50 wins above 2.4 to get gladiator in bfa is a joke

Its kinda pointless to argue with someone who never even tried to be good in pvp, wich exactly is my point for the whole 2,4glad thing.
You say its hard because you are simply bad at pvp/or atleast never even tried to become good.
For people who do it for years its a kick in the behind because they arent the prestigues “we worked for it and hit the 1% cap” gladiators.

Also your whole point is flawed, you say its just and increase of .5% or 1% up to 1,5% or 2% but thats wrong from the very base.
Previously only 1% could hit gladiator, that was the CAP.

Only 1,5% more gladiators? Just shows how bad and unwilling people are to learn/play arena seriously. Cuz Glad is not CAPPED ANYMORE, in theroy 100% of all players could be glad cuz its not CAPPED.
Just because you are bad doesnt mean that its good/cool/wanted that its NOT capped anymore.

I would say hpala, holy priest, mage, WW, ele, feral, and warrior all benefit from corruption as much as those 3. Maybe even dk as well.

Corruptions directly remove the weakness/limitations of hpala and holy priest for example. Corruptions directly boost WWs because vers is their main stat so they scale far more with vers stacking than most classes do.

Oh so if you are top 1,5% you are average now :smiley: and my logic is flawed …

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I just said that everyone that is above 2,4 now is

Why do you call me mediocre when you can clearly see in my profile that i dont have any gear?
Im also not saying im anywhere near good, just better than you.
In fact so much better than you that i can acknowledge that the 2,4cap is way to low or should be reverted.
You dont play PvP? You played 177 Arena Games this season in A - I_-D_–.S bracket 2v2. No wonder you dont have any fun. Then again you are Mage and We mages are completly busted in 2s.
Just stop talking mate, since you “dont even play or have fun in arena” there isnt even a point for you to defend a bracket or system you arent invest in anyways.

Its not about me or my experience. It is about pure logic which you simply lack :wink:

Is glad easy? Then tell me why only 1,5% of active PvP playerbase gets it.

I didn’t say I don’t play pvp. I said I don’t play at all rn :wink:

I already told you little troll.

Glad at this point is easy for anyone that use’s his braincells to improve.
Ofc you should play with a Locket team and improve as 3, its easy.
The Difference is simple, glad back in the day was locket behind a % wall, you had to improve and play to get it 100% at the end of the season, if you lacked or fell behind “better” players you dropped out of that % and didnt get it.
Now EVERYONE and his mother can reach glad, simply cuz of that, you can “reach” it.
Its not my or any of the 1,5% of peoples fault that you or anyone else for that matter are SO BAD and UNWILLING to IMPROVE that you cant hit 2,4cr and get glad despite having all the PVE- GEAR in the world.

Jesus calm down kid :wink: Once again and for the third time, I DON’T WANT TO REACH GLADIATOR BECAUSE I DON’T ENJOY A GAME AND I DON’T PLAY. Some of us play games for fun you know? And if they don’t have fun they simply don’t play. It doesn’t mean they are bad players, it simply means they don’t waste their time playing a game they don’t enjoy. But this topic is not about me but about how hard is to reach glad this season right?

I believe you are a good player but your logic is completely twisted. You still need to be top 1,5% to reach glad which means you are a very good PvP player :slight_smile: gear matters extremely much but you face full geared players since 1600 rating so you still need to defeat them and reach 2400. Its not like your gear and corruptions miraculously carries you to 2400.

Do not underestimate the power that is Demon hunter

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But then again, every Season and expansion has an overpowered spec that gets a free ride to high rating, which devalues the sense of accomplishment associated with Gladiator.
FotM is not a unique concept to BfA.

That’s true, but it’s more or less the fact that Demon hunter is a very simplified class (Design wise) I have yet to see any Demon hunters that have impressed me that makes them stand out compared to others.

They don’t have any useful toolkits/setups in a way that requires a decent amount of knowledge and kill to pull off. Not sure how to explain it properly but I’m sure you get my point.

There are some specs like Destro that is similar to Demon hunter but that’s just due to Bfa’s poor class design.

Demon hunter was released and intended to be simplified to attract a new audience or whatever. If it were complex then I’m sure there wouldn’t be a high amount of Demon hunters as there is right now etc etc

If I recall correctly, then Blizzard presented the class as focusing on movement and positioning. Like a Rogue or a Monk I suppose. And it does shine through in the design with a lot of abilities that revolve around that.
What’s up for discussion is probably whether Glide and double-jump add depth to the gameplay the way Shadowstep or Roll does. Probably not.

Regardless, every Season and expansion has its share of FotM specs. These specs are never overpowered because they’re too complex. They’re overpowered because they have a low skill ceiling coupled with a high performance output. That’s appealing to the masses and we always see a lot of rerolling because of it.

And yes it does devalue the sense of accomplishment associated with Gladiator, relative to the other specs that are harder to perform optimally with.

But again, it’s always happened in every Season and expansion, also before Demon Hunters were a thing.

0.5% or 2400, you’re going to have the same group of FotM rerollers present.

What we need is new titles with the old system. The titles and achievements are worthless now and new titles is the only way to make them valuable again.

Instead of Gladiator?

The Madiator.
The Flabbergator.
The Alligator.


or or perhaps add the indieanator? or freebieaotr? or just instead gladiator we get nubiator.

is always like this:

r1 thinks glad are joke
glads thing duelist are joke
duelist thinks rival is joke
rivals think challenger is joke
challenger is pround of his 1600 achievment but they don’t joke with combatants.)

Considering the state of things right now, I think everyone thinks everything is a joke.

Why is this topic even a thing…

Tbh I don’t understand this kind of things, to me I like when things are hard because you can improve and get better everytime.

Playing spec like dh/bm hunter/fury warrior with 2 buttons doesn’t help you to get good but make people competitive against way better player for less investment.

Idk it doesn’t make sense to me and I don’t find it funny. Maybe it’s only me Idk.

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Ik what you mean dude trust me

Unfortunately we made a terrible mistake thinking demo was going to change.

Never again I’m just going to play the meta now

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Same I give up, unfortunately demonology will never be atleast ‘’ ok’’ so i’ ll play my spriest as main instead :confused:

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