50 wins above 2.4 to get gladiator in bfa is a joke

You are right mate

Ofc he is never stops

I am only telling you top 1,19% PvP players getting gladiator is totally ok. Is that more than before? Yes. Is that too many? No. It is not even highest title you can get. It is 1 gladiator out of 84 PvP players :wink:

Ok. What about 2%, or 3%? It was ~2% in BfA S1.

PS: Looking for a freebie glad? https://check-pvp.fr/eu/Thunderhorn/Will%C3%A2rd

I am not looking for a glad, thank you. I only played for a weekly cap for like 4 weeks :wink: no, 2% really isn’t “freebie” glad. For who is that free? Being top 2% to get glad is for free? Be a little objective sir, you definitely are a good PvP player if you are top 2% :wink:

2% is much closer to old Duelist than Gladiator. I think most people who actually play at these ratings would consider it very freebie.

You’re a “good player” at 2.1K too, in “the grand scheme of things” as some like to call it.

Let’s make Gladiator 2.1K while we’re at it :clown_face:

2400 is totally fine from my PoV, thats it. Is that easier to get glad in comparison to how It was before? Yes. Is that easy? Definitely not. It is how it is.

Well expansion features like corruption and essences weren’t a thing back then. Everyone had the same equal ilvl/gear the only thing that mattered was how in depth you were at your class/spec.

I’ve seen so many rogues and Demon hunters that took 1k games played just to reach 2.4 despite them having insane gear and stacked with gushing.

All we’re saying is they wouldn’t be anywhere close to that rating if it were back in the good days.

What was wrong with the old reward system? Hit 2k get your elite, 2.4 get your enchant, and 2.6 for your tabard. Maybe 2.7 10-20 wins for your glad title/mount and rank 1 still being the same

Love it, everyone who cant understand what you did here is beyond help

People at 1600+ have full corruption gear nowadays. If everyone has corruptions that means it is equal to situation when there were no corruptions.

It doesn’t matter if there are essences and corruptions because EVERYONE has them. If everyone has them you still need to be better than your opponent to win. How is that different from how it was before?

You got full gushing/versa? Fine, your opponents got it too.

I started playing again friday, have no corruption, 450gs and am 1,700.
Yet in Arena i face people with 510-550k hp and all the Systems BIS out there and i still smack them with my random teams cuz theyre bad af, and i tell you now, i still get my ebay-gladiator despite PvE’s flowing all the way up to 2,4.
Whats your point? I dont have these Systems but these People are at 1600+ AND STILL SO BAD. Thats not how it should be.
Ever played overwatch, league, dota or whatever for example and thought “wow hes top500, challenger/w/e because he has invested time in pve and is so good?”
NO; That dude has the litteral skill over other players, something you dont have in WoW-Arena below Glad Rating anymore. Face it, everyone thats glad in BFA is a player that still can use his brain (mostly) and not just buttonsmashing gushing the s out of it

Yet again, check my profile. You say everyone, but most of the people i played with since friday dont have. They dont have time to farm that sht, they want to play what they like* and so do i and many others.
I dont even care about the game itself anymore since its so pruned, but here i am defending fellows that still love WoW PvP and hate the fact they cant compete 100% cuz they have to pve but dont have the time or simply dont want to pve

Also, yes, 2,4cr 50wins is to low for a minigame thats dominated by PvE players.

Did you check my Gladi av’s? I just said i started friday have no gear and still pwn you pve’s with my random mates i neither know or speak with.
Its because im at that level that i can with my Mage.
My warrior? holy thats not possible, if you dont have the systems and gs you are done for.

BTW: Why does a boosted mage player that didnt even hit 2,1cr in whole BFA, the litteral best season for mage to boost yourself by pressing 2 buttons, defend low cr gladis? :smiley:

I mean, you have the 470gs and all the Systems, you are good to go pressing comet, comustion. But i guess polymorph is to high skillcap for you so you dont have that level yet Kappa

1700? Man, we are talking about gladiator levels …

And please, don’t compare WoW to dota, league or overwatch, these are totally different genres.

Really think some specs don’t benefit more from corruption compared to others?

Assa, Dh, and destro locks?

Do you think you would be able to compete previous expansions with a new character 1 month before season end? I don’t think so sir.

Why so you think I am boosted? I don’t even play anymore because I honestly hate this corruption/essences based system in arenas but it has nothing to do with how hard is to get 2400+.

In previous expansions, Draenor and before, i could sit down farming honor gear on my free weekend and after that que arena every day for an hour or so to push rating with my WORKING TEAMMATES. Not possible ever since + Systems that heavily impact gameplay + favor pve’s.
Thats it bro, its a fact for Arena onlys.

Thats why i think you are Boosted. You defend Titles and PvE system without any ground, trying to deny that skill SHOULD heavily impact rating and yet you didnt even hit gladi yourself as a MAGE IN BFA. :grin:

I mean, when did you even start playing World of Warcraft and got invested into PvP? The later was probably never.

How am I supposed to reach glad with mage when I don’t play the game because I don’t enjoy it ? :smiley: I have no motivation to push glad, how hard is that to understand? Some people actually don’t need to push titles to prove smt.

It is simple. 2400+ means you need to be like top 1,5% of playerbase rn. Its pure numbers. I don’t need to push it myself to see its definitely not easy.