6 Characters Missing after realm merge

Did you try all the solutions in this thread?

If you can’t remember the realm look at this link.


All characters I had on Killrogg realm don’t even show up there (and yes, tried the other methods also).

//edit: Correction: When selecting Kilrogg in re-ordered ream list, it initially did not show any characters, but once manually selected and logged into Kilrogg, characters did show up.

Fudgenuggets - Nagrand Lvl 120 priest

This character has gone, all my other characters on the server are there.

Nagrand - Contagious [Dranei - Death Knight]

5 character deleted (4 level 1’s)
1 Level 68 DK (Contagious) that I seriously can’t be arsed to do the starter campaign for again…
I’ve opened a ticket as he had quite a bit of gold and black empire items on him.
I can imagine this will end up being a very serious issue right before the new expansion and probably thousands of deleted 120’s that people will come back to being missing.
Very confusing and angry mob incoming… that’s all i’m thinking :S

I have the same problem. My LvL 120 Orc Hunter on Stormscale just vanished after I stopped playing for a while. Haven’t touched the account since May, I was the last activity on the account, and now the character is gone and I have tried deleting a char, creating a new one, logging in, resetting cache etc. Also searched the char here on the Forum and it’s not there at all. Anyone have a solution for this so far?

Firstly make sure you are logging into the right realm. Don’t assume you are, double check.

Does the character appear in the link I posted above?

99% of the characters missing after a realm connection will be back after following all the steps described in this thread.
But there ist 1% that ist really gone and has to be restored by a ticket. We had 3 confirmed deletions of characters after our realm connection (we were not the host-realm, so our data was copied) and hundreds of players who thought they lost a char but found it with some hints. If a character is really deleted you can choose the name for a new character, it is no longer blocked.

Mine was a 98 DH with 5 min played, so I didn’t care it was really gone. But another player lost his main char who was guild lead, what broke the whole guild. A ticket and 3 weeks waiting later everything was fixed by Blizzard and back to normal. No data loss in the end, but I guess he is 10 years older now :thinking:

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Thanks for posting that. I’ve often wondered if the worst case scenarios posted here could be fixed … now it sounds as though they can.

I’m also missing a character.
Problem is… I’ve forgotten her name since I haven’t played her since Legion, all I know is she was a Pandaren warrior on a less populated server… which name again escapes me, it must’ve been one of the recently merged as I recall her still being there like a month ago.

You can go through the list of connected realms and log into every single one.
Or you check your WoW folder, there ist a folder for every character you have here:
<Disc unit>:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\<Accountname>\


i am missing both of my BoA characters!! 120 level shaman and warlock!
didn’t play for 2 months, i come back today and my entire progress from BoA is gone! They’re not showing up in the armory even…


Did you try ANY of the stuff listed here?

Sort by realm? Logging into the right realm?