Out of all the millions of players who DON’T have this problem, that suggests the problem is with your PC or software.
But OK.
Out of all the millions of players who DON’T have this problem, that suggests the problem is with your PC or software.
But OK.
Having heavy lag in instances and at boss kill computer freezes for a few seconds 5-15 sec! it’s not only in instances i get this fps drop
My computer is a I7 9700 16gb ram nvidia GF RTX 2070 Samsung SSD disk 860!
I have latency about 5-25 in game.
I did ping the EU servers and get a answer time of 29ms.
in game i have FPS of (from) 140 and drops down to 2 (under 30) when boss is killed.
Done all suggestions mention in this tread.
What can this problem be?
is there any one working on the problem?
Speedtest 9ms down 106.51 up 112.86
I have this problem to and my m8 got it and i run a pc that got a 2080 ti and a 32 gb and i9 9900k clock at 5 ghz all core’s and my pc temp about 20 degree’s so yeah not a pc problem it’s some think that got release in new raid patch plz fix this asap we dont want to get freeze lag on high end pc and dc so fix this thx in advance
Almost 2 months into this, countless tickets to support and still having this problem, and never even had the slightest lag before this patch and now it’s basically unplayable (5 sec or permanent freeze in M+ or raid…). It’s unacceptable for a subscription based game to have some code error that’s affecting so many people who never had any kind of connection problem before this patch and Blizz doesn’t seem to care. WoW feels like some cheap and poorly built game atm so I’m out. I guesss the “WoW is dead” rumor is true, at least for me it is. UNINSTALL
I’ve been having the same problem since the patch, around last November. Got superfast broadband and a new SSD Drive and put in loads of tickets with all the tests done. There is no lag on ESO so it must be Blizzard so can’t raid. Let’s hope they get something done as it seems to be affecting lots of people.
So i had this problem, i switched from 1060 to Vega 56. i completed a clean install of windows, re installed drivers etc. Still has the issue with the latest AMD drivers.
The only driver i can use with WoW are 18.12.11.
Having the same issues , never had it happen before the patch but ive noticed the game freezing solid for about 3-5 seconds whilst other applications in the background run smoothly and uneffected by it.
I’ve tried reinstalling and running it without anything else running in the background and ran hardware monitors to see if it was a temp issue or anything else but got nothing.
Seems to be an issue they are aware of despite always saying it’s an individual issue. See this forum post on the US forum where it suggests its a Nvidia graphics card problem. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/so-are-you-guys-fixing-the-nvidia-issue-sometime-or-what/136154
I run around with 60+ Fps atleast, but there are moments i can play normally. But also moments where even moving 2 steps makes my game freeze for 10-15 seconds. Can get stuck on loading screens, reinstalled wow, reinstalled gpu drivers… its literally unplayable
Switching to dx11 (not legacy) down from 12 has fixed it though that comes with taking a bit of a performance hit. So its not ideal but it has solved the constant hard-freezing.
Game still does this btw, not a single thing has fixed it from this thread or any obvious fixes either. It is making WoW unplayable and this has gone on long enough…
Is this also going to happen when i want to play Classic WoW too?
This is nonsense and should be fixed by now.
Whenever i use DX 12 i get freezes that lasts for 5 sec,and it’s annoying as hell sometimes i get blue screen of death,fix your game Blizzard,just don’t do this to us!
Yesterday and today I got a big game freeze on each day. Yesterday I tried to force close it but couldn’t force close the game client even through Task Manager. Today it froze for a couple of seconds, but allowed the game to come back and it did naturally.
My pc is a few weeks old. Windows 10 64 bits, i7-8700, 16GB RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB, client installed on SSD.
I would like to note a few things. I use DX12 option in client, ultra graphics on, only browser open in the background with only 1 tab open. When game is frozen everything is normal, memory usage is fine, CPU usage is fine, GPU usage is fine, SSD is fine, hardware temperatures are fine. But I also get the event ID 4101 error like a few others mentioned.
Blizz plz fix.
Twice now this has happened to me in past 3 days (and never before that), once in the new naga raid, second time during world quest in naga zone. Using GTX1060-6GB and ingame DX12.
Also in event monitor 4 times event ID 13 (nvlddmkm) and then 4101 that display driver recovered.
