9 years with the same talent system

I didn’t say that.

both iterations of the talents are horrible and should be removed from the game

make the usefull abilities baseline and get rid of all the fillers no1 picks instead of giving the feeling specs are incomplete because of the forced talent spells/abilities to fill the slots

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I loved the old talent tree. not everyone want to be “optimal” but play for other reasons. For example, I played Atonement when it was introduced in Cata and loved it even though it wasn’t cookie cutter.

I used to think we should go back to the old ones but then I played classic and realized the new ones are actually much better



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The only thing he’ll say is that the retail ones are easier and far cheaper to change on-the-fly.

That’s the only actual difference between them.

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How about the total lack of player progress in the new one? You know that is a must in MMORPG games.

I know, that’s my main argument in favor of the old ones.

That, and customization.

The old talent tree was one of the best things to ever happen to WoW. It was simply incredible fun to mess around with. Sure, some classes and specs might’ve had an objectively best build, just as you do now. But one didn’t hinder themselves greatly if they didn’t run one. There were so many options to pick, so many different ways to build your character. I feel like with the loss of the old talent trees, we lost a level of character customization they’ve been trying desperately to bring back into the game ever since with systems such as artifact weapons, Azerite traits, Essences, etc. There just isn’t enough options with the new system, even if all the talents themselves were balanced. With the new system, I don’t know how exactly my character works, because I didn’t choose for it to happen. Some times things just light-up on my bar, I press them and am non-the-wiser about why it did it. Also, it’s nothing short of infuriating that the new system feels like they ripped an integral parts of a spec out just so they could make it a talent, and now are making you choose which fundamental mechanic of your class you’d like to have back (looking at you, druid form abilities). The fact that as a Balance druid in PvE, 3/7s of my talents are virtually useless, doesn’t help things either.

The talent tree change was, in my opinion, the absolutely worst change ever brought into WoW. I just can’t say enough bad things about it. With that said, we all know we’re never getting the old talent tree system back, and that saddens me deeply.

Just like with the removal of tier sets and dumbing down everything in general: Blizzard don’t know how to balance it so they just remove or reduce it to bare bones.

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Removing tier sets in place of Azerite traits didn’t dumb it down - it just made it needlessly complicated and irritating.

When you have a choice there will always be a best option. Old talents or new.
Both have positive and negative points to look at.
I do like the system that is used in GW2 myself. But that combat system is based around what weapons you use, so it’ll be a bit tricky to use in WoW

It’s a bit naff when my 4 year old could set my talents for me…

I think it’s needs to be more complex with much more variety.

Not this complex mind… heads could explode :laughing:

  • Current system is old and therefore bad.
  • Bring back the old one because it’s good.

Nice thread, keep it up!

Incredibly fun to mess around with until you ran out of gold…

Where? Me? How?

Oh wait, I should not expect better from 3 buttons class.

I think a mix of both current and old system would be good.

Every 15 level you get a talent like the modern talent system, but every level you gain a lesser point for an old style talent system that increases Stat ratings, movement/mount speed etc with certain %.

Says the hunter.

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Age doesn’t matter, what matters is if its good or not. If you make age into a deciding factor you’d end up with: change for the sake of change. Which I thoroughly hate and it seems to be more prevalent these days in anything design like.

I still feel like the rows aren’t that great if you want to change up playstyles. I had more fun with the older talent system. Yes I’d run FotM builds but I’d also do experimental/task specific builds.

When it comes to FotM builds I just don’t see what’s so different these days. Nearly everyone uses the same kind of build. And if you don’t, like me (running a S&D build on my rogue since I hate RtB). You gimp yourself… mm… wasn’t this system supposed to be different? :>

Survival is way more complex than Unholy/Frost. Try again.