8 delves per week is way too much

The game should not be tailored around people wanting to mantain 5 characters.

Besides that, you simply have poor organization skill.
If you play a lot of characters you should sacrifice multiple choice in vault in favor of actually getting more vault out on more characters without investing too much time into each.

If you think 40 delves are too much then cut them down to 4. Still 2 choice per char with half the time spent.

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filling vault by delves on my 6 active chars… best value is doing 4, daily 4 bountifuls and it is done, less than hour

Its like putting your hand in fire and whining that it hurts. Who on earth has time and patience to play that much with something they don’t like. It ever occured to you that doing less maybe gives you better results? Or just you know… play less in general?

im playing atm 7 characters and doing 56 dvelves a week :wink:

its repetitive but still beats m+ at this point due to how overewarding it is.

you can always o for 2 GV slots not 3 then its much less gameplay .

i do have a blast playing my alts though :slight_smile:

dont play solo . play in 5 man . then you do them in under 10 minutes. especialy if you make 605 or 610 + group :slight_smile:

plenty of those around already :slight_smile:

as tank / healer you have instant invites :slight_smile:

No it is not too much, in my opinion. If you dont like it, you can do a whole lot of other options.

M+ is the same.


All content is the same (well, except PvP, though no vault for those people anyway)


I’m doing 2 delves a day usually and you have an entire week for this.
Even on T9, they take roughly 20 minutes to complete as Prot warrior and still give crests/gear when doing so.

You can do 2 delves, reward will be the same. And if you don’t like delves, you can run +3 keys or heroic raid.

It has never been this fast to fill the vault and get a chance of hero track items so early in the season and people still moan???


who is forcing you to do 8 delves let alone to do them on all your alts?, i do 2 on my main just to unlock 1 vault lock on my alts i just do the world boss and the rest is RNG some weeks i get something some weeks i don’t, that’s the game.

Lillith before m+ released: delves will be dead in a week, no one will do them when m+ comes out.

Lillith now: living in delves.


Most accurate thing ive seen today

56 delves per week? You’re crazy! My hat’s off to you for that endurance. How many of those delves are truly fun though? Two? Maybe Four at most? Be honest. You CAN’T possibly enjoy all 56 of them.

well yes ?

because i severly underestimate the tuning of m+ on ptr :slight_smile:

i mean i knew its gonna be bad. but i never imagined its gonna be that bad :slight_smile:

i have 1 rule - if something is not fun frustrating i dont do it sincei play wow to have fun :slight_smile:

at 1 point i will push for portals on 1 char - but for now i cba :slight_smile: and i see that a lot of people opted out of m+ too .

most of them ?

the only frustrating ones are when i get like 620 itlv mages who do like 200-300k dps :slight_smile:

or when you have 2 dps below you as tank

but since they are a joke - it doesnt really matter that much . if those were m+ it would be super frustrating experience leading to me leaving most of keys - but in dvelves ? dont really care

You are saying straight to my face that you ENJOY “most” of your 56 delves per week? Completely honest? No lying at all?

This is that same problem so much content in WoW has. The players will only do it for gearing. And they over-do if they can in order to get gear.
If content gives really good gear and that’s the only source of that gear (legendary etc) then it’s a forced chore torture.
If the gear is not very good gear then the content is useless and why would anyone run that worthless content.

Every aspect of the game is seen through this lens of gearing.
Doesn’t matter if the content is fun or gives achievements or titles or anything else.

It is harming the game so much. The devs have to give gear from pretty much everything. And if it’s too much gear players in M+ or Raiding will complain.


I only do 2 delves on a few of my chars if im bored and have nothing else to do. No way i’ll ever do 8 delves on any char :sweat_smile:

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