Blizzard : When are you making Demonology Lock competitive again?

Sorry people but when you will understand class balance is gone and they will never “balance” the game again.
is more easy for them to have broken classes to make you buy lvl boosts.just my 3 cents take bm hunter they dps on the move they are doing insane dps but nobody “fix” them in turret mode.Why they ask money for lvl 110 boost they need to be free nobody is doing manual work to creeate them on the server.


Because staying mute and not complaining isn’t going to help.
We are simply voicing our concerns and bringing attention to issues that have been going on for long enough.

I admit this thread didn’t start off as constructively as it could, e.g. by giving examples of what should be changed, but there are some valid arguments made by others.


Why everyone think

  1. There is some class dev
  2. They care
    There is none. They dont care.

ah yes surviving for a second longer is somehow going to make this utter trash competitive
roger that


Blizzard needs to stop making pve rotations into PVP.

Nobody is playing Demo in pvp because you need to perform dozens of casts just so you can burst??

Remove shadowbolt cast , some expacks ago it was instant and had charges

Hand of guldan that SPENDS shards, needs to do damage, not 5k! WTF? Remove AOE dmg from it in pvp and increase damage for each shard that is uses.

Tyrant, instant cast with no imp consumption , just max damage as if it would consume the imps.

Give felguard spamstring or better a talent tree so we can talent it the way we want.

Better def cds and an escape move.

Make procs work of pets attacks, as of now , demo has the lowest chance to proc any passive procs that warlock has from gear and the neck.

Lets do that for all classes, Every class needs to cast PERFECTLY and then also need to cast their burst CD… sound fun right?

for like 10 seconds in PVP you do NO DMG at all with demo, who would want to play such class?? And if there is a melee on your face then you never do any damage at all.

Currently im trying all of the warlocks specs, and Destro is by FAAAAARRRR the easiest and strongest to play.

Destro has the best and easiest shard generation, best damage and burst, 2 schools of magic. No need to cast anything in order to burst. Instant infernal with a AOE stun that passively generates shards. Geee, why play demo or affly?

Look at the warlock from 60 to 120, what did we gain?

Mobility? no
Defenses? no
more CC? no, lol in fact we got less than in classic

for 60 more levels, lock got NOTHING

While other classes, got stuns,heals, mobility.

Mages got healing, rogues got healing, warriors got healing.

Warlock simply does not fit current wow play style at all, ever class is mobile and fast to play, current warlock feels similar or even worse than what it was in classic

Fix the damn class already, being a sitting duck with poop damage and no defensive moves or mobility is getting OLD and BORING.


I agree with you! Warlock’s playstyle is imo outdated. In a game that modernised a little, where every other class is fast paced and the gameplay is dynamic, warlock feels slow and old school. Which wouldn’t be too much of a problem if, at least, they had strong damage output. But they don’t even have that to compensate.
I wonder if blizz even realise how POWERFULL mobility and utitlities are in their own game. Feels like they keep “balancing” over damage on dummy while immobile classes should updamage those who have mobility and/or utility in terms of group content.
REwork and modernisation needed yesterday!!!

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the good old days when being immobile paid off hard once you got a lot of demonic fury and finally got to enter meta to do lots of damage and jump around spamming touch of chaos and chaos waves :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: garbage trash piece of **** game


In my opinion, demonology needs to go back to the days of cata/mop.

I can appreciate that not every class needs to be super mobile. But just look at our kit today vs our kit in past expansions.

We’ve lost instant hand of gul’dan, we’ve lost shadowflame (also a melee range instant 70% slow), we’ve lost fel flame, we’ve lost instant incinerate (through backlash), lost all the mobility and survivability that meta form granted us.

Demonology needs some of this back. It needs to step away from putting all the damage into tyrant and start giving the spec competitive damage outside of cooldowns.

I’m not asking for the class to be overtuned 100% of the time. But don’t make our dps spike by 500% during tyrant. How is that fair?

Even if I get a 12 imp tyrant out and it slams people for 150k a tick, that doesn’t feel good for me or them. It’s a stupid playstyle that’s way overtuned. If I win that game, you can bet your life savings they won’t let that happen again. It’s so easy to counter too, cc that tyrant boi and ggs.

The current demonology azerite traits don’t even allow us to branch out and try different playstyles. They lock you into the tyrant playstyle, because the rest of them are sh*t!

