivers to the latest and haven’t installed any new addons etc I’ve tried using DX11 but it causes other problem so I was using DX12 which got rid of them but now I have this major problem which I can’t get rid of.

my system specs:
Windows 10 Home
1060 6GB
and running wow on an SSD

I’ve been having loading screens issues where it won’t let me load it’s fully loaded but it won’t let me log in.

Loading screen issues, some of the armor pieces are blanked out in black.
When in raids, 5 second freezes still happening. Game still feels very laggy.
also using NVidia GFX card.

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