70$ for the deluxe edition... for a 14 year old game

So how long until wow token ? I say WOTLC !

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China already has them. They’re not far away lmao.

China’s market is very different in terms of MTX engagement though.

Deluxe edition price will probably be 60 euros for EU, or somewhere around that. It also includes 1 month game time(13e), 2 disgusting toys, 1 disgusting mount and 1 disgusting character boost.

So overall I would say that the pricing for the deluxe edition is reasonable. (taking the paid level boost abomination as a given here because everyone knows how much I despise that)

35 e for a clone to classic era, isn’t however, that is ridicilous.


I’d say the wow token will be out late tbc or if not definitely woltk, also the boost cap removed.

Slowly* add miro Transactions…like a frog in a pan of water with the heat slowly turned up.


100% that will happen.

Actually the beta is 60% riding speed on a boosted character, Journeyman.

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Why are Blizzdrones like this? Since when is $15 a month “free”?


You missed the point, that they talk about the mount from the Deluxe Edition. Not about the Riding Skill of the boosted Char.

This was about price of a game aside of subscription.
Price for basic tbcc is zero euro, deluxe is 70.
Read before insulting.


It’s so cheap it’s almost rude not to buy it :wink:

-Blizz making crap content, losing players but getting revenue from whales buying store stuff

-Players stop buying store stuff, blizz would actually have to deliver better content to gain players for bigger revenue

I dont think it requires huge amount of brain cells to figure out which option would be better. Unbelivable

“Its my money I choose how to use” Damn right though :smiley:


Why even bother playing?
When people can just buy what you fairly tried to unlock.
It’s a huge turn off for players, it chased a lot of people away from retail who didn’t return until Classic and it will chase them off again

It devalues everything else in the game. It’s like you had an amnesia and forgot what was started in WotLK with a store mount.

Odd, I don’t remember all this commotion when Blizzard released a Collector’s Edition for Vanilla with a pet reward, back in 2004


They saved it for when they released the deluxe addition of TBC with a pet in 2007, and then again when the TCG added loot boxes to the game.

Wait, my bad, no they didn’t.


It’s one character and the amount that the skill costs is negligible.

They don’t - that is what this thread is. You are the one failing to grasp that :smiley:

We soon belong to China, Activision is so smart.

You know the biggest joke here that the collectors edition was half the price of this one and it was a brand new game at that time.

Actually laughing at the mental gymnastics here