60$ price for 1 character boost is outrageous

I think what should be considered is that the Character Boost price is the same as it was when max level was 120. Looking at things objectively the pricing is double of what it logically should be.

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It’s a predatory marketing trick very common to f2p games.

This is how it works: you put offers into your ingame shop at a ridiculous price. E.g. ONLY a character boost (nothing else) for 60$. You don’t really expect people to purchase it; if they do, well ok, but it’s not the reason it’s there. THEN you put another offer into the shop, preferrably time-limited, with extras: like, buy a Shadowlands copy, get this character boost + a whole expansion on top of it and a month of gametime and all of this for 40$. People seeing this are thinking: this is much cheaper and I get more things for 2/3 the price of this ridiculous boost-only offer I should definitely buy this instead of the 60$ boost. The fact that you don’t actually need another copy of Shadowlands and can’t use the month of game time on your main account is part of the trick too. Problem here is: you don’t really need either the boost itself or the boost+expansion. But there’s a much higher chance you’ll spend your money if you see there is a ““beneficial”” offer in the shop.

Tldr: don’t waste money on this.

Sorry to burst your bubble but if you are going to try and compare a 60 euro character boost to a mobile game then you may as well compare a mobility scooter to a Porsche 911…


I’m comparing a $60 boost to a $40 boost+SL copy, nothing else. Yes, you can’t compare Actiblizzard to mobile game developers (at least Blizzard don’t manipulate shop prices depending on your purchase history), but this trick is a well known and widely used one.
Edit: edited out the game name so it doesn’t distract from my point of view on this tactic.

$-a-level…bargain, for the money-rich, time-poor.

Simple solution to the whole subject…If you want to level then level, if you want to spend the money for the boost then do so, It is up to the individual whether or not they deem it value for money.


If you really want to, you can get a max level char in a few hours. I wouldn’t even buy it for 10€. I still have a few chars I’m yet to get to level 50, while sitting on a level 50 and a level 48 boost from expansions, just not wanting to use them.

But as for the price: I see the high prices as a way to have those things for those who really want them, but to make it unattractive as it’s not the way the game should be played. Just like anything else like server transfers, name/race changes, those are things that go against the spirit of games such as WoW, so there is a high price on them so people don’t use them on a whim.
The cheap boost you can get with an expansion is mainly for new players/returners/people wanting to start anew (new char, maybe new server) in the expansion so they can immediately play its content.

Plus, level boosts are pure luxury, so I think the price is perfectly fine.
And you can even buy them with gold if you don’t want to spend the money.

But then again, you don’t want an explanation for the prize, and you don’t care about a discussion, you just want people to agree with you, so why even bother with someone like you.

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Yeah it’s steep but it really doesn’t take long to level and levelling often helps learn your class/spec.

You are correct that the price is ridiculous and outrageous but the best way to handle it is to not buy a boost.

As for the explanation of the price don’t look too far : it is simply the price that maximizes revenue = demand x price.

If they dropped the price to 10 euros they probably would not multiply demand by 6 so would end up losing money, and if they increased it to 600 demand would drop more than tenfold so they would also lose money.

I guess 60 euros is the right « balance » in that way.

I find I inevitably don’t like the character anyway. The only exception is my main here, whom I boosted in Legion. Every other character ends up on the shelf.

Why would you buy Character Boost in SL?
Just to be time-gated?

I know right?
When you can actually level up character for free in a few days.
It’s not even hard.

All character services are ridiculously overpriced and have been since the day they were added.
Sure you can say, ‘leveling is fast!’ Or ‘keeps players from hopping back and forth!’
Sure. But no. Its a cashgrab plain and simple.

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It’s totally overpriced, yes. At least now. With the level squish and therefore the decrease in time one needs to level they should also have at least made it half the former price.
Only logical: You more or less pay for time saved with the char boost; since that time is less now, is should also cost less.

I’m confused to exactly how you reached this thought train :rofl:

It’s not a ridiculous overprice at all on a realistic level and only gains value when blizzard push it to a 60 boost on 8.1 or 8.2.

The prices of pixels are what you value them at. They are that price because people will pay that price.

For example. I earn more then enough per hour. To say I would earn the money for a boost before I could level a char to 50. So it’s good value for money if you see time as money.

It’s a well priced feature realistically. High enough to ensure you don’t got OTT on it and cheap enough to justify the hours it saves you.

Shadowlands copy isn’t limited time. U can buy BFA today still for a 45 boost. 🤦 there was a period of time BFA went on sale in 8.3 where u could buy several BFA copies for the same account and get itself a collection of level 40 boosts for 13 pound for example.

The reason it’s not rly sold on there to make long term sales on it is because by the time they introduced it the game was waay past its peak. And most have a Max level of every class

I have reached the account limit with the quantity of level 50+ chars I have I find it rather jarring to hear people not having this case

But it’s lvl 50. :wink: … If the time for 50-60 would be included, maybe 40 euro would feel okay. :stuck_out_tongue:

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When this expansion was making servers have spastic convulsions we got to transfer ‘for free’ to offload the realm.

Now we’re stuck on a semi dead realm and can’t go back unless we pay out of our backsides to get back to Draenor…

This expansion just made things worse and worse, it’s a cascading disaster.

aSK YOUR self this.
The Minimum wage is 9.56, atleast here, ( wich is btw about 5 euro’s short of a fair wage, but thats a whole different story)
On avarage, low paying jobs pay 10 euro per hour.
do you want to spend 6 hours of working to skip the leveling.
or just pick your favorite expansion and enjoy yourself doing that for 6 hours and hit lvl 50?
Think it about it

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I think most would agree that a boost is pointless atm with the lvl squish. I got some boosts in the past but rn I just level the toons I want, it’s a nice change of activity too.

But isn’t it one boost per account, as in you cannot add another SL license if you already have SL? I have never tried it myself as I have already bought the game and I still have the previous three boosts available should I wish to use them.