6 characters that inspired your OC?

Vaxir was inspired by an old OC of mine outside of WoW who was just a mix of things I liked to RP. Current RP char is inspired by my Pokemon OC who was inspired a slight by Vaxir.

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That very interesting! Did you know Zenobia is a name of a ancient Queen of Syria?

I’ve always loved these, and I’ve loved making them myself. The one I made for Xav earlier last year is so different to the one I have now, and it’s great to see how characters develop.

Left to right, and back again!

  1. Zagreus (Hades): Zagreus is such an endearing character; I’m a sucker for kind characters. For me, and the inspiration I took for Xav, it’s the quiet respect for people (referring to strangers and friends alike as ‘Sir’, ‘Mister’), whilst simultaneously refusing to defer for them (going against his father’s wishes again and again). It’s the gentle confidence coupled with unwavering determination.

  2. Orpheus (Greek mythology): Both Xav and Orpheus play the lyre, but it doesn’t end there. The principle inspiration for Orpheus was that of a musician with a want to better the world; who could charm beasts with his music, and whose songs were said to bring the summertime back.

  3. Snuffkin (Moomin): I couldn’t not put Snuffkin here. A vagrant who is vaguely philosophical but likewise invested in whimsy - sums up both characters well.

  4. Gascon (Thronebreaker: Both Gascon and Xav are characters with an innate distaste for nobility and power-structures, forgoing traditional city life for something without the burdens of either. Of course, Gascon is a bandit, and Xav is a cleric, but each to their own.

  5. Hedwyn (Pyre): Another Supergiant Game’s character, but, I really can’t help myself when they write such good characters. Hedwyn is humble and outwardly warm, but carries a certain reluctant to disclosing close to anything of his past. Both are enigmatic seers.

  6. Valygar (Baldur’s Gate II): This one is a little more personal, but I included Valygar on the list solely because, as a kid playing my first RPGs, it was amazing to see a Black character in the fantasy setting when other roleplaying games forsook them entirely. I took inspiration from his earrings, you could say.

That’s a block of text, but I always love writing about my OCs and reading about others. Cheers for reading :yellow_heart:


For Syanidi, I came down with these

Charon, Greek Mythology, Ferryman of Styx

She ferried, even being Death Knight, to the afterlife. In a way.

Death, Darksiders 2

She wanted balance in life. Life exists with Death. The natural way of life.

War, Darksiders

She can be stubborn and ignorant.

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Can I say (but I am French English speaking French) that my character was inspired by what the ancient Greeks called acolytes (& as we say “funny sidekick”)

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In order of appearance in that picture.

Viktor Saltzpyre from Vermintide. A religious zealot who runs on hatred and faith.

Sigismund from Warhammer 40k. A holy warrior who spits upon the notion of peace and carries on his holy war against a hated enemy.

Kotal Kahn from Mortal Kombat. A stalwart warrior inspired by the Aztecs covered in gold who wields a massive weapon to protect his people

The Red Prince from Divinity Original Sin 2. A member of the upper class who has lived his whole life in luxury and views “lesser” races with amusement instead of outright distain.

Reinhardt from Overwatch. A mighty warrior who’ll rip his enemies a new one without fear but is always ready to take a bullet for his allies.


In Desartin’s case, I cannot say that I had many particular characters in mind when I created him, but over the years he has come to share traits with other characters and heroes, so I will do my best to pick six out of them.

Tirion Fordring: This is unironically the one character that I modelled Desartin after, for his desire to let go of past hatreds and see the good in even apparent enemies. For his willingness to make no judgement between allies, aslong as the world is saved from whatever threat is facing it and just unironically being the good guy.

James T. Kirk: After having recently re-watched the old movies ( With William Shatner as Kirk, not Chris Pine) again, I have come to find that Desartin definetly shares traits with this guy. He can step up as a leader, is willing to break the rules when he feels that the ends justify the means, a desire to make a difference for people, and, last but not least, accepting that he has flaws, but believing he can also draw strength from that as they are part of who he is.

These are currently the only two I can think of, may edit later.

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I don’t really have any characters that necessarily inspired my characters, but there are some aspects that I pull from others, or there are certain scenes that stick in my head.