When it happens i get slightly violent buzz from my speakers and it feels like my PC is breaking… I don’t like it when it happens, not at all. Going to try DX11 now on.
Everything you’ve mention happens to me,and it’s so frustrating
I just resubbed yesterday (after unsubbing because of the same issue) and after 20-30 min, my game froze for 5~ seconds and now its happening every hour or so. It’s the nvlddmkm error for me as well, and it’s only happening when i play WoW. I still tried to do some fixes, but nothing works, and seeing how many people has the same issue, now its pretty obvious that the problem is not on our end. I would appreciate if Blizzard would fix it during this expansion…
Played 2 days - they gave me a “gift” 3 days free time, mostly ran dungeons, no disconnects atm, other players do not as well. Looks like Bliz was just like they always was - deny the problem, blame addons/IPS/whatever, tell support to lie in our eyes and deny everything, meanwhile silently find and fix the problem, and then like “Never happened, you dont have proff it was our fault!”. Yeah, right.
Might as well consider resubbing, but dont know, I’m already stuck in other game, have tasks and duties, you know…
PS. HEY BLIZ SUPPORT! I still have same ISP and same PC spec and same addons and no disconnects, huh! So whose fault it was? Game runs just fine! You fn liars.
Im happy to see that im not the only one with this issue. Thought its my GPU…
On topic, yes its tarted happening in 8.1.5 and now in 8.2, its happening every day so im forced to play in DX11. What actually happems, WoW is crashing and auto switching to DX11. Thats why the screen freezes.
Made a post with the error log/dxiag here: DX12 constantly crashing, game auto swtiches to DX11
Thank the light it dosen’t happen to me anymore.
How did you fixed it? It still happens to me even with the driver update that is fixing the flickering? TLDR of what happens
My whole system freezes for a second (with a static sound) and then resumes to work normally. If im playing in DX12, it crashes and my screen goes black, then the game auto restarts in DX11 and everything is back to normal. If im playing in DX11 and that freeze happen, game does not crash.
I cannot figure out what is causing this issue. Did a fresh windows install, all drivers up to date. My build is not even a year old and this happens only when im playing WoW. Every other game works fine.
this is the gx.log from the game
7/24 14:00:22.687 Error CreatePlacedResource failed: 0x887A0005.
7/24 14:00:22.687 Device Removed Reason: 0x887A0006.
7/24 14:00:24.316 GxTexCreate short-circuited due to no device context for texture "GxuFont" (128x128x1)
7/24 14:00:24.316 GxTexCreate short-circuited due to no device context for texture "GxuFont" (128x128x1)
7/24 14:00:24.316 GxTexCreate short-circuited due to no device context for texture "GxuFont" (128x128x1)
7/24 14:00:24.316 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
7/24 14:00:24.316 GxRestart
7/24 14:00:24.316 D3d12 Device Destroy
7/24 14:00:24.328 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
7/24 14:00:24.610 D3d12 Device Create
7/24 14:00:24.629 Choosing software adapter
7/24 14:00:24.629 No supported GPU found
7/24 14:00:24.629 D3d12 Device Create Failed
7/24 14:00:24.629 D3d12 Device Destroy
7/24 14:00:24.629 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
7/24 14:00:24.643 Trying DX11
7/24 14:00:24.643 D3d11 Device Create
7/24 14:00:24.643 Choosing adapter 0
7/24 14:00:24.643 Detected NvAPI and checking if it's valid...
7/24 14:00:24.667 Created 11.1 Device
7/24 14:00:24.667 ConstantBufferOffsetting Support: true
7/24 14:00:24.667 SetMaximumFrameLatency set: 3
7/24 14:00:24.667 AFR detection
7/24 14:00:24.675 AFR found with 1 devices(s)
7/24 14:00:24.675 AFR Groups: 1/1
7/24 14:00:24.675 Feature Level: DX=4, MTL=0
7/24 14:00:24.675 Deferred Mode = 1
7/24 14:00:24.675 Driver Command Lists: yes
7/24 14:00:24.774 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
7/24 14:00:27.362 D3d11 Device Create Successful
7/24 14:00:27.362 <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No
In the event viewer i get a log from nvlddmkm crashing (event ID 13) when the game crash in DX12. I get no event viewer logs from DX11 freezes