8 delves per week is way too much

It’s unreasonable to require 8 delves per character to maximize the great vault reward every week. Delves are completely scripted, repetitive and become less challenging every day. It’s over. We did the delves enough times already. Let us be done with them more quickly.

Imagine someone who actively plays 5 characters. That person would have to do 40 delves per week. What a nightmarish thought that makes shivers run down the spine!


Still preferable to doing 8 m+ though. Fungal folly takes me anywhwre from 5-8 minutes per run so atleast its kinda quick.


It would be nice to have an account wide great vault “discount” once you fill up your vault on one character, and maybe further if you then do so on another. Let’s say you do 8 on the first character, then the next character would only need to do 4 to fill the vault, and if you do those 4, any following alts would only need 2 each. I don’t do delves but would love this for M+.


With so many qq about delves i #doubt it gonna make it the rest of the 2 expac.


You are not forced to do 8 delves or play 5 characters.


Sure, the delves receive a lot of criticism, but rightfully so. They are not even close to what was promised. In some aspects they are the complete opposite. Remember when they were advertised as adventures based on freely exploring and making interesting choices? In reality delves are fully scripted and have to be completed in the exact same way every time. No meaningful exploration or choices to be found. In most cases, delves are non-challenging corridors with small empty side paths.


I don’t need to imagine that, I’m playing 6 characters. If I imagined that it would be less than what is happening.

Damn. I’m so sorry. You must have amazing willpower.

Beyond amazing. :sunglasses:

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So, here’s the thing.

Once you have all gear at 606 or above, the 6 tokens you get from filling the Vault slots are equivalent to getting a 616 item of gear because you can buy all the crests you need to take the 606 to 616. And as for tier rewards in the Vault… by now you can get 3 catalyst charges for free and soon a 4th.

To fill the Vault slots to get the tokens you can do world events and low level delves. So you don’t really need to do 8 delves at all. If you’re still waiting in the 4th tier peice it’s only two more weeks and you’ll get it gratis.


Nobody is forcing you to run around with either enchants, gems or use consumables either.

But you are welcome to pay insanely over inflated AH prices for those items.

What’s that?

You dont have gold?

Buy a token.

Or have an army of alts so you make all that stuff yourself.

Sure, i dont have to level the alt once proffs are done.

What if i want to?

Nobody is forcing anybody to do any of that yet we all do it. Well, some of us. Otehrs just use their wallet and blizzard makes the game hard just for them.

What was promised tho? :smiley:

Wild, takes me about 30 min on my main to do a Tier 8.

I don’t look up best practices or anything like that to miaximise things. I just go in there and clear everything methodically, as fast as my DPS will allow.

I’m the target audience though, and I think half the point should be that you don’t have to put in too much effort as a solo/casual player.

OP is right.

Furthermore, they should add more things you could do to fill that row, like gathering.


You have plenty options to fill your vault…

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Why should a solo/casual play not have to put in effort? I mean you get nice gear from the vault (otherwise no one would care) so why should you not put effort in?

The other vault tracks require some effort to fill them so why should the solo track be free loot?

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Not all enchants have that crazy price.

You dont need to buy the r3 enchants.

Most r1-r2 enchants goes for a few gold, max 1-2 thousands. R2 leg enchants go around 100 gold.

Anything is better than nothing.


Or severe case of addiction.


No one is forcing you to play 5 alts and fill their vault and no one is forcing you to do delves if you don’t like them. Keep doing m+ or raids if that’s what you like.


Imagine someone having 10 characters…80 delves and so on…

What about mythic + or raid same apply to every character .

No one is forcing you to play or have 13245667 characters… This is a game and you act like this is a job …


Why do 8? Double the work for only 1/3 more options to chose from; I only do 4 per character and always had a viable “heroic” item to grab thus far, for some alts even 1 is enough. You can only pick one item in the end anyway.

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