Usually though, whether subconsciously or otherwise, my characters have managed to be pseudo-self-inserts in the manner of that they tend to have qualities that either happen to be one of my own or the opposite of my own, or an idealistic version of how I’d want to be instead.

Nerathion however started out as a near-blank slate. I decided that he was just going to be a ‘smiling novice druid who has a mastery over roots/vines’. The vinebenders of Avatar was a large inspiration for his moveset, but other than that, he would’ve just been an extroverted elf, so the personality would’ve been the opposite of my own.

Over the time, certain aspects have been added to his character, mostly body language quirks or other scenes that have stuck in my head, the most notable would probably be Malthael from Diablo 3, only the way Malthael tilted his head in the expansion cinematic.

My huntress however was fully written before I started RPing her and again, I don’t think any character in particular inspired her, but when I was naming her saber, there was a scene in Avatar, episode 1 of book 2, that inspired the naming process greatly. The way Iroh yelled at Zuko to go after Azula played them stuck in my mind for some reason, and I wanted to have a similar effect for the saber’s name (and their story).


At the very beginning of Lendis’ story I pulled from a few characters for inspiration though he has quickly come into his own.
In particular:

Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter)
Peregrin Took (LOTR)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Miguel (Road To El Dorado)

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For Betti it has to be:

Sassy Hardwrench (Goblin Lore Character)

Always loved Sassy Hardwrench as a character, especially with her recent voice overhaul. She’s always been this character who’s very supportive of others yet at the same time is making her own way in the world- also she quite literally orders you to rip out someones heart for breaking yours.

Fran Fine (The Nanny)

I’ve always found the Nanny extremely funny, and the character of Fran Fine very much resonates with some of the side comments Betti makes on things and is an inspiration for some of the stories she tells to make a point.

C.C. Babcock (The Nanny)

C.C. is also a character I took inspiration for Betti from, mainly because of the way in which she thinks herself to be incredibly important and often steals the spotlight from other people to make herself look good.

Ana Amari (Overwatch)

Betti also has a caring side, and you can often see her in the background aiding people from afar. She values subtlety and at the same time, like Ana, Betti will fade away without a reason. The whole ‘old soldier’ concept resonates with Betti, as she was there at the start of the Fourth War, and whilst many she fought alongside back then are now dead, retired or traitors, she has returned to protect those she cares about.

Nova (Starcraft)

Going on with her more stealthy persona, Betti can sometimes be seen to take neither side in some situations- but is mainly dedicated to protecting the Horde just as Nova is a dominion contract killer. She’ll regularly say that there’s ‘nothing personal’ and brag about almost always getting her kill as well!

Blanche Deveraux (Golden Girls)

A lot of people have actually commented that they see Betti as the sort of character who tries to make herself look young by wearing excessive amounts of makeup. This actually came greatly from Blanche Deveraux, a character from the Golden Girls who likes to act like this Southern Belle and loves to be seen as beautiful by others. This means a lot of hair dye, a lot of make up and a lot of self care!

Regina here doesn’t really have any out of Warcraft inspirations, originally she was a mixture of Flynn Fairwind and my previous Main at the time (Regina’s older sister), through RP however she evolved from being inspired by a past character and an existing lore character into being the grumpy, traumatized and in some cases, psychotic person she is today.

My other main Kasumi has more out of Warcraft inspirations than Regina however, she’s inspired by:

Kasumi from Persona 5 Royal (One of my biggest worries about my RP is that I took too much inspiration, considering my Kasumi has the same first name, red hair, a twin sister and is a gymnast, all features that P5R’s Kasumi has too (plus she has recently obtained a similar outfit as the P5R Kasumi).

Kay Faraday from the Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations spinoff games and the de Famme twins from Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice.

Generally the more “Robin-hood” esque types of characters that exist in media: Gentlemen thieves that target the corrupt and evil, they have noble ideals, care for the downtrodden, innocent, weak and sickly etc.


