8.2.5 notes out -- no nerfs to how long it takes to get essences on alts. What?

Hold on a second. Hold. On.

It’s nearly impossible to get R3 on alts as of now and 8.2.5’s out without any news on nerfs to acquiring essences on alts.

Just to put it in perspective, for CnS, you need 1600+ on all characters to get the essence in 5 weeks. < 1600 is 7 weeks. Aegis of the Deep is ~2 weeks if you no-life, 1 month if you just play at a decent level. Same with virtually everything else.

This is not ok. I can’t play any alts at any decent level because I don’t do anything with essences.

Enough time’s passed now that it doesn’t give you a competitive edge to have 3-4 geared alts.

How did you guys forget about this?


I quit because of that. Good to know there is no reason to come back. Especially seeing how long it takes and there is no catch-up.


You don’t need your bis essence on ur alts.


I came late to BFA, I have completely given up on all that grinding :rofl: By the time I get on par with others we have 9.0 :stuck_out_tongue:

Really though, I dislike a LOT of things about BFA, so I just quest and do casual stuff while I wait for 9.0

After Legion and the outrage about how alt-unfriendly it was, and how relatively fast they changed that. I am actually surpriced that they continue the style… just worse in this expansion.


Them changing it now would be the same as admitting they made a mistake by adding essences so late in the expansion

If essences were a thing from the start people would have had a long time to farm them already, but farming them simply isnt worth the huge time required grinding them since alot of people already played plenty of bfa and have gotten tired of it. By the time they get their essences now they will either take a break or the expansion will be pretty much over. Especially so when it comes to people who main more than one char. I am not even bothering with them anymore

I’m literally spending my time collecting tmogs and preparing for the next expac. BFA content is meh and salvaged from previous Xpacs nothing new or interesting.

So all this essence grind, omg I just opened the thing and it looked a PITA to progress. Glad I didn’t and still don’t bother with it.

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The honor one (rank 3) would have bene earned even by only WPvP players (like my main) but right now I’m looking at an impossible hill/mountain to climb. Ever.

Pretty sure they didn’t forgot anything, when they announced the essence system Ion said there was no catchup system planned.

That’s a design choice at this point, and you’ll have to wait for 8.3 to drop for any change i’m afraid.

Whenever I play my alts(though very limited right now) I don’t even bother with the essences or care about the entire neck in general. If it makes my performance suffer a little so be it.

Hated the neck at the start, hate it now and when we get a new expansion I’ll gladly look back on BFA and think about how much I hated the HoA and everything connected to it.

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And the funny thing is, that necklace was meant to waken an octopus creature. So, it proves that this whole expansion is a waste…

Fully agreed. I don’t give a damn about the necklace. It’s a terribly implemented system and I’m just looking forward to it being deleted in the next expansion. Even on my main, I’m not bothered to unlock the 3rd slot.

I just hope that Blizzard finally learns that these expansion-specific game systems are annoying. They should focus on improving existing classes and talents.

exactly. and i wonder what 8.3 will bring? essences get sidelined and we have to grind crystals or something? its very bad.

exactly. they are going down this route on purpose. and Ion is a master of doubling down on rubbish.

they wont, as poster above said, they are doing this on purpose.

wait a sec, the 50k, 100k honors are not account bound achievements? i’ve not really played BfA the last month or so, but i would presume that as honor is account bound, that those achievements would be account bound. if they are not, then again this shows a PURPOSEFUL action to make it harder on alts.

aka making us grind more and log on more.

Funny enough I read the notes and didn’t even notice, even though making essences alt friendly would be something highly welcome.
However from several friends the missing reduction of recuirements for alts was the major thing they took away from these notes.

This system needs a catchup mechanic for people that unlocked the stuff on their main the grind is really killing alts for many.
And to those saying “you don’t need that on an alt”, true and you don’t need it on your main and people don’t need to min/max they will get better as time passes and they get more gear… and so on and so on… such arguments don’t get us anywhere.

Making a grind hard on your main: I am fine with that
Repeating on an alt: Nah this most likely will keep people from playing alts.
-> Just my assumption from my personal “bubble” :wink:


No need to have BiS gear on your alt. That’s why it’s an alt not a main and depending on the content you’re doing you don’t even need BiS essence on your main to compete. For some classes even the starting essence is really strong.


Sorry but I miss about 7k azerite power to hit lvl 65 neck. It took me about 3 weeks even with 5 days of vacation. It really doesn’t seem alt unfriendly to me.

Actually I came back after about half a year, leveled up this warrior and was pleasantly suprised how quick i was prepared to go HC raids.

Problem with alts is you still want to play your main, doing all you stuff AND play your alt. If you want to catchup fast you simply need to prioritise alt. Just stop doing WQs on main once you hit neck lvl 65 (it provides you close to nothing after this level) and focus on alt a little bit :slight_smile:

Stuff like this will only get in in 8.3 or 8.3.5. We’re not in the last tier yet.

Blizzard thinks they can keep us in the game longer by having grinds such as the Essences in place.

What they don’t realise is that people get tired of their ideas and just quit.


You basically need 3-4 essences for your class. You can completely ignore the rest. Why would you “grind” essences you don’t need?

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I play 3 chars and got rank 3 on all of them except the raiding ones because I stopped raiding last tier so it’s definitely possible, the question is how dedicated you are and whether you have the time to do it.

They didn’t forget, it was a design decision whether you agree with it or not is another story.

In my opinion rank 1 should have been account-wide.

Btw I am wondering what was the last alt friendly expansion? Count with leveling process too.