Blizzard : When are you making Demonology Lock competitive again?

If demonology has to stay as puppeteer class, then it need drastic spec design changes and serious rework of C++ code that was used to fuel demonology abilities.

First, demonology need…no demands more control over his/her demons. Right now, we - demonology warlocks - is the most pet focused spec in the game, have least effective tools to control our demons.
Just look at these two clips

  1. Is how our demons respond on our commands, and what takes to force them to change their target.
  1. Is how easily Death knight control all his/her ghouls.

DKs have better controls over their minions while they are not so focused on the pet side of their gameplay.

There is another thing. Look at this monk spell.

We are interested in the last part of a spell description…

While active, casting Storm, Earth, and Fire again will cause the spirits to fixate on your target.

So monks have the best tool to control their minions, while our Tyrant, Dreadstalkers, Wild Imps, Vilefiends, Demons from Grimoire of Service, and demons from Nether portal and inner demons talents do not have such mechanic.

Blizzard what the fel is going on?
Is this that hard, to put 3 lines of code, into these spells?