Well this wasn’t easy but it is finally finished

Naga the Serpent (Slayers)
My friend’s OC, a crazy witch doctor (the pic is the Voodoo Doctor from HS)
Amazoness Empress (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Grand Ma’da Ateena
“Me Go Face Vampy” (old bat aggro deck meme from Shadowverse)
Entoma Vasilissa Zeta (Overlord)

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Since trying to come up with the reasons for Parata’s inspiration is a challenge I don’t think is possible, I’ll instead go with my Undead Kul’tiran, Omja, even if I haven’t been able to RP them for a while, as I have a proper list of characters for her.


So firstly we have Rafaam, as I can’t really put the entire Dalaran Heist in as an option, so might as well go with who came up with the plan. Just something about this guy gathering a bunch of other villains, and moments before they land in Dalaran, he only then tells them the plan because “I didn’t think I had to, it’s perfectly obvious!”, to which said plan is invade one of the most secure cities in Azeroth, guarded and lead by some of the planet’s most powerful magi, with a league of grouped up villains so that he may then kick the city’s residents out, and strap a set of giant goblin rockets onto the city to quite literally steal it for all its got, and use it as his organization’s mobile base of evil was just… It was so absurd as a plan, yet he thought it’d be perfectly obvious just seemed so amazing to me, so Omja consistently thinks of a bunch of dumb plans that would by all likely-hood fail, but to her seemed perfectly logical and obvious.

Next is “Dale Gribble” from King of the hill, who’s name I had to search up because I only knew him as the “pocket sand guy”, and that’s really all he is here. He’s a dude who threw sand, and that combined with the “perfectly obvious” view of Omja’s planning just came together, making someone who believes its a completely logical and effective method of strategy to carry dirt in her pockets so that she may throw them at people in-case she must defend herself.

In third is Daelin Proudmoore, seeing as how Omja sees him as the leader Kul’tiras needs and should still have, and how her opinions on him as well as what happened during and after his death is very important to her.

In fourth is Starscream from Transformers Prime. A cowardly and somewhat brittle looking person who acts on their own interests, who also deserted their faction to go on their own, only to realize it was a horrible time and went searching for a group to side with after that realization are all things that apply to Omja to some degree.

Then there’s Peacekeeper from For Honor, who’s here as while I didn’t directly think of them while I was coming up with Omja’s concept, them both being a leather wearing character who uses a sword and a parrying dagger, as well as sometimes a crossbow means I most likely took some “inspiration” on accident.

And finally the last part of the inspiration for Omja’s idiocy… Dumass. Don’t really have much more to say other than him, alongside Pocket sand guy and Rafaam, are the source of her “unique” tactical strategy and general thought process.



Basically a blend of chaotic ideas. She was originally meant to just be a little eccentric, but OOC happenings basically screwed up my brain after I had played her for a month or so, which resulted in her personality taking a bizarre and frankly entertaining route down into the depths of insanity before slowly crawling back up and becoming a Reasonable Elf Squire.

Obviously there are different characters out there that have subtly influenced her in some ways but none spring to mind. It’s more just the fact my brain turns in odd circles and produces things without the ‘real’ consciousness (i.e. what I perceive lucidly) realising what goes on. Maybe it’s just autism? Who knows…

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Okay illegally quoting myself BUT:

To add two more to the pile (to make 5 out of my 6!)

  • Three Dog, of Fallout 3 radio fame (because she too is all about bombastically fighting “The good fight!”)
  • The Wise Man, from Suckerpunch. Remember that movie? With the girls fighting WW1 German zombies, except not really because it all took place in her brain? Also they didn’t have any clothes? What a film that was. But yeah, there was an old guy in it who acted as their quest giver, and there’s definitely some Kaitylinn in there, because not only is SHE the quest giver to anyone who will listen, but turning to her crew and saying

“Loyalists. Dont worry about killing 'em”


“Cos they’re already dead”

With a cheeky grin is absolutely a thing kaity has done.

Tune back in for my final inspiration coming soon!


No need explanation!

Luna Lovegood
Ty Lee


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  • Daredevil from Marvel.
  • Garrett from the Thief trilogy.
  • Kivan from Baldur’s Gate.
  • The main character from a book I’m working on.
  • The Brigadier from Doctor Who.
  • Bullseye from Marvel.
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Certainly an interesting pair of characters to take inspiration from considering their history…

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Honestly though most were my original ideas rather than direct inspirations but still those apply to a degree that at least they share some vibes.