50% off for subscription

OP, I’m sorry you’ve lost your job! The financial impact of this virus is gonna be catastrophic and you won’t be the only victim of it sadly.

However, it isn’t blizzards fault or responsibility that this happened to you. WoW is a luxury, it isn’t like fuel or water that you need to survive so they have zero obligation to offer discounts or freebies because some have lost their jobs or don’t get sick pay whilst in isolation.

Remember that, right now, blizzard employees are working from home to keep their games going and they need their wages :woman_shrugging:

You have the choice to prioritise your money and leave wow until things get better for you or grind gold and pay with tokens, that’s a pretty decent way out for you actually but don’t demean yourself and ask for handouts when there is already a way to play for free.


I expect nothing less from the dim witted masses.

Well, considering most airlines will go bankrupt by end of may, and we are about to enter dark times of modern gen. People are just worried. Entertainment is 1st thing that will be cut off.


What they should rather do is sell a pet on the store and donate all the proceeds to Corona relief.
People can of course donate directly to the cause, but we humans tend to spend more money if we get something out of it ourselves.

Also keep in mind that WoW is in this case really “just a game”. A luxury. Many people have been put on leave because their jobs are closing the doors as ordered by the respective governments. I don’t think this is the time to ask for freebies for trivial things such as gaming.

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Bli€€ard giving something free? :smiley: :smiley: WoW jokes thread is next door!


Be nice my country is in a bad situation right now there is no need to be this rude i am flagging your post for trolling this is a serious thread.

He should have not asked for free stuff but there is no need to shame my countrymen.

Global pandemic occurs.


I guess cheers from a country with good situation. We made peace with covid and accepted it in our hearts. You should too! Make peace, not veils!

And you should still not be rude to people for laughs and trying to ignore my point.


What will be the point of a cheap WoW sub., if you have no internet connection to play WoW on (something else not working will mean you can’t afford)…?
… or do you get free unlimited internet in your country, OP?

Hali mate don’t take it to heart!

We know things are bad, they are all over and getting worse by the day.

No one is laughing at you or your country.


It is ok I am ok now no worries.

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Pandemics are no good for any one, lots of businesses are going to suffer. We all are. Many won’t be able to earn a living.


It’s a struggle already at least for me because I have less money coming in my accounting firm because people are panicked and are staying indoors no new paperwork.


Well how about interpreting what the OP is asking for NOT in such a douchy way as you do. He is not asking for a “freeby” because of Corona. He is asking for a reduced cost of a service that may do him a lot of good in times of trouble such as these, were people have a dangerous mix of too much time to worry, too much to worry about, grim prospects and a lack or reduction of income.

Luckily, it appears that I will not personally lose too much financially, at least not in the immediate future. But that doesn’t mean that I do not sympathize with those that will. With the economy going the way it does, a reduction in prices for services such as wow, netflix, etc, and a reduction in rents should be a natural step to counteract the hits peoples finances are taking.

You can think what you like, all I said was:-

My feelings on the matter have not changed.


It’s £10 a month for a luxury item that can also be played for free with a token.

Luxury items that are not necessary for survival and when things are bad you have to learn to prioritise and hope you have enough left for that luxury.

More of a priority is making sure you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, fuel to keep you warm. It’s bleak but hard times hit and priorities change and you have to make sacrifices.

WoW isn’t even that expensive really, how much has it gone up in 15 and half years? They offer a way to play for free too! They don’t actually owe us discounts or free game time because of this crisis and we should not expect it or ask for it no matter our circumstances.


Y’all should live here lol I’m about to get 1000 wing wangs from the Government!!

(Disclaimer. It won’t last long believe me, I have LOTS of bills to pay because of this pandemic)

It appears both you and the OP definition of “services” when it comes to worldwide serious issues wildly differs from mine and at least one other person who rightly called WoW a “luxury item”


When is your next sub due?

And Im tempted to cancel my Netflix account.

Given we now live in an age where widespread panic is easy to spread, having an ad for a tv show with a dotted map of Europe designed to look like a map of infected areas, with a massive Biohazard symbol slapped over an equally glaring red title screaming PANDEMIC on the front page ffs isn’t REALLY going to help people like me (who work in an already overburdened healthcare) in trying to convince people into not panicking.

Why not just go the whole hog and show nothing but 28 days later?

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