Class Tuning Incoming - 13 March

Meta rolling keeps people playing, it makes people quit… but it keeps people playing when they can roll the keyboard and win.


I think what they were trying to get to (poorly) is that increased output is a bribe for playing a clunky class.

It’s still totally missing the mark. “Hey, playing this sucks because people are never in range so we’ll make it heal more”.

Yeah it feels bad to play. I did my first M+ dungeon on it yesterday. Even the dispel of 30 in stead of 40 yards your really feel. I was wondering why it wasn’t working on afflicted. The bleed-removal is also just 25 yards. And i am spamming the button on afflicted that is totally in range but not for the dispel-buttons :joy:

But lets buff healing buttons! :man_facepalming:

The times i’ve played preservation my issue had more to do with ranged standing miles apart or so far behind that it isn’t feasible to land certain things on as many targets as you need. The range of abilities itself while annoying felt more like something to get used to in most circumstances.

Even if the lower range is acknowledged as an issue then increasing it is more akin to removing part of what their vision was for evokers as a whole. Doesn’t matter that it’s clunky to play with limited range when used to other healers and ranged specs as streamlining it removes one of the core limits they set for evokers in general.

bu they increased the range before already.

it is less the range restrictions than the problem that you shoot out frontals (drram breath, temporal crap etc.) and due to the range restriction you stand between melees and ranges.
40y would mostly not make it all that much better.

healing with frontals just suck because many dungeon encounters require spreading.
even if you try hard, more often then not you cannot hit everyone.
anomalie and dream breath is just to strong.
if you want to keep the range restrictions, destroy both spells and put the power into spirit blossom and echo.
spirit blossom cast time needs to be lower to hit 5 targets as well. i mean sheiluns gift is basically a party lay on hands with 1.5s cast time and has not much more cd lol

Today we’ve developed an additional adjustment and added it to the OP of this thread.

Player versus Player


  • Call Observer health reduced to 6% of Warlock’s health (was 8%) and Laserbeam damage reduced to 8% of enemy health (was 10%).

This will go live with weekly maintenance tomorrow, along with all of the other adjustments.

And they say Blizz doesn’t read feedback.


I would liked to had seen some fistweaver and more dh nerfs for pvp but I guess we can nerf warlocks observer aswell :smiley:

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Respectable but where are additional nerfs to Demon Hunters? FOTM reroll factory produced too many of those and we cant play game!
I queue shuffle there are at least 2 of them every lobby. I quit shuffle and go 2s 18/20 matchups again against a Demon Hunter.
Then I queue 3s and guess what?? Every team have a DH and many of them have two of them with Fist Weaver as healer. Imagine amount of FUN I (we) am having!

It should never exist like this, its not alright that he can heal doing damage in melee without never going oom from it when the other teams healer will definitely oom at some point while they trained some caster in other team as arms,retri,fw and completely disrupt him 3man rotating every kick and cc.

Well they don’t. Or how do you explain no nerfs to fistweaver, cyclone unnerfed, devoker damage untouched, bm hunter buffed (OMEGALUL)?

the buff does nothing, kill shot does less dmg than kill command

they have to do a whole rework for that change

yeah cringe that this isnt nerfed

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bm kill shot increase is just quality of life imrovement for spec that is already one of the top range in pvp, current kill shot hit less than kill command like you said so its often not even worth press when enemies drop on execute range, this change might increase the incentive to press it but doesnt affect the matter much that bm currently is among one of the best range dps pvp. I guess could say that this is the change I see that made sense regards as now kill shot would be worth press as a button for them :smiley:

It’s not about what they buff, it’s about the fact they don’t nerf the AI damage.

Give it a cd or make it dispellable. Not really in need for a complete rework.

is it? i never see bm hunters, since dk got nerfed

best range dps is currently destro wl^^ and no bm hunt isnt high atm, i see rarely a bm hunt at 2.1+ range

i see most likely Dh,wl evoker dh owl fmage outlaw destro ww owl, sometimes arcane mage outlaw, thats it

see really rarely ret warri (it´s a good comp btw still) i havent seen a php or jungle atm i see more fmp´s , bm dmg is pretty solid, but this class is squischy and dies to air


i dont think they will still use it tbh, cuz u have to sacrifice a extra talent point for kill shot dmg, i can be wrong we will see, but atm it does zero damn

kill command is a usable spell, u cant nerf the other things, otherwise u have to buff survivalbility, kill command dmg, or nerf bm and buff sv hunt instead

yeah for sure give feral and owl a cd on it or make it dispellable, this change wont kill the the whole class for sure without a rework

if u guys complain about something because of solo shuffle i really dont care, they should remove shuffle in the first place

maybe hunt will be good when every other class get´s nerfed, but i dont think the dh nerf will do anything, it will be still dh x comp

so yeah, kill shot buff wont do anything, so mm hunt and sv got a buff, idk if mm hunt needed it tbh.

Can you listen to the Community Council guy, on the Us Forum ?

Where are the Fw nerfs?

dh nerf is a joke.

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Depends on bracket, on shuffle bm is as high as destro and deva from the range dps if you look 2100-2400 and pretty equal regards power. Fistweaver and dh deserve all of the attention currently tho and is shame to see fistweaver still not addressed or dh nerfed properly in pvp.

Regards fistweaver gameplay like many have pointed out that it doesnt oom healing through dmg in melee when the other healers in game will eventually oom, so it seems fair there should be some cost for healing like this aswell and not just being free, seems kinda weird from design point of view that they can just play as 3 melee in 3s and not have any cost for healing like this :thinking:

yeah remove it

yeah deva dmg is op (this designe of the class is anyway questionable) and i think blizz gave up on this class

lol destro too

yeah, it´s just boring, to face the same class over and over again, the us meta is so much more fun only thing what sucks is the high ping there

idk if they listen to players feedback we would see more than this walmart list of wrong changes

is just unfun to play against, ofc when u play a caster comp it can be a freewin, but against other comps they just win for free, and also a kick on top is even more annoying to play, against imagine to fake 3 kicks, while 3 meeles train you down

I don’t know anyone who is currently complaining about BM, in shuffle they shouldnt balance around shuffle anyway, or make a extra pvp mod for shuffle, but in normal 3s or 2s i see really rarely a bm/hunt

u saw really many bm hunters when dk was op, but now dk got a bit (overnerfed?)
php still viable, dk bm still viable, but not as good as dh destro/dh x comp, so yeah eu fottm meta players wont play this comp most likely

I guess they dont see fw so high so theyre thinking it isnt a problem, when the problem of it comes from its design of hitting people and never going oom from using the abilities to hit. Pair that with something like arms,retri,fw and you can as 3 man just train some caster or healer all game without even possibility for the fw never going to oom in that game

I don’t understand this. Are the last three points PvP buffs only? Otherwise, how can you reduce all healing by 6% but then buff certain spells by 6%? Isn’t that a net 0% for PvE content?

pvp and pve

could be possible, idk at this point just remove shuffle, and sue the creator of the solo shuffle, he made a illegal gamemode

Problem is, they just aoe heal, and u have to kill the mw, but if the mw is playing with an ret, the ret can sanc the kill go