As huge Demonology enthusiast, i must say - I love the IDEA behind current Demonology BUT, even with these talents changes (that looks really good, Kudos to you mister), puppeteer demonology is doomed because of ineffective tools of controlling our demons. As a puppeteer specialization - demonology has the most uneffective tools to control demons that he/she summons duirng battle. You can’t change target of your Tyrant, Dreadstalkers, Wild Imps, Vilefiends, Demons from Grimoire of Service, and demons from Nether portal and inner demons talents. While monk, and DK can do that with ease for their minions (army of the dead and elemental spirits).
Without changes to our control tools over our demons, any talent, spell and other changes that doesn’t involve a core redesign of the current Demonogy is DOOMED and useless, we will still be in the same dire situation.
I know that this is not popular idea among puppeteer desing lovers, but hear me out. Yes, the idea behind puppeteer demo is interesting, but truth be told, in the current state of the game and tech behind the game such desing is the dead on arrival. The share amount of bugs or desing flaws kills demonology - control over demons, AI of our demons, outdated gameplay desing of our demons and ETC. For us would be better if we recieve back MoP/WoD demo back, because that itteration of Demo had flawless gameplay desing that had GAMEPLAY dept, but was way more reliable on the technical level of implementation class design and class fantasy… and yes, for all of you who SCREAMS that it is not the Demo way to transform into the demons.
Just check the lore journal of Jubeka Shadowbreaker - one of the strongest warlocks of Black harvest.
Jubeka’s Journal day 36:
Remarkable! My first attempt to summon a higher order member of the legion failed as spectacularly as planned. The shivarra broke free almost instantly after Kanrethad completed the ritual.I expected the frail human to be struck down while I banished the creature. Instead, in the instant that the shivarra’s razor-sharp blades sliced through the air, Kanrethad’s form shifted and the blades bounced as if striking stone.
Unlike the typical form of metamorphosis, he did not complete the demonic transformation… perhaps his research has been more successful than I expected.
Or you can check this post of my old char.
and this one
You can look at my previous post about control over our demons.