8.2.5 notes out -- no nerfs to how long it takes to get essences on alts. What?

I got:
a M+ with friends healer main (non meta),
a M+ pug healer main (meta),
a raid healer main,
a ranged dps main,
a melee dps main.

I know I probably do it wrong, but what the freak are my alts?

You just seem unsure about which one you want to play :thinking:

or just ignore them compeltly

what i woudl like is so those idiotic windows stop popping out - no im not gonna upgrade my neck and no im not gonna farm essences - i dont care about them on alts.

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I know exactly what I want to play, based on the content and what is needed :thinking:

Well, as a druid you can fit all roles. Ofc if you want to minmax every role you will roll best current melee dps, best current ranged dps and best current tank. But you can be pretty fine with balance, resto and guardian, can’t you? You don’t have to create alts for “what is needed”. You can just go with multiple sets of gear.

It’s ok to be done with a char, really. seems like the devs believe it’s not, and we gotta have a near infinite treadmill to keep us busy instead of being a source of fun as a game should be.


I’m fine with not making FOTM-rerolling trivial, even though I realize that this is not a popular opinion. Having a stable full of alts provides a number of advantages, and at times it felt almost mandatory to have alts.

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Sure, and then I end up eating my own face because of no fun at all.

Can also fill in paladin and monk for almost all of that, obviously. Since the pala is my friends M+ healer and the monk is the melee dps. So I have the classes, all with at least 57 hearth level (highest has 64 heart). I did have put work in them.

But I play for fun in the 1st place. Will open 4 weekly M+ (> 10) chests today too :slight_smile:

thats why theyre called alts … not mains. Put some effort in, if you want to play alts as well as your main.

You know a main is only a main if you play that the most, there ar epeople who do not have a main and play multiple chars equally. Its not even about bis.
And even when it is not about BiS because i certainly don’t care about BiS they are still a real pain to get/upgrade and quite often force you to do content you do not like at all to upgrade them or get a non crappy one


WoD was ok Alt friendly, unless you cared for the Garrision.
MoP was best!

There has always been things to keep up, grinds to keep doing, but before Legion, you could pretty much skip that on your alt, and just focusing on gearing it up to what you wanted it to be able to do.
Up till Legion I used to have One main I focused on, And then a LOT of alts to play random BG’s with when I was bored.

Since Legion, all that you work on and grind for, is in your GEAR, and thus the same grind is need for any alt.
And for you guys who sais that you don’t need BiS for alts. I can tell you that you NEED BiS for things even like Random BG… If you wanna be able to even make a dent in someones armor, at least. In Legion at Least we had templates for Random BG.

They didn’t. They clearly stated BEFOREHAND that they wouldn’t make it easier to aquire. It will remain as is.

Meh, rank 2 essences are not hard to get in most cases and those do the job for regular alts more than fine.

Do we really always need BiS items a.s.a.p/instant on every char and any spec?


the worst part about the honor essences achievements for example for me is, i easily got that much honor earned already on 2 of my chars this expansion. but it didnt even count for the damn achie

Yeah at the moment it’s either nothing much to do in BfA (raid on halt, 65 neck level, 441 ilvl which is enough for me, and required essences), or…

Grind all of this again on an alt.

No way in hell I’m going through this grind again.

Why not ask for account wide gear when you are at it_?


nice bait mate i almost took it


I am unsure of this. I know they said something but was this about the essences as a whole or about the Rank 4 ones? (Just honestly unsure about this one :slight_smile:

WoD was alt friendly, if for no other reason, but because the game had such little content there wasn’t much else to do.

MoP was the last expansion with actual alt-friendly mechanics.

grinding abilities is not the same as grinding gear, and essences are not gear even if they’re tied to the neck. Most of it is also time gated for no reason so yes either remove all the time gating or make them account bound, they’re boring and a band-aid anyway almost no one really cares.

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