I’ve tried playing with the pleasure through pain talent choice but it completely removes our cc, our mortal strike and there’s nearly 0 azerite traits that can accompany it!

I want the class to change:

Soul Strike & Doom need to be baseline.
Have an ability that costs 5 soul shards. It would be great if this was an interrupt & empowered the next pet ability. Maybe the next soul strike, or the next felhounds or something… Maybe summon 5 imps… just something other than the current status quo.

Bring shadow flame back with the 70% melee range slow. We need it, the dot damage is nice too.


tyrant doesnt default to consuming imps, thats a talent choice people are making

If demonology has to stay as puppeteer class, then it need drastic spec design changes and serious rework of C++ code that was used to fuel demonology abilities.

First, demonology need…no demands more control over his/her demons. Right now, we - demonology warlocks - is the most pet focused spec in the game, have least effective tools to control our demons.
Just look at these two clips

  1. Is how our demons respond on our commands, and what takes to force them to change their target.
  1. Is how easily Death knight control all his/her ghouls.

DKs have better controls over their minions while they are not so focused on the pet side of their gameplay.

There is another thing. Look at this monk spell.

We are interested in the last part of a spell description…

While active, casting Storm, Earth, and Fire again will cause the spirits to fixate on your target.

So monks have the best tool to control their minions, while our Tyrant, Dreadstalkers, Wild Imps, Vilefiends, Demons from Grimoire of Service, and demons from Nether portal and inner demons talents do not have such mechanic.

Blizzard what the fel is going on?
Is this that hard, to put 3 lines of code, into these spells?


Blizzard clearly stated that they do not want us to play Demo.

Proof :

At this point it feels more like all the “extra” stuff is getting the attention instead of the base kits of every class and specc.

The extra stuff being temporary systems that are either not transferred between expansions (legion artifacts, legiondaries, Heart of Azeroth, essence traits, azerite traits, wq talent tree, visions talent tree.)

Also, considering that they now have quite clearly stated that they are going to focus on the class instead of the specc, it has become blatently obvious that the design direction doesn’t take into account how a specc “feels”. It has now become: “How can we make each class double down on their supposed strength?” This completely neglects any clunkiness the speccs are dealing with, and only adds to it.

The biggest offender of the above is, for demonology, the combination of a long setup time with a large penalty for failing said setup. Even the other offered “playstyles” do not allow us to work around this problem. Nether Portal has this problem, Demonic Consumption doesn’t help either, and Sacrificed Souls doubles down on the “you better set this up perfectly”-mentality by forcing you to get as many demons out AND keep casting as much as possible for 15+ seconds afterwards.

Demonic fury would help us a lot by providing a large resource pool. This would greatly improve our planning capabilities without hindering us in any way. But alas, blizzard considers this “too difficult for the players”. Even though they basically gave spriests demonic fury in the form of insanity, and having druids deal with 4 different forms of resources in total…

So yea, count me cynical at this point.


Wouldn’t say class balance is that broken, most of the issues aren’t anything to do with balance realistically.

I mean, it’s really normal for some speccs to not work in pvp, and that issue has existed longer then the boost has.

I mean it was quite normal for some speccs to not work In pve also. This has always been the case. Most classes see 1 or maybe 2 competitive speccs.

I wouldn’t rly say it’s any worse then when the boost didn’t exist, it’s just simply making every specc in the game work in both pve and pvp is impossible.

That’s why when you read/listen to anyone discussing what to main the advice given is “choose a class you like all the speccs to” because the game will expect you to swap speccs to remain competitive.

P.S this isn’t a defence to not buff classes to try and shift that balance, it’s merely saying I don’t think boost sales or anything is behind this. They don’t aim to have a broken game it’s just simply always existed and is one of the negative points to speccs existing,

Demo’s fine. It’s not OP, nor underpowered. It’s just good
at doing pure boss damage, without padding.

go destro problem solved

Players won’t accept that sadly, we as a player base have become more demanding :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean it’s always the case of simply playing the strongest specc. It’s always been that way but people like to pretend we once had more freedom in this xD

It’s never really existed tho, but yeah choosing a class and not a specc generally fixs the situation

Accept what? Like mages got all 3 specs that work in PvP?


Rogue and mage have never been below god tier class… there are clearly not the standart.
This is why i find their whole whining on DH for example, really laughable…

Destro is boring as hell. Like every specc.

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