50% experience buff

After all the annoying hate I got on my post about JJ preferably being permanent and boosted per phase for faster levelling, you 2 are like “Oh but RDF would be fine for levelling to make it faster”…

You cant cry about levelling being slow, then ask for RDF to make levelling go faster…


At least Goreal stick to his guns on the forums and hate everything to do with change XD

Also I wont be replying to replies by either of you, because as I stated on my Post I made my stance, and you guys have obviously made it clear you are #somechanges people, hating some suggestions then wanting/compromising on others :slight_smile:


If you didn’t look at any news or anything about the game, you wouldn’t know. It’s understandable not to look on these pointless feedback forums, or to not look on wowhead, but to not look on the launcher is your own fault to be fair. How would you ever hear anything about upcoming patches etc?

One thing they should use that they don’t use it that often at all, if ever, is the informational box to the left on the login screen.

You’re the only one online on your server?!

Oh that’s my bad then. But like I said Blizz do sometimes just use the forums for communicating stuff in-game and people do miss it.

I’m the only one on LFG for every dungeon below lvl 30, yes
Edit: I invited 2 people from /1 and we’re 3 now. And 3 for WC.
Yesterday at the same time there was 5 groups looking for a tank for DM alone.

Ah, most on the server I’m don’t queue for dungeons generally unless it’s SM. Dungeons were always pretty dead once the majority had levelled up.

Yeah, I don’t know why they do that, I always felt they did it as a “You better go on our feedback forums, or else you’ll miss out on info” to get players on them more.

The last 2-3 weeks have shown that to be massively incorrect. It was extremely active.

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I agree!!!

Ye it is stoopid

i wish they’d keep it

I mean in general before the buff, easy level ups will of course intrigue those wanting a greatly easier way to get an alt up.

Not exactly. Personally I give zero damn about speed and all I care is dungeon accessibility. While percentage of people running less efficient dungeons will still not go up too much having access to all realms worth of people will allow grouping where it otherwise would not happen.

But what would being able to do RFD pre-Heroic be other than an alternate/easier way to level certain chars? You agreed with Cupid stating -

Meaning you are willing to compromise us not having RFD for Heroics, as long as we can get it for every dungeon before that.

What exactly does dungeon accessibility mean? If you mean for just the dungeons that have quests associated with them, then you wouldn’t want a “RDF”.

A good compromise would be having cross-realm LFG, where there are more people on the list for all activities you wish to search for.

If we get RDF it should be for every Dungeon type (LFR can go do one lmao), but if you don’t want RDF in the game then we should have a cross-realm LFG tool.

Right explaining… What I meant is depending on the size of a realm the dungeons that ain’t considered efficient are next to impossible to find a party for. Cross realm whether by a manual or automatic grouping would increase the pool of players thus making it easier to find enough people to run dungs like Maraudon or Sunken Temple or Stratholme.

I was not talking about you, I was talking about the one who have a name starting with J that I wont mention becouse then he will be apearing again.

I dont want RDF but I came up with something I think would have been atleast nice for the people who do complain about there not being a RDF if their want for it was for the reasons they state.

Show that you can compromise instead of throwing shade at people who can do it.

Now thats a even better compromise tbh

Yeah so a cross realm LFG would be the better tool for this. If we had RDF but clicked “specific dungeon” it would take a lot longer as if you listed yourself for say Stratholme, other people would see it and might sign themselves up too, making more people willingly want to do more out of the way dungeons.

RDF is jsut more for blind dungeon farming, and the Specific Dungeon option is slow af trying to find groups in my experience on Retail.

I am in the camp of not wanting RDF, solely because I have every Role at level 80 (healer, dps, tank) so I can look at what is needed and fill the slot if I am fast enough.
If RDF came out then that would go out the window, I would just click a button and sit there. At the moment LFG at 80 with DPS isn’t too difficult to find groups as some people hate certain dungeons so the slot is open longer than others.

This is where cross-realm LFG would be so much better. It would open way more group options without being the “lazy option” that is RDF.
The other issue if RDF is added, compared to cross-realm LFG is the leavers. It’s so much easier to QQ Leave and get teleported straight back to what you was doing, compared to having to actually meet up with the team yourself.

I would to 95% be behind that one for real. But I would say it should be a opt in feature at that point, basicly like clicking that murloc button that says something like willing to help new players when you list the group. So if you dont want to have to look through people from another realm you dont have to, with that in as well I would be 100% behind that compromise and its better than the one I came up with

This was something I honestly never considered. If temporary boosts to cater for rushers, GOGOGOers and people who do not like MMOs actually get these people to quit once they’re removed - then maybe they serve at least some kind of useful purpose after all?