9 years with the same talent system

What even makes you think that I don’t enjoy retail?

I just have other things to do right now.

You aren’t arguing with somebody who dislikes retail.

Fish achievements are under a different category, one that you actually have more achievements in than I do.

You can’t have been raiding for that long if you have such little raid achievements ^^

Unlike you I do not base the validity of my arguments on how many people agree with me. They stand perfectly solid on their own.

…okay, soo…? who cares how many people share the opinion? That doesn’t make it more or less valid, which is something that you seem to not understand.

Clearly Blizzard disagrees.

See? …You couldn’t even come up with an argument against my suggestion. That shows how weak your position really is.

No it’s not. They have stated that there’s not going to me a point-system such as Artifact or Azerite.

To enjoy it, first you have to play it.
If you enjoy it, you dont ask classic talents trees to it… You play classic instead.

Im being ironic to the casual achievements lol.

You literally have 3 curve achievs yet my achievs are low? lol

Yeah ultra solid: Make retail talent system like classic just because i like it.

It is less valid when people that play retail and that dont include you, played retail and did not start classic like you.

If you want talent trees = classic.
Retail system was/is/will be different. You gotta live it with it.

Yeah sure, let it come and we will see the grind fest xD

I dont argue with people that wanted classic, they got classic, then they want to transform retail to classic.
Special snowflakes are not to be taken serious, at all costs.

Let it come, because you obviously didnt see enough of it.
You simply wont be able to spam content for rewards. Like islands.

I have.

Even if I enjoy it to a certain degree that doesn’t mean that one can’t still ask for improvements.

You’re being incredibly shallow.

Do you mean “indifferent”?

Far less raid achievements than I do, so yes?

I never said that, once again you’re pulling things out of context.

I play retail. I have played retail for 15 years.

The validity of ones argument is not based on how many people agree or disagree with them.

There’s more to Classic than grinding.

Legion and BfA are both arguably just as, if not more grindy than Classic is, just different ways.

I’m not even part of that group so why do you even bring that up? It’s entirely unrelated. I definitely do not want to turn retail in to Classic.

That does however not mean that the current talent tree is not worse than the Classic one because the fact remains that it is worse.

If you believe that it’s not worse then give me some real points on where it’s superior, then we can have a real conversation.

Sadly I think that we both know that you’re unable to do that.

Of course I’ve seen enough of it. We all have.

Asking classic implementations is not improvement for anyone that plays retail.

No i mean ironic about the silly achievs that people collect that have absolutely no worth to me honestly ^^

At this point, i think you really trolling. There is no other explanaation im afraid xD

When you compare it to classic and you want elements of classic added like trees, that is not out of context. Arguing with the obvious?

Yeah i see xD

That was about shadowlands not classic.
Classic is afk after a point.

Your fact, irrelevant for me for example. Next?

Highly doubt that there can be a real conversation with you xD

Anyone that thinks leveling is SL will be more challenging or fun than it is now is just fooling himself.

This game has become so much about endgame and so much about “current patch” that no matter how they squish levels or how they shatter talents and abilities every few levels it will not change anything.

People will still ask for xp buffs, run dungeon boosts, buy level boosts or cry for more hairlooms. People will still moan on the forum how dare Blizzard force players to spent a couple of days on leveling in an MMORPG game.

No, leveling will not matter in retail anymore, no expansion can save it.

And yeah, current talent system is outdated.

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I never asked for a classic implementation.

Right, so you meant that you’re indifferent to them. “ironic” means something else.

I’m not. You say that I’m not doing any PvE but I definitely am. Over the years I have done far more PvE than you have, my achievements clearly back that up.

Just because you are unable to accept that doesn’t mean that I didn’t do any PvE.

This expansion? Perhaps – but only because I have more fun things to do rn.

I’m talking about how the Classic talent tree is designed. It has far more options, It’s far bigger, there’s way more builds that you can make with them (whether they’re high-end viable or not is irrelevant here).

Its only flaw is that you’re not able to respec quickly which is something that they could change rather easily by allowing you to respec individual talents without a cost, such as with the retail system.

This does not mean that I want the literal Classic Talent Trees copy-pasted in to retail WoW, like you seem to claim I do.

I just want a more in-depth system that allows for much more customization because what we currently have is quite frankly rather pathetic.


It’s relevant to you as long as you’re participating in the conversation on this topic.

A fact is a fact, you can’t change that. You’ll have to deal with it if you want to have a conversation on this topic.

You can not just choose to ignore facts that you do not like and at the same time still have a conversation.

I’m trying to have one right now but you’re far too stuck up on the whole delusional “LUL U JUST WANT CLASSIC”-thing.

You’re being very difficult.

After 120 replies, you still insist to force me to your own beliefs?
I can assure you that even in 1 million more replies with your special pink unicorn answers, wont make it.

Are we done?
Cant waste my time on you just because you seem to have plenty and keep asking the same questions again and again arguing with the obvious.

I know you have nothing to do on classic and thats not my fault.

You have no choice but to listen to my own beliefs because I can’t speak for other people. I can only speak for myself, so when I say that I am not asking for a literal classic-feature to be copy-pasted into Retail then you have no option but to believe it.

You refuse to get it so I’m stuck having to try and explain it to you over and over.

That’s on you.

True i’m saved for the week :frowning:

There must be something wrong with your diet, skip the mushrooms i guess!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nobody cares.

Give it a rest buddy, you’re trying too hard.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
The new forum Fuhrer has been found:

blizzard realized the truth in mists of pandaria,
SPEC SYSTEM DOESNT MATTER. no matter which spec system we will have, everyone will still do the same for best results.
at the end of the day, the game progress is about quests and items.


TL; DR on this topic is always the same… nothing will ever be right or good enough.

In some twisted world, every game seems like it has to be a 100% clone of everything else… because too many people want too much from too many experiences to ever be totally happy.

That said, there are increasing numbers of people who play games that are losing their ability to choose what they do like & stick with it… learn to recognise ‘loss of interest’ & associate it with being perfectly OK to walk away.

The more options you have for any given pastime - video gaming, in this instance - the more pools you dip your toe into, the harder it is to get any enjoyment.

Wanting something to change because it hasn’t in any amount of time isn’t directly the fault of the game… it’s part of a deeper problem that you either don’t see or refuse to acknowledge.

Many people weren’t happy with this talent system the day it was implemented. It just wasn’t listened to at the time.

A thread like this pops up every now and then again. Has done so for years.

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I know this is sensitive subject for many who hates change.

However, I request you all to think about that.

It is 9 years for a system that was untouched. A system that certainly has flaws and can be improved further. Let us not forget now we had 2 expansions which added zero new talents to this system.

I hope Blizzard considers changing this obsolete system, we want a system that suits RPG games more.

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In the last two expansions the ‘talent tree’ has been baked into either your artefact weapon or neck so there has been one there just not as obvious.

I think a return to the old talent trees would be a step backwards rather than forwards but I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to a revamp.

How is still a step backward.

I mean they tried something new to solve an issue, that did not solve it. Also it introduced problems in the game. Reverting back is better than just remaining still.

because going back to the previous system is still going backwards.

And staying with worst system is going forward?