Hi Fellow Warlock,
You will see all others class talent revamp here : https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/90-ideas-for-complete-talent-revamp-for-all-class/122538
I will introduce to you the complete rework of Warlock Demonology (not official).
Summary :
We will talk about Demonology Spec. Demono are master of demon, so all their gameplay must be around them. In BFA, Demono has changed in a right way but it’s always missing somthing really important to me. Lock Demono like it is now and previous expansion are always about one demon only, Felguard.
And here is the big issue here. As a Lock Demono I have 5 demons (Felguard, Felhunter, Succubus, Voidwalker and Imp) to control and i should play with the demon I WANT depending on the situation i’m in. Not just Felguard because he does everything better than others.
So Every demon must have 2 core skill: 1 cc and 1 special abilitie.
So i will list now the baseline skill that should be there (for me) to have this kind of freedom of choice. Shadow Bolt is an iconic spell of Demonology.
Take a look at the talent picture here : https://ibb.co/HPzkqZW
Baseline Warlock Affliction Change
Demonic Circle
2% of base mana / 0.5 sec cast / 10 sec cooldown
Summons a Demonic Circle for 15 min. Cast Demonic Circle: Teleport to teleport to its location and remove all movement slowing effects. You also learn: Demonic Circle: Teleport. Teleports you to your Demonic Circle and removes all movement slowing effects.Curse of Weakness
1.25% of base mana / 40 yd range / Instant / 45 sec cooldown
Reduces the target’s attack power by 30% for 10 sec.Imp
30 yd range / Instant / 45 sec cooldown
Disarm the enemy’s weapons and shield for 6 sec. Disarmed creatures deal significantly reduced damage.Singe Magic
30 yd range / Instant / 15 sec cooldown
Burns harmful spells, removing 1 harmful Magic effect from an ally.Succubus
30 yd range / 1.7 sec cast / 30 sec cooldown
Seduces the target, disorienting for 30 sec. Damage will break the effect. Only usable against Humanoids.Whiplash
10 yd range / Instant / 25 sec cooldown
Whips the ground, knocking back all enemies within 5 yards.Felhunter
Spell Lock
40 yd range / Instant / 25 sec cooldown
Counters the enemy’s spellcast, preventing any spell from that school of magic from being cast for 6 sec.Devour Magic
20 Energy / 30 yd range / Instant / 15 sec cooldown
Purges 1 beneficial magic effect from an enemy. If an effect is devoured, the Felhunter will be healed for x% and gain 60 Fel Energy.Voidwalker
20 Energy / Instant / Instant / 15 sec cooldown
Maims the enemy, reducing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.Shadow Bulwark
Instant / 2 min cooldown
Temporarily increases his master and current and maximum health by 30% for 20 sec.Felguard
Axe Toss
30 yd range / Instant / 30 sec cooldown
The Felguard hurls its weapon, stunning the target for 4 sec.Pursuit
20 Energy / 8 - 25 yd range / Instant / 15 sec cooldown
The Felguard charges an enemy, causing X Physical damage and increasing its movement speed by 30% for 8 sec.Demonic Gateway : TALENT NOW
Explicative Note: With this, Demono doesn’t need extra cc because they have already 5 (1 for each demon) and fear. Now we can talk about utilities and core gameplay of this spec which has a lot of depth.
It’s important to know the fact that Affliction has now baseline:
- 6 CC skill (Fear, 1 cc per demon).
- 1 Mobility skill (Demonic Circle)
- 2 Defensive cd (Unending Resolve and Soul Link).
- No Burst cd.
With this talent, Demonology (and the other classe) has 4 distintive playstyle, 1 for each demon (except voidwalker) and more if you combine talents. Here they are:
- 1 column: Playstyle based on your shadow damage and Succubus.
- 2 column: Playstyle Based on Wild Imp and Imp.
- 3 column: Playstyle Based on Dreadstalker and Felhunter.
- 4 column: Traditional Playstyle Based on your Felguard.
Now we can move to talent (8 tiers). READ carefully because a lot of talent has changed.
Tier 1: Ressource Management
Soul Conduit
Every Soul Shard you spend has a 25% chance to be refunded. You passively generate 1 Soul Shard every 1 min.
Power Siphon
Instant / 1 min cooldown
Instantly sacrifice to 2 Wild Imps to generate 2 Soul Shards.Demonic Calling
Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt have a 20% chance to make your next Call Dreadstalkers cost 1 less Soul Shard.
1% of base mana / 40 yd range / Instant
Inflicts impending doom upon the target, causing (100% of Spell power) Shadow damage after 30 sec. Generates 1 Soul Shard when dealing damage. Limit 1 target.
Tier 2: Base Skills Rotation
Maw of Shadows
Increases the critical strike chance of Demonbolt and Shadow Bolt by 15%.
Jaws of Shadow
Dreadbite increases damage taken from your Wild Imps’ Fel Firebolt by 10%.
Master Summoner
Reduce the cast time of your Call Dreadstalkers by 50%.
Grimoire: Felguard
Your Doomguard deals 10% more damage and has 10% more health.
Tier 3: Basic Gameplay
Pleasure through Pain
While your Succubus is active, your Shadow damage is increased by 10% and reduce the cast time of your Shadow Bolt by 0.5 sec Demonbolt by 2 sec.
The Expendables
While your Imp is active, your other Wild Imps are inspired and gain 1% additional damage each time it deal damage, stacking up to 10 times.
Sharpened Dreadfangs
While your Felhunter is active, your Dreadstalkers have a 20% chance to be enraged, causing each to deal (40% of Spell power) Shadow damage to its current target.
Soul Strike
50 yd range / Instant / 10 sec cooldown
Command your Felguard to strike into the soul of its enemy, dealing X Shadow damage. Generates 1 Soul Shard.
Tier 4: Defense
Open Link
Increases healing done by Soul Link by 30%.
Soul Skin
When your health drops below 20%, Soul Link increases to split 35% of all damage you take with your demon pet.
Demon Armor
Protects the caster, increasing maximum health by 5% and increases armor by 100%.
Sacrificial Pact
Instant / 2 min cooldown
Your demon sacrifices 75% of its current health to shield its master for 150% of the sacrificed health. Lasts 20 sec. Can be cast while suffering from control impairing effects.
Tier 5: Mobility
Burning Rush
Instant / 1 min cooldown
Increases your movement speed by 100% for 5 sec, but also damages you for 3% of your maximum health every 1 sec. Movement impairing effects may not reduce you below 100% of normal movement speed.Demonic Breath
Instant / 20 sec cooldown
Sends a cone of dark energy before you, reducing the movement speed by 70% of all enemy targets within 10 yards for 6 sec.Demonic Gateway
20% of base mana / 10 - 40 yd range / 2 sec cast / 10 sec cooldown
Creates a demonic gateway between two locations. Activating the gateway transports the user to the other gateway. Each player can use a Demonic Gateway only once per 1.5 min.Planeswalker
Reduces the cooldown on Demonic Circle: Teleport by 5 sec. Your Demonic Circle reduces the movement speed of nearby enemies by 30%.
Tier 6: Area of Effect (AOE)
Bilescourge Bombers
2 Soul Shards / 40 yd range / Instant cast / 30 sec cooldown
Tear open a portal to the nether above the target location, from which several Bilescourge will pour out of and crash into the ground over 6 sec, dealing (40% of Spell power) Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yards.Shadow’s Discord
Hand of Gul’dan has 20% chance to deal (4 * (10% of Spell power)) Shadow damage to all nearby enemies over 6 sec.
When your Dreadstalkers charge into battle, their Dreadbite attack now hits all targets within 8 yards and deals 10% more damage.
Demonic Strength
Instant / 1 min cooldown
Infuse your Felguard with demonic strength and command it to charge your target and unleash a Felstorm that will deal 400% increased damage.
Tier 7: Refine playstyle
Stolen Power
When your Wild Imps cast Firebolt, you gain an application of Stolen Power. After you reach 50 applications, your next Demonbolt deals 25% or Shadowbolt deals 50% increased damage.
Increases the critical strike chance of your Wild Imp’s Fel Firebolt by 35%.
Improved Dreadstalkers
Call Dreadstalkers now also summons 2 Wild Imp and Dreadstalkers now last 15 sec.
Inner Demons
You passively summon a Wild Imp to fight for you every 10 sec.
Tier 8: Burst
Sacrificed Souls
Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt deal 4% additional damage per demon you have summoned.
Demonic Consumption
Your Demonic Tyrant now destroys and absorbs the remaining power of all of your Wild Imps to empower himself.
Nether Portal
1 Soul Shards / 40 yd range / 2.5 sec cast / 3 min cooldown
Tear open a portal to the Twisting Nether for 20 sec. Every time you spend Soul Shards, you will also command demons from the Nether to come out and fight for you.Call Fel Lord
2 Soul Shards / 40 yd range / Instant cast / 1.5 min cooldown
Summon a fel lord to guard the location for 15 sec. Any enemy that comes within 6 yards will suffer (60% of Spell power) Physical samage, and be stunned for 1 sec.
I repeate that none of this is official. It’s just my personnal point of view of the spec but i truly think that a lot of classes need this particular attention.
Thanks for reading me